Ordinance 364 ...~ .... ..., r/'.: .",:"'~,-" .,' .,.".,.,..'.','..,.,,"',., , '.01\0.. .;": .0_ f'. .,' '.., ,,'.: 'do , I, I.." L i I L._~.. ..f,.",._... .. l\ ~ . L. OHDnLl.NOI~ NO. (J./f, v (p rr. ,~; ( A.N ORDI1UI.NCH: i'.lVUZUDING SI~GI1'ION 194 08' TIEE IvIUNICIP;.(IJ GODE OF' 'hIE OI'TY OB' GILHOY HJ1:LHII'IVE 'TO SIGNS OVErt S'l'HEETS l\.lTD SIDE- WliLKS. 'l'he MaYOI' and- Common Gouncil of' the Ci ty of Gilroy do ordain as follows: Section 1. 'That Section 194 of the Municipal Code of the Oi ty of Gilroy be and the same i s hereb~r amended to read a s follows: - Section 194. lio person, firm 01' corpora tion ownine: 01' occupy- ing any buildin~ or premises fronting upon any ~lblic street shall swing, suspend or maintain over the streets or' sidewalk in fX"ont \of such buildin,p; or p11emises, any sigr:. or advertisement vlihich -- does not conform to the rei',";'llla tions hereinafter provided. Before constructing any si911 over any public stre~t or sidewalk a permi t so to do must be seOl.u'ed from the Oi ty Clerk of the Oi ty of Gill'oy, and approved by Ghaipman of }i'ire Commi ttee of the Common Oouncil of the city. r:L'he City Clerk sh13.11 collect a fee of :8'ive Dollars for each permit so issued. (a) ,..\.11 signs must be P3 r'rnanently and fir'mly fastened and secured to the wall of the building in fron.t of Which such sigm is to be maintained. (b) r\.n n;lectric sign wi thin the meanin,g of the oI'dinance is one so equipped and illuminate,d with electric light as to throw off light when lightedo I\. sign which T'eflects light from an outside source, or upon which lig:rlt f1'om an outside source is d:trected to show the letters or characters on the stgn, is not an electric siE~ within the me0ning of this ordinance. (c) Electric sigps mu.st be constructed in every respect in accordance with the requirements of the regulations of the, Indust- rial ,\ccident Commission of the State of California now in force or which may hereinafter be enacted. Electric signs and their supports must be r!1ade entirely of rnetal and otheI' non-combustile anti non-corrosive materials. Electric signs must be permanently and firmly fastened and secured to the walls of the building in front of which such sign is maintained. Electric signs shall be --~---,._...-._-_.._,,---------. - ----~-~-~-_.._------_._._.~--"--_._.._--_.._----,..,.---_.__.~._.,'---- 1 i .J . .. ~f- - --- t" " I ,1, t , ~'~r n~' () I) a t lea st ten fBet above the sidewalks and sb.alJ>not extend be- yond one foot inside the curb line. The exposed area of both , ) sides of electric signs which proiect more than five feet over the sidewalk shall not exceed fifty square feet, and such signs. mu.st be provided with a hinge near the wall and so equipped wi th, wire, rope or cord, and pulley that the sign may be swung back. parallel to and against the front wall of the building to which it is a~tached during the day time and in time of high winds and storms. Electric signs which extend more than five feet over the street or sidewalk must be sMlng parallel to and against the front wall to which it is attached between the hours of 8 o'clock A.M. and 5 o'clock P.M. Section 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. }...ny person violating or wilfully not complying wi th any provi sion of thi s ,ordinance is guilty of a mi sdemeaner . and shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the city' prison not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and im- prisonment. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Passed this 8th day of July, 1930, by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen C~(').~nS"'\n'i<t='(p,d C. ~()ou\< \ 3 ,\\.~11 s.\1\ ~.t). He.cl<' Noe s, Councilmen NcY'\e. Absent, Oouncilmen CTeo.M.:'Lo""tDV\ Approved this 8th day of JU1::J:;~~ Ex-Officio Mayo~. Attestc f ~ . Ci ~ lerk: