Ordinance 312 't _..' ,. .'.....r - ORDINANCE NO. .3 / / '/IO<,~ AN ORDINANCE CALLING AND PROVIDING FOR, AND GIVING NOTICE OF, A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF GILROY, COUI~TY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ON ~DNESDAY. TRR fth DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1921; THE OBJECT BEnm TO SUBMIT TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY A PROPOSITION OF SELLING THE ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POVilffi DISTRIBUTING SYSTEM AND THE GAS GENERATING AND DISTRIBUTING SYSTE11 OF THE CITY OF GILROY, INCLUDING THE 70 HORSEPOWER BOILER AIm THE BUILDING IN ~EICH SAID GAS GENERATING SYSTEM IS SITUATED, BUT EXCLUDING THE LAND UPON WHICH SAID GAS GENERATING PLANT IS LOCATED, AND OF APPLYING THE PROCEEDS OF SUCH SALE TO :MAKING IMPROVEMENTS AND ADlJITIONS' TO THE WATER SYSTEM, THE SEWER SYSTEM AIID THE FIRE DEPART1~NT OF THE CITY OF GILROY. The Mayor and Common Counoil of the City of Gilroy do ordain as follows: Seotion 1. A special election is hereby oalled and ordered to be held in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California_on Wednesd~, the 9th day of November, 1921; the ob- . ject being to submit to the qualified electors of the City of Gilroy two propositions: 1st a proposition of selling the eleotrio light and power distributing system of the City of Gilroy, and 2nd a proposition of selling the gas generating and distributing system of the City of Gilroy, including the 70 horsepower boiler and the building in which said gas generating system is situated, but exoluding the land upon whioh said gas generating plant is looated, and of applying the proceeds of suoh sales as follows: . Forty per oent of the proceeds of each ~~le for the ~ ~ ~ ~/~ ~ --'''_.- -- ,.-. -- ~. , purpose of making improvements and additions to the water . system of the City of Gilroy. Forty per cent of the proceeds of each sale for the purpose of making improvements and extensions to the sewer system of the City of Gilroy, and Twenty per oent of the proceeds of each sale for the purpose of making improvements to, and purchasing apparatus for the Fire Department of the City of Gilroy. Section 2. The speoial eleotion hereby oalled and ordered to be held, shall be held and oonduoted, and the votes thereat reoeived and oanvassed, and the returns thereof made, and the result thereof ascertained, determined and declared as herein provided, and according to the laws of the state of California, providing for and govenling eleotions in the City of Gilroy. The polls for suoh eleotion shall be opened at 6 o'clook A. M. on said fth day of November, 1921, and shall remain open until the hour of 7 0' olook P. M. of said day, at whioh time said polls shall be closed. The ballots to be used at said eleotion shall be such as may be required by law to be used thereat, and in addition to any other matter required by law to be printed thereon, there shall be printed the following: MUNICIPAL TICKET To vote for a proposition, and thereby authorize the sale of the public utility mentioned in the proposition submitted, stamp a cross (X) in the blank space to the right of the word "Yes".- To vote against a proposition, and thereby refuse to authorize the sale of the publio utility mentioned in the proposi- tion submitted, stamp a cross (X) on the blank space to the right of the word "No". - 2 _ -,JJIIO'" ~.'''''' '.'- ,.,~_....~,...""", ._,_. 'U.'._ .,' '.' ~ __,..,~~.", ,..~._ Said ballot shall also have printed thereon the following: Propositions submitted to vote of Eleotors. 1st. Proposition. Shall the City of Gilroy sell its eleotrio light and power distributing system and apply the proceeds of suoh sale as follows: Forty per oent thereof for the purpose of making improve- ments and additions to the water system of the . . City of Gilroy; Forty per oent the reof for the purpose of making improvements and extensions to the sewer system of the City of Gilroy, and Twenty per oent thereof for the purpose of making improvements to, and purchasing apparatus . . YES . . . . . . NO . . . . . . . . . . . . for the Fire Department of the City of Gilroy. 