Ordinance 309 ORDIl~AHCB HO. &07. AN ORDINANCE ALlElmING SECTION 51 Q]' ORDI HANCE NO. 216 OF THE CITY OF GILROY RELATIVE TO SEWERS, FLUMBING AND DRAINAGE. The Mayor and Common Counoil of the Ci~ of Gilroy do ordain as follows:- SECTION L. , Seotion 51 of Ordinance No. 216 of the City o~ Gilroy is hereby amended to read as follows:- Seotion 51. &. In all oases in which a permit is required by this Ordinance to be obtained from the ~lumbing Inspeotor before .., any plumbing work is done in any building a fee, of Fifty oents for each fixture up to six shown in the plan shall be paid to the Plumbing Inspeotor by the person to whom the permit is issued at the time the permit is issued. In cases where more than six fixtures and less than twenty-five are to be plaoed, a fee of twenty-five oents for eaoh fixture over six and less than twenty- five shall be oharged and paid for, and in oases where more than twenty-five fixtures are to be plaoed, a fee of ten cents shall be charged and paid for each additional fixture over twenty-five. b. In all cases in which a permit is required by this Ordinanoe to be obtained from the Sewer Inspector before making any oonneotion with the Publio Sewer, a fee of ~l.OO shall be oolleoted by the Sewer Inspeotor from the person to whom the permit is issued at the time the permit is issued. In all oases where a house sewer is extended, ohanged or altered after original installation a fee of ~l.OO shall be oolleoted by the Sewer Inspeotor at the time o~ inspeotion. Said fees shall . . . ~o/ l t I I ~, - pay, not only for 'issuing the permit but also for the work of inspecting the work when it shall have been completed. o. All fees oolleoted by the Plumbing Inspeotor or the Sewer Inspector as provided for in this Seotion, shall be by the said Inspeotor turned into the General Fund of the City of Gilroy at the end of eaoh month. SECTION 2.' All Ordinanoes and parts of Ordinances in oonflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This Ordinanoe shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Adopted and passed the /~daw of August 1921 by the following vote:- Ayes, Councilmen y: .' (/1 /' i . / (() htLt/V / ~ & Il/Ah--t) . c:/() /; j}~1 rfd.1JJ. l/Iw&CYL/t.d/~~', /f~ Jc/L~.~ 7Z~ Noes, Councilmen ABSENT, Councilmen ~,-&~-~l/I d~ o~z Approved this / ~dfI3 of L(- MS\Vor. Attest: G~ ~rlfithVe/' City 'erk.