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Ordinance 218
fk ORD1104019 NO AN ORTUM410E IRT49LIRH116 THE ?I NRICTI OF 1,111TIoR LICO2irms "HICIi MAY '3E GRANTED 13Y THE MAYOD, AND r0MMCIV r,nLTiCIL OF THE CITY OF GILR ©Y, 3PECIF'YING THE 3LOCKS OR D11TRICTS WITHIN 'ti'l:Irh LICIMINI UY 99 GRANTRI) AND MUM, THE NiJm- 3ER OF LI0,1143ES THAT `1AY RF ISSII.F?l TO FArH OF IUD TILOCK8 OR DIgTRIOTI. — 040©6 — RR IT ORDAINED 1Y ?RE "YOR _!l?tD COMMON rOUNCIL OF THE CITT OF (IMMIT, AG r(MM)WI' 0 t. No lioenne she11 be Isimr,94 or grnntwt to 3mr uer"Or. . firm or 11rpor3tion to onrr., on or ;nt Rco in the is rzasinese of ,-3iun , enga"n+lin„ or giving nwv Anr oi9tillorl, farment3d, malt, vinous or oth-r Rpirituous or intixi(,1-ating ligljors or nines of arty kind, eith,ar in w'hol -inAl9 or :retail quantttims, In thoi City of Gilroy in anY pUmM other than in tboeq oeertalr lleekR or d.ietrlets %4retogtar mentioned, r qnd no grwiter rnm*,-3r of liewroe than aha11 be ;;rgnte<f Rt any *as t%W$ A10-4 liti,3 nee nqy be granted rie f,)llowso In th9 nook oT mint rant holm gd '"y Fomrth, Fifth, Fig le-- berg► o!M Monterey str *4s in the ('ity of Gilroy, one lioense to engage in t'13 or retail ttnttor h,toi.nge!3 Mn;► be s r�►nte�d.. In thg 910ok or Dintriot boU Med by Sixth, neventh, Xtgle- rgrrtr ^nd 4ont 3Tg<J Stves3ts in the Oitd of Gilroy* hixt 111 ain3s to engnge in the V%ollaenla or tetrdl liquor Imi,ninens may► b'q VrRM 14. .M'tRM . o+e�fr,._�!'. ?�#+rt? - #ot.. v*n ��rt Wq► S°qv* h 'h ! r!► rM rat ►~ea l3t�r eet ...irt the Ott Y xn? vi l3' .biz . In the �i14dx or �ifitriot hoxn�i�i. t,•r T,��vis, �dalttin, A+�Aio:►�a�r. A Str:et+� 1ri1 Railro'ld .iltey, in the City of allra�9 *"s+, two lioanses to )n.-axe in the wholemmito or retrtil 11nv,tor r,lsinesa mIy be ra''t'34. In .1v) Rlook or nistriet b)ltnded by wirt.in, c3ixth an(i mf)n- tgrey Streets and Rai1ro�(1 k11W in 1110, c7ity of GiLr"gbut three 110"0306 to 9nlr "e in thF3 v°tolo"Ble or .ratan lin nor 1j a b'xsioA139 MW 159 jr'%W% wi. In the 1100k 4r Disttrlot 'KOAMed by Sixth, old Gi Lroy arnt 4*ntere7 Itr-iets 01nd Rnilxowl .41 Lawr In the Clitti ref Gilroy, t,,tt two lioen000 t7 gftgv -q� �e in th'3 «401e6ale or *at ail lirputar bl"ingg-e map ba ;rang. a--/ In the Took or Dletriot 1,)ogwle+! by old oilron, Xtnterey st.r99ta RM Railro d kverrte a.nd he 10 xV )rn pnoift r �i!,ht -of- way blta►l" 1 ant 3rST Street int itAil_road r 2ameJn the C ity of Gilroy, I'Aft ff—PLT licensas to 3« ?q in the Wholena..le OT r et ai 1 11sr �wls� !ersy ,.- �!lgetiou. t. �lhexi s� ®+y a iiee�teo to oq"y qm A IRM p .�t�sinl or Giving R'"T RI► W i Sym at eft. pe*son, f2r'a et on�nn:rntidrt to �to� 6o i% thy IVA"inees of nel.Line, CUR- - diatillert, ri?wgteR, :►alt, vinois or oth43r eniritiurse or in+.cxi©qti71,C Iteplors or winyn of amy kift4 either in Whol"ale " retell nuRntitiays in POW :)1 =ace in Ruy of the 1140ka or Dintrtnts in Syation 1 of thin car. -- dinanoe i -mortiaod, wv rvnd:3re r t'u /ses/ to take qnd ply fo* RRi4 lloenne,A 013 M. -Ilror aln'l ("Onmon ("o•inoil My rgf3:ts• to ?@- -toes* ary n3ny 110enne in sald 'look or niet.riat; 0)ection 3, Thin 0_rrtlaanoe Fhall not aimiy to 9�rfir)nrj ow- disizt'494 as llemo r 4inlerw" in 4rriinanoe No. 214 of tke 01ty of 6ilrWq and no r®fit:rietion in XM40;#:W In this Ovdi"Rnoe for or lir, mRom to *Mgmjt'p_ot- urind linllor 3e1tior !o nhall tRke effiet and he in fOrGO On and ?ft-)r itg 91119liq Rn4 a9pro:n1. W11314 t`iis ,� "- si 'lr Of JgroJarr A. D. 1900 by the foAawmIM vota:- Av `% f3 • C O� lri C 1 lra 3!1 / i�Gl�t�- � ✓�iGLG(. `� . Noep, 47011milra.3n C Abfient, ro'Irli lm9n Approved thin ifl1r -fl . ffEQ/l . City Ct�rk JRn'sRry A,.0. 1904 ktayor. . RAU >ng. '�'TMM`Cf d �� i +;✓✓ V �� /j f/1 a, l C I 9),l cee oAJ AW, Inc- 1 �" — / �-' 1. V ✓ �/ �. \ �� t r o ij- tkatu pwit-dtt. a o T 1 r9 1 1 � -r /j � L� %� �G��J %2/�� i�/�LL(_ (�Q ✓rat,' 4_ �' �? N 4 az-� Ot/ Af A�, ZL l } /!� f�e O�U ✓� �CY,�,(, .CSC, ..l tA2 `��G(�l�LCQ�N2. ' //�c C4 Yi" K Ot) A✓c, aU-,e�Z &61�� R44 (/J.0 l� 1-4 arY21L � V Y,6 0/c�� C) -/v A e IIAA� 01 �c,� �. ,mac, a � n �f,�c, a u {tit4.0 U1LGC,�c lc2,c_ cam �L(�E'LGyie,fi� /GUT/ �t- LGf.E1.�?, /2Cio - GCC'GC�'� i O,ii/ �.u,e.�PJ J,,o Jo P 9? /� tii�.e� L�U ✓LQ/ —�( �P�C,� ', L14 -&A2--nA'A?, yl-,lle-�' RAI&� Z,/l/,(�Xl-"/ 7 3s ii't<Ctu.at..ea. -,rj f.eruetR /,io Ira c�uf.,,l;l �t�F i '�. � i ✓ ,�,.. � ' � ��� flit riiu,cs 1, on, au.,( 2/,(�. �3/,;- ,%'n.o.,�,, ,fir ,,, �( V IIVAAU A ILL a, /-/ /,P� / 9(-/ k ,(, ch/ #V"A dj-1j (V-� 64t ��,G I S, Y (vj, vl/�l ; 7i