Ordinance 293 ,/, \ \ OHDINANCE HO. ,t!} 3 I .AN ORDInANCE AMi~UDING THl~ MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY 0F'" TH.I:LC.I.~rY OF GILROY BY ADDING THERETO A If.EW SECTION TO B:B~ KNOWN AS Sl~CTIOH 421, MAKIHG IT A LIISDEl'r.r~.iUJOH TO VIOLATrJ AllY OF THE RULES AND ImGULATIOns OF THE CITY OF GILHOY Rr~1ATIVI~ TO THE USE OF ViATEH l!'UIWISHED BY THE CITY OF GILHOY AND PIW- VIDING A .2EHALTY IWH THB VIOLATION Ol!' SUCH ImUjS .iUm ImGULATIONS. The 1myor and Co~non Council of the City of Gilroy do ordain as follows:- Section 1. That a new Section be added to the Ilunicipal Code of the City of Gilroy to be known as Section Ho. 421, which section is to read as follows:- , ''( :... Section 421: Ho person is permitted to use water furnished by the City of Gilroy for the purpose of irrigating or watering any lawn, flower garden, vegetable garden, shrubs, trees, vines or pilllants except within the hours designated by the' Common Council of the City of Gilroy for tl1~ purpose. JUlY person who violates any of the rules and regulations of the City of Gilroy relative to the use of water, or any person who permits the water furnished by the City of Gilroy to be used on the premises owned or occupied by him for the purpose of water- ing or irrigating any lawn, flower garden, vegetable garden, shrubs, trees, vines or plants~except within the hours designated by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy for such purposes" shall be ~lilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall 21~ ... ~ i l 11 I +'. be plillished by a fine not to exceed One HU.ndred Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Prison not to exceed thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. S8ction 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force~ days after its passage and approval. ~ l:assed this fL!!::.. day of July 1918, by the fa llowing vote: tff.11l. n~AU/, m~l:~_~, rJf. 717, lJ1~7~( , Ayes, councilme~Jk-~~rC?~/7/7(~1 ~k Ip~~. Noes, Councilmen ~ Absent, Councilmen 1; (n.. . v/fj y\...-, '- Jitt:. Attest: 1::9. ~TV>' City Clerk. ~ Approved this / -- day of July 1918. , . ~~, Mayor.