2nd. Proposition. Shall the City of Gilroy sell its gas generating and distributing system, including the 70 horsepower boiler and the building in which said gas generating ~stem is situated, but excluding the land upon Wlioh said gas generat- ing plant is looated, and apply the prooeedB of suoh sale as follows: Forty per cent thereof for the purpose of making improvements and addi- tions to the water system of the City of Gilroy; Forty per oent thereof for the purpose of making improvements and extensions to the sewer system of the City of Gilroy; and Twenty per oent .thereof for the purpose of making improvements to, and pur- chasing apparatus for the Fire Depantment of the City of Gilroy. - 3 - "1'..... ~. - ., Sample ballots oontaining the above matter required to be printed thereon shall be supplied to the electors of said City of Gilroy by the City Olerk, but a failure on the part of any eleotor to receive such sample ballot shall not be held to invalidate the election or effect in any manner the legality of any sale that may be au~horl.ed thereat. Section 3. Any qualified elector of the City of Gilroy who has complied with the law governing the registration of voters may vote at said speoial eleotion for or against either propositions therein submitted. fo vote in favor of and thereby authorize the sale of the public utility m~tioned in a proposition submitted, he shall stamp a cross (X) in the square to the right of the word "Yes" printed opposite the proposi tion. To vote against, and thereby refuse to authorize the sale of a ~blio utility mentioned in the proposition submitted, he shall stamp a crOBB (X) in the square to the right of the word "No" printed opposite the proposition. Eaoh oross (X) stamped in the square to the right of the word nYes" Bhall be' oounted as a vote in favor of, and to authorize the Bale of the publio utility mentioned in the proposition oppoBite to 1hich suoh oross (X) is stamped; and eaoh oross (X) stamped in the square to the rl ght of the VIO rd "No" shall be counted aB a vote not in favor of, and a refusal to authorize the sale of the publio utility mentioned in the proposition opposite to which such cross (X) is stamped. Seotion 40 There shall be but one eleotion preoinot within said City of Gilroy for the purpose of holding said special eleotion Which shall be, and the same ~s hereby designated "Gilroy Consolidated Eleotion Preoinct"t and the boundaries thereof shall be the boundaries - 4 - ~ of the City of Gilroy, and ~ich said Election Preoinct is hereby eStablished. The officers to oonduct said eleotion are hereby appointed and designated as follows: Inspeotor: C. E. FREDRICKSON Judges: FRANK STANIFORD and SARAH F. TRYON Clerks: NELL ONYON, HAZEL MARTIN and J. W. FORSYTH The polling place for suoh eleotion shall be at the Fire House on the Northerly side of Fifth Street between Monterey Street and Eigleberry street in the City of Gilroy. The City Clerk is hereby direoted to provide all supplies that may be neoeBsary to properly and lawfully oonduot said speoial eleotion. When the polls are closed, the offioers of the eleotion shall count the ballots oast at such special election, and oanvass the voteB oast respectively for and against the propositions herein stated, and make return thereof to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy, in the time, form and manner re- quired for counting, canvassing and returning of votes oast at other Munioipal el eot ions held in the City of Gilroy. Seotion 5. This ordinance shall be published onoe a week for two successive weeks prior to the 9th day of November, 1921, in the Gilroy Gazette which is a newspaper of general ciroulation printed and published less than six (6) day a week in said City of Gilroy, and this ordinanoe and such publioation shall be the notioe of said election. - 5 - Seotion 6. This ordinance shall take effeot and be in force immediately. ,,- Passed this If'':!::"day of October, 1921, by the following vote: Ayes Counoilmen {;C1A/{~~. ';/J~~ C?III ~ ~.JJ~ , Noes Councilmen ~ Absent Counoilmen rL~. ("_..e.L.-Lx.~ 17 Approved this If .. day of October, ~ Attest qi~C!~' - 6 -