Ordinance 223- 000 (9000 -
The Ylayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy, do ordain as follows, towit;
Sec. 1 - That The Municipal Code of the City of Gilroy be and the same
is hereby amended by changing section 241 to read as follows, towit:
`. " See. 241. The exterior walls of all buildings hereafter erected Vi
within the fire limits established by this Ordinance, and the exterior walls
Qf avy building erected in any part of the Oity, after it shall have been
included within the fire limits shall be made and constructed of brick, con-
crete, stone, or iron, with parapets or fire wall at least two feet above
the roof on all sides. All roofs of such buildings within the,fire limits
shall be covered with fire -proof materials and Ise constructed so as to afford
protection against fire.'"
Sec. 2 - That The Itunidipal Code of the City of Gilroy, be and the
same is hereby amended by changing Beetion 242 to read as follows, towit:
"Sec. 242, No building or structure ahall'be ereete�, enlarged, ohang-
ed, altered or repaired, Vin the fire limits of the City of Gilroy with -
outA having first obtained from the ":ayor and Common Council a permit so to
do. In order to obtain such a permit, an,"application therefor, in writing
must be filed in the office of the City Clerk. If for the erection or con -
struction of a new building or structure, the application shall state the
exact site selected for the erection of suah- i.mewabui3ding or structure,
together with the demensions of the proposed new building or structure, a
description of the material to be used in its construction, and an estimate
of the probable cost thereof and of the time necessary for the erection or
construction thereof. In case of enlargement, change, alteration or repair
of a building or structure within the fire limits of the City of Gilroy,
the application shall state the exact location of said building or structure
with a full description of the enlargements, changes, alterations or repairs
sought to be made, and a description of the nateria.ls to be used in making
such enlargements, changes, alterations or repairs and of the time necessary
therefor. When such an application has been filed with the City.Clerk he
shall immediately notify the chairman of the Fire Department Committee of
the Common Council, and the chief of the Fire Department of the f3ity of
Gilroy thereof, and thereupon it shall be the duty of the Fire Department
Committee of the Common Council and of the chief of the Fire Department of
the City of Gilroy, to investigate the plans and specifications of any pro-
posed new building or structure, amok 46 , and to inspect any building or
structure sought to be enlarged, changed, altered or repaired, and the plans
and specifications for the enlargement, change, alteration or repair thereof,
and report them to the 14ayor and Common Council. If said Lire Department
committee. or a majority thereof and the chief of the Fire Department of the
City of Gilroy, report in favor of granting said application, then the
Kayor and Common Council may issue a permit to be signed by the City Clerk,
giving permission to erect, enlarge,, alter or rellair such building or con -
struotion in conformity with the application previously filed in the office
the use of
of the City Clerk. Said permit may also authorizenone -third of the roadway
and one -half of the sidewalk in front of the premises where said building
or structure is to be enlarge€, changed altered or repaired and may also vl
limit the time for which permit shall continue. The Mayor and Common Eoun-
oil may.-zequire plans of any new building or structure, or specifications
for the enlargement, change, alteration or repair of any other building 6r
structure to be sabmaitted for inspection, and filed with the City Clerk
before it shall issue a permit. If work is not commenced on the proposed
new building or structure, or on the enlargement, change, alteration or re-
pair of any other building or structure within 35 days frora the date of the
issuance of such permit, the same shall be forfeited and void; provided,how�-
ever, the i ayor and Common Council may extend the time within which work
on the erection, enlargement, change, alteration,or repair of any building
may be commenced. The Fire Department Committee of the Comzion Council and
the C'-ief of the Fire Department of said city shall have discretionary
power to authorize minor or incidental repairs to be made to any building
or structure within the fire limits of the City when the cost of which re-
pairs will not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars, without requiring a
petition to be filed with the City Clerk by the owner or contradtor, and
without any action upon the same by the P.syor and Common Council, when in
the judgment of said committee and the chief of the Fire Department said
repairs do not increase the risk of fire, and the public safety is secured.
Said permit shall be in writing and signed by the chairman of the Fire
Department Aof the Common Council and the chairman of the Fire Department
Committee shall report to the Yayor and Common Council, at their next re-
gular meeting, the number of permits thus issued and the names of the
persons to whom such permits have been granted and the City Clerk shall
make a record thereof in the minutes of the meeting, No permit of any
kind shall be required by the -owner of the building for the purpose of re-
pairing any door or window therein, dv for making any change to inside
pattitionf,ps wills of any building, which change in inside partition wall
in no way, impairs the strength or safety of the building. Neither shall
any permit be required for the purpose of papering or painting the in-
terior of any building or for painting the exterior thereof.'
. Sea, 3 - That the Itunicipal Code of the City of Gilroy, be and the
same is hereby amended by adding new sections thereto, said sections to be
numbered and to read as follows, towit:
Seri, 243, "Whenever, in the judgment of the Fire Department and the
Chief of the Eire Department, any building, wall, chimney or smoke- stack,
awning or other appurtenances to a building shall, f=* Anyt,Aguse what6ver,
be ta' 16 iamxoue to pqrgons er p!; operty, or *hen any
� t btJJ&J- ng:.withJn - - -ths ' it lima t = b a.1, in the j e t - of ,the_.. said
domm I :tab 6 e. aid, ,said Chiof"be, d a$�8 b� :fire, ��a :gar; >�tbgr.:� se t�ia the
extent of 40 per cent, of its actual value, to be estimated upon the whole
of said property, the said Fire Department Committee and the Chief of the
Fire Department shall report the same to the Pylayor and Common Council and
if such report be approved the City Clerk shall immediately give notice
to the owner or owners of the building, or to his, her or their agents
or persons having control thereof, if the owners are non - residents or can
not be found, to remove the same forthwith; and the person receiving such
notice shall, within forty -eight hours, comply with the requirements
thereof. In the event of a dispute as to the amount of damage daused or
ev for any cause, between the owner and said Mayor and Common Council,
said dispute shall be determined by arbitration of competent mechanics,
the owner to select one arbitrator, the said Iiayor and Common Council
the other; and in case that the arbitrators so chosen can not agree they
shall select a third arbitrator, amd their decision shall be final; all
expense of the arbitrations to be paid by the owner,"
"Sea, 844. Any owner, agent, builder, contractor, sub - contractor
or employee, or other pergon.who builds, alters, changes or repairs any
building within the.'#T,%I=ts in violation of any of the provisions of
The T.unicipal Code of the City of Gilroy relating -#o the erection, alter-
ation or repairs of buildings within the Odid fire limits,shall be pun-
fished by a fine not exceeding bnib:,bundred dollars, or by imprisonment in
the City prison not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and im-
prisonment. The continuance or maintaining of such violation shall be
deemed a new offense for each day on which the same is so continued or
maintained, and shall be punished accordingly."
Sea, 4 - This ordinance shhll take effect from and after its passage
and approval.
Sec, 5 - All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith
are hereby repealed.
Passed this day of June, A. D. 19099 by the following vote:
Ayes: -
Absent: -
Approved this day of June, A. D. 1909.
My Clerk,