Ordinance 327 i -or ~.~- -- - ORDINANCE NO. cl "-;1 i , .Q ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 AJID]l: OF ORDINANCE :10. 190 RELATING TO THE TIME AND ~NER FOR THE COLLEOTION OF WATER OHARGES- ~he Mayor and Oommon Oouno~l of the Oity of Gilroy do ordain as follows, to-wit: \ Seotion 1. That Seot~on 1 of Ordinanoe No. 190 of the Oity of G~lroy be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows, to- rit:- "Seotion.r. All oharges due the Oity of Gilroy for the servioes of water, as evidenoed by the monthly statement of the Oity of Gilroy, filed in the offioe of the Oolleotor before the 28th day of eaoh month, are hereby made due and payable during offioe hours,at the office of the Oolleotor in the Oity Hall in the Oity of Gilroy, on or before the l\Oth day of the following month." Seotion 2. That Seotion 1T of Ordinanoe 10. 190 of the Oi ty' of Gil- roy be, and the same is hereby amended to read as fOllows, to-wit: "Seotion J1; Any person, firm or oorporation failing to pay the ohargesibr water furnished to such person, firm or cor- poration, regularly each month as provided in Seotion 1 hereof,' shall be subject to an additional oharge of ten (10) per cent. which shall be added to the bill or bills therefor, and in no case 317 . .. 1 II ~ shall payment be aocepted after the expiration of the loth day of the month when payable, unless said ten (10) per cent. ao- oempanies the same, provided, however, that no penalty oharge shall be less than ten cents. In case said charge is not paid on or before the 10th day of the following month, together with the accrued charges for water furnished for the month subsequent to such statement, the Colleotor shall forthwith notify the superintendent of the Wa ter Department ot the non-payment of such oharges, and the superintendent shall thereupon and without rurthe~t1oe, dis- oonneot all water servioe pipes serving water to the person, firm or corporation failing or refusing to pay the oharges there- for, and in no oase shall the water service pipe be re~oonnected or used until all. of said water charges shall have been fully paid." Seotion 3. All Ordinanoes and parts of Ordinanoes in confliot here- with are hereby repealed. Seotion 4. This Ordinance shall take effeot and be in foroe from and after its passage and approval. Passed this f~ day of' February, 1924, by the t'ollowing ",0 te : AnSS: couneiJJaen~a.w..-L()~ (,.Lj~~!.3~ n-m.R~~/~ "W~. ~". >>. NOES: Oouncilmen ~_ ABSENT: Oouncilmen J1 CIY\1 , rt- Approved this $. - day of FeM'ilary, (/ / :&:l2i~ ",/,/ . -~ ) -- J/ !w 6~,7 ,f?V?f~/)/ ~-~~f ayor