Ordinance 313 .~_.. ''''- ORDINANCE NO. ~) J I ....-/ t AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF GILROY BY ADDING TO MtTICLE 1, CHAPTER IV, PART II THEREOF A NEW SEOTION TO BE KNOWN AS SEOTION 2~O PROVIDING FOR THE CON- SOLIDATION OF COMPANIES OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. The Mayor and Common Oounoil of the City of Gilroy do ordain as follows: SECTION I. The municipal code of the City of Gilroy is hereby amended by adding to Artiole I, Chapter IV, Part II thereof, a new Section, to be known as Section 230, whioh Section shall read as follows: SEOTION 230. Whenever all Oompanies which comprise the fire department of the Oity of Gilroy by resolution duly and legally adopted by each Company separately, deem it for the best interests for the fire department that all Oompanies be consolidated into one Companyr, such Companies may be conB~lidiited into one Company, and said Company shall be the Fire Department of the Oity of Gilroy. The officers of suoh Oompany shall be a Chief, who shall be the Ohief of the Fire Department, a First Assistant Ohief, a Second Assistant Chief, a. Seoretary and a Treasurer, and such other officers as may be presoribed by the by-laws of the Company, provided that the Chief and the Assistant Ohiefs in office at the time of such consofidation shall hold offioe for their unexpired terms. Any Company organized under the provisions of this Section shall have power to adopt and pass such by-laws, orders, rules and regulations as it may judge necessary for its government and the control of its rrembers, as are not inconsistent with any law of 3/3- 1 I t ~ ') the State of california or ordinance of the City of Gilroy. The Ohief, in addition to the powers and duties prescribed by Section 224 of this code, shall be the presiding officer of the Company. In case of the absence, sickness or inability to aot of the Chief, the Assistant Ohiefs shall perform his duties, the First Assistant Ohief ranking the Second Assistant Ohief in the disoharge of such duti@s. The Secretary of suoh Oompany shall be paid a salary of Twenty Dollars <$20.00) per year out of the general fund of the C~i ty of Gilroy, payable quarterly. The office of the Secretary and Treasurer may be cOEbined. In the event of the consolidation of all Oompanies of the Fire Department under the provision of this Section, the powers and duties of the Board of Fire Delegates aha11 cease, and the duties of the Board Of Fire Delegates, as provided in this Article, shall be performed by the Oompany. In case of a vacancy in the office of the Chief or either of the Assistant Ohiefs, after such 00mpanies have been consolidated under the provisions of this Section, the Oo~pany shall, at its ne~t regular meeting, desig- nate one of its members to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term. SECTION II. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after its passage and approval. Passed and adopted on the /~d day of November, 1921, by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen "&f~, 4G.~t2/JJ.JJ1~/tJl:~ Noes, Councilmen ~ ~ . ..,4,;1: ;;3 ~ I , 'ILiA C.......~ Mayor. Absent, COuncilmen Wh'? /f~ Approved November Atteet~.., rr ~ (f), U't If ~ Oity Clerk. f