Ordinance 365 rr I ,.....- - . I .- ORDTNANCE 1W. GRANTING UNTO SOUTHF~ PACIFIC RAILROP~ COliPANY, A ~ORPORATIuN, ITS LESSEES, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE FRANCHISE, RIGHT AND PRIVILEGE TO CONSTRUCT. llAHTTAIN A~m Opr~RATE RAILROAD TRACKS AND APPURTUITANCES UPuN AND ACROSS CERTADT STREETS Hr TEE CITY OF GILROY nr THE LOC1J.' IONS HEREIHAFTER DESCRIBED: The Common Council of the City of Gilroy do ordain as follows: 1. There is hereby granted unto the Southern Pacifio Railroad Com. pany, a corporation, its lessees, suocessors and assigns, the right, privi- lege and franchise to construct, reconstruct, maintain and operate railroad tracks of standard gauge and to pass with and operate locomotives propelled by steam, electricity or any other lawful motive power, and to run trains anc cars thereon and thereover and to carry freight and passengers for hire, upor and over said railroad traoks, together with the necessary appurtenances, appendages, mechanical applianoes and equipment for the same,in,upon and acrOBS those certain streets in said City of Gilroy,hereinafter ref~rred to, and in the locations more partioularly described as fOllows. to-wit, LEAVESLY ROAD! C.R.C. 1x-79.6: Center 1 ne description of track to be constructed: BEGINNIlfG at a point i.n the southeasterly line of Leavesly Road, dietant thereon 14 feet southwesterly from the center line of the preseQt main line track of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company; thence north- westerly across Leavesly Road parallel to and at a. uniform distance of 14 feet southwesterly from the said center line of the present main line track a distance of 60 feet more or less to a point in the northwesterly line of Leavesly Road. CASEY ROAD. C.R.C. #.K-79.7: Center line description of track to be constructed: BEGIUNING at a point in the southeasterly line of Casey Road distant radially 14 feet northeasterly from the center line of the present main line track of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company; thence northwesterly across Casey Road parallel to and at a uniform distance of 14 feet northeasterly from the said center line of the present main line track, a distance of 80 feet, more or less, to a point in the north- westerly line of Casey Road. MARTIN LANE, C.R..C. 1x-80.1: Center line description of track to be constructed: BEGINNING at a point in the southeasterly line of Martin Lane dis- tant thereon 14 feet northeasterly from the oenter line of the present main line track of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company; thence north- westerly acrose Mart in Lane parallel to and at a uniform distanoe of 14 feet northeasterly from the said oenter line of the present main line traok a distance of 53 feet. more or lese, to a point in the northwesterly line of !~rtin Lane. . 2. The right. privilege and franchise hereby granted shall always be subject to the ordinances of the City of Gilroy and the right of the City of Gilroy to use said streets hereinabove referred to for -1.. I I l I public street and highway purposes and the right of the said City to lay pipes in the said streets for water, gas, sewer or other purposes and the right to lay or authori~e the la,ying of electrio wires for any purpose under the surfaoe of said streets. 3. The grantee, its lessees, successors and assigns, shall at all times keep and maintain the said tracks across said streets at the same grade as the surface of the said streets, and flush with the surface thereOf, and shall construct and maintain the portion of said streets between the rails ot said tracks and for a distance of two (2) feet outside of said rails in accordance with the specifications and standa~ pre- scribed by the Railroad Commission of the state of California. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and <lay of 9tJ::, , ._' 1930, by the following vo~. , ~ Ayes: oh. g~/!J JI f(~J J '~, iJ. e, JI~. Iltnuz · :I after its passage and approval. iC Passed and adopted this clq /tG Hoes: Absent: rJ!0Yle-. 1 {i Ct.. Approved the J..t- - day of ~ g I' ,IM/lf' . , 1930. 1--tJ#1~~_ yor I, Cl full. true an by the Common Council Mayor of said City on ~/UJ. ,hereby certify that the foregoing is a opy 0 an ordinance of the City of Gilroy passed a regular meeting thereof and approved by the the dates hereinabove specified. , cfi: ity C .. -2-