Ordinance 291 ORDINANCE NO. 2i:L.' AU ORDINAHCE REGULATING TRAFIHC AND THE CARE OF VEHICLES, ,("', Ldt'tldf.,./ AnD<~ ON .AND OVER THE PUBLIC STREI~TS OF THE CITY OF GIDLROY~ rRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF AIIT PROVISIONS HEREOF, AND m~PEALING ORDINANCE NO. 252 AND ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN COIJ]lLICT HEHEWITH. The 1~yor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy do ordairunas follows:- Section 1: For the purpose of this Ordinance the following words and terms shall be held to include and have the following meanings, viz: The word "Street" shall mean and be held to include every avenue, highway, roadway, lane or alley in the City of Gilroy under the jurisdiction of said City. The word "Curb" shall mean the lateral boundary of that portion of a street designated for the use of vehicles, whether marked by a curbing constructed of stone concrete or other mater- ial, or not so marked. The word "Vehicle" shall mean and include every wagon, buggy, carriage, buss, push cart, bicycle, tricycle, automobile, motor cycle, or other conveyance, except baby carriages, children's tricycles and invalid chairs, in whatever manner or by whatever force or power the same m~ be driven, ridden or p~opelled, which is or m~ be used for or adopted to pleasure riding, travel- ing or the transportation of passengers, baggage, merchandise or freight upon any street, a.ll farm machinery propelled over a. street by force, and every draft or riding animal, whether ridden ,or led, or standing still, providing however that an animal or anim~ls attached:to any vehicle shall with such vehicle, aon5titute one vehicleo o?:J/ ~. " ~....) ~ ..r .. .~ J <'\: ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ -i f' ""'.c ~ ' ,.~ 'I' ~ \ "'....'1. ..;$ 'x' ''.../ ~ ,- ~" ,~ ~.. The word "Driver" shall mean and include every rider or driver of an animal, the rider of a bicycle or tricycle, the operator of a motor vehiole, and the person in charge or control of an animal, bicycle, tricycle, motor vehicle or push cart on any street. The word "Animal" shall include every horse, donkey, mule or other animal used for motive power for any vehicle. The word "Business District" includes that portion of . Monterey Street in the City of Gilroy wh<jch lies South of Cille South line of Third Street, and North of the North line of Eightl:1 Street. , i't ~{ . it!. e' J{i It Section 2. I \~ ('I' / IIJi"'cII The driver pf any vehicle in or upon any street shall drive such vehicle upon such street. in a oareful manner and with due regard for the safety and convenience of pedestrians and all other vehicles upon such street. Section 3. The driver of any vehicle upon meeting any other vehicle at any place upon any street shall turn to the right and on all occasions shall trave'l on the riellt hand side of the street and as near the right hand ourb thereof as is possible when other vehicles are on the street. Section 4. The driver of any vehicle shall in overtaking and passing any other vehicle in or upon any street pass to the left of suoh vehicle and shall not again drive to the right until clear of such vehiole, and the driver of such vehicle being over- taken and passed shall give way to the right. Seotion 5. The driver of any vehicle moving slowly in, along or upon any street shall keep such vehicle as close as possible \to the ourb on the right allowing more swiftly moving vehicles free passage on the left. Section 6. The driver of any vehicle in or upon any ''oj, Ii ,\1 (,' -~ street shall, in turning to the right into another street,turn the oorner as near the right hand curb as possible. Seotion 7. The driver of a~ vehicle in ?r upon any street ~. .. shall, in turning to the left into another street pass to the right of and beyond the center of the street intersection before turning. Section 8. The driver of any vehicle crossing from one side of the street' to the other side thereof shall make such crossing by turning to the left so as to head in the direction in which the traffic is moving on the side of the street toward which said crDssing is made. In the business district suoh crossing is to be made only at street intersections. '- ~very vehiole must be )?J). the rig}} +. hand side of the street at ./ ding be wi thin tt:lne c fQ:Cl))1t of the curb and all tim~s and whe faoing th'~'4,~recty6n must not stop'o.,p/ stan on any "",/"",, "\ ourb line of any tntersecting the traffic is moving. Such vehicle street within fifteen feet ef the street or within fifteen feet of any ft're hydrant. Section 9. No vehicle shall be allowed to stand on any ,J'-"'..,.,"'.......,.'.... part.~~,.1;1ie) street in th,.0fbusiness distriot" other than that part ,/ I, . .." . the,'eof s~tap8.;rt forCEli9R PABICIBG and then only within the ~~~~~~,~"i"',,,',L' ,_.' // \ lineemarked for that p\rpose, exoept that suoh vehioles may stand near the ourb while actually receiving or discharging freight or passengers, for a period, not exoeeding fifteen minutes. Seotion 10. No vehicle sha.ll be left backed up to the curb of any street except while such vehicle is being aotually loaded or unloaded, and in oase of a vehicle drawn by an animal or animals, only when the animal or animals are swung around in the direction in whioh the traffic is moving on the side of the street on whioh \'J "- the vehicle is ~tanding. -r Seotion 11. The driver of any vehicle shall immeaiaiely before stopping or altwring his course of travel,(&~ ~!~y~ ~g::~~he lert"Tii:c11~::::'bii'~i~~.~~~:;~~~~~~~~~,~,~~~~f~:~. .... / f" ....'",...,,',...., ,.....",.".."..,- . ( \....~~~~~~~~io..te hiepurpoee l)y giving .. ~Jgnal ,wi th his hand t.o the/clioi ver of"' ~ther. v~hicles .on..the. st.re,et, the driver of any vehicle whioh has been s tanding 'in the busi.ness district in a place designated for center parking wishes .to move said vehicle, he shall first back such vehicle to the right hand side of the street. so that he will head in the direction in which the ~raffio is' moving on that side of the street. before ".".J"( . prooee~;i.ng forward. but before back~ng said vehicle he must see , that the space behind such vehicle is clear, and he must give warning to app~oaching vehicles of his mntention to move his \vehicle in a baokward direction, by some visible signal, and by \sounding an alarm with whistle, bell or other devtse on such '\ .... v6'hi.,~le for sounding 9:'Vi8.0:l"Iling. .. "-~""""'''''''-'-''''''''''''''''''V'~''''''O'~'''_'' _....~.>~. ,".' ,- .~ ,."",,,,,,"'-""'" ,.,,-' ,<-',' ..' " Section 12: No person under the age of sixteen years shall be allowed to run or drive any automobile or locomobile on any street of the City of Gilroy. Seotion 13: No person shall ride or attempt to ride on the rear end of any vehicle or attach any vehicle thereto on any street of the City of Gilroy without the permission of the driver of such vehicle. Section 14: No vehiole used for the purpose of vending merchandise, meata, fruit, vegetables or confectionery, or vehioles oor~1only known as peddlers oarts or wagons,shall be allowed to stand' on any street in the City of Gilroy for a period of more than fifteen minutes at a time, except by permission of the Mayor and Common'Council, provided this section shall not apply to vehicles used for'the delivery of goods by merchants having fixed places of business in Gilroy. Section 15. No vehicle used for the transportation of "'T orude oil or any of its produots in tanks shall be allowed in or upon any street of the City of "Gilroy unless such vehicle is provided with drip pans or other devise to prevent leakage of the oontents of the tanks upon the street, and such tanks must in all oases be so arranged and hand&ed that no leakage of any kind oan oocur. , /' Section 16. No vehicle used for the purpose of carrying sand, gra.vel, earth, rock or other loose or liquid substance liable to sift or spill out shall be allowed on any paved street of the City of Gilroy unless the same is made tight and so con- structed as to prevent the sifting of spilling of any of its oontents upon the street over whioh it passes. Section 17. No traction engine or other vehicle having upon its wheels any block, stud, cleat, ridge, head or any other pro- tu1eranoe of metal which projects more than one-quarter of an inch beyond the tread or traction surfaoe of the tire, or on the track upon which it runs, or which shall make a mark or cut one-quarter of an inch deed in any pavement, shall be permitted on any paved street of the City of Gilroy. Seotion 18. When any vehicle shall be loaded in such a manner that any portion of the material constituting the load shall project or extend six feet or more behind the rear end of the body of suoh vehicle, or shall extend a distance of eighteen inches beyond the side of the body of such vehiole, a red flag shall be carried by day and a red light by night and securely fastened in a conspicuous position at the extreme rear end of such load and at the point where said load shall extend the greatest distance beyond the sides of said vehicle. ~..., Section f~. This Ordinance is intended to cooperate and- harmonize with the laws of the state of California relative to the use and operation of vehicles upon ~e public highways of the state of California, and in addition thereto to provide further rules and regulations for the o)eration of vehicles in the City of Gilroy, and all laws of the State of California relative to the use and operation of vehicles upon the public highways of the state of California shall apply to the operation of vehicles 11pon the streets of the City of Gilroy. In case of conflict between this Ordinance and any law'of the State of California relative to the use and operation of vehicles upon the public highways, the laws of the State of California shall prevail. Section ~ Any person violating or wilfully non- oomplying with any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon oonviction thereof be punished by fine not exceeding One hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City prison not exceeding thirty days, or' by both suoh fine and imprisonment. Section ~~ e All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with any provision of this ordinance are hereby repealed. ~J Seotion Z'S. This ordinance shall take effeot and be in , /1' ,';' F l,../. . ,.. ,/;;:', force on and after its pa(sage and approvl1. ,'" Passed this /d day o:l'~;;:G::\918. by the following vote. "J -t / , (/2 JJ1. ~ JJ1. Q, ~, ~ lYl. J;1 wv?;;;t ~ IT. ~ Ayes, Councilmen J--~/O:>~ ~//~ ~ c-t::: f/U-~'.~~ C/ . Noes, Councilmen Absent, Councilmen APprove;#- /~ ~918. . ~~, ~b~. Mayor.