Falcon Cable Franchise Bond Telephone (408) 842-3191 (!lit~ of ~ilro~ 7351 Rosanna Street GilROY, CALIFORNIA 95020 SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ City Clerk January 22, 1988 Fireman's Fund 17542 East 17th Street Suite 202 Tustin, CA 92688 Attention: Chuck Frey Dear Mr. Frey: Enclosed please find the franchise bond for Falcon Cable Systems Company for cancellation which has been replaced with a new bond effective January 1, 1988. Encl. ( SS) cc: Falcon Calbe Systems Company, 10866 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Los Angeles, CA 90024 - Attention: Diane S. Witz ~ January 8, 1988 city of Gilroy P. o. Box 66 Gilroy, CA 95020 Dear Sirs: Enclosed is a franchise bond that has been issued through Hanover Insurance Company. Please note that this bond, effective on January 1, 1988, is a replacement bond for the Fireman's Fund bond which was previously issued. Please release the original of the Fireman's Fund bond as it must be formally cancelled once the replacement has been received, and return it to: Fireman's Fund 17542 East 17th Street suite 202 Tustin, CA 92688 Attention: Chuck Frey .,ij , .J L~J' hi() \f) f!~\.; " ,,:)/, i)' i Should you have any questions or need additional informa- tion, please let me know. Sincerely, Enclosure FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY 10866 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Los Angeles, CA 90024, Tel: (213) 470-4884 Telecopier. (213) 470-4497 ;' The Hanover Insurance Companies ~ The Hanover Insurance Company o Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company FRANCHISE BOND Bond No. BLZ1558380 Know all men by these presents, That Falcon Cable Systems Co. as Principal, and ~ THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation ofthe State of New Hampshire, 0 MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation ofthe Commonwealth of Massachusetts, having its executive office in Worcester, Massachusetts as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of r:i 1 TOY, P.O. Box 66, Gilroy, California 95020 hereinafter referred to as Obligee in the penal sum of Ten Thousand and 00/100-------------------- ---------------------------------($ 10,000.00 ) for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, the liability of the Surety being limited to said penal sum regardless of the number of years this bond remains in force or is renewed, of the number of premiums that shall be payable or paid, the number of Subscribers to the system and/or legal fees which may be required and incurred. WHEREAS, the Obligee has granted a franchise to Principal to use the public streets and places within the Municipality to transmit and distribute electrical impulses through an open line-coaxial antenna system for television receivers located within said City of Gilroy - Ord. il7 59, 779, 786 and 791 NOW THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such, that if the above bound principal shall faithfully perform, well and truly observe and fulfill the terms and conditions of the franchise, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect until terminated or cancelled. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, it shall be a condition precedent to any right of recovery hereunder, that in event of any defau It on the part of the Principal. a written statement of the particular facts showing the date and nature of such default shall be immediately delivered to the Surety by certified mail at 440 Lincoln Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01605. AND PROVIDED FURTHER that no action, suit or proceeding shall be had or maintained against the Surety on this instrument unless the same be brought or instituted and process served upon the Surety within twelve months after an act of breach or cancellation of this bond or termination of said franchise, whichever occurs first. This Bond may be terminated or cancelled by Surety by giving thirty (30) days prior notice in writing to Principal and said Obligee, such notice to be given by certified mail. Such termination or cancellation shall not affect any liability incurred or accrued under this Bond prior to the effective date of such termination or cancellation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal and Surety have signed and sealed this instrument this 1st day of January . 19 88 WITN ESS: By Approved and Accepted by: ~..~ \c.P j ~\es'\6eny (Title) Obligee THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY 1-19-88 Date ~\\\\\\\\'nmIUt,ilt. #,\,..,,, O"fl{III/,f;;.~ ~'~~...~.!. '" ~- ~ !~.'- ",:~.~~~ ~~. .~-o\(I)% .~ "'. i!C~ - " , io.;o", ~. \ 'H:~~ %" (>"i.: ~ :i ~~" '..~;:,.." # ~"^?~ , ~IJ-' ,~, '!to"".... ,\\\'" Title Shirley A. Harkins Form 181-1079 (8/81) , , The Hanover Insurance Company POWER OF ATTORNEY CERTIFIED COPY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organizt'd and t'xisting under tht' law" of the Statt' of New Hampshire, does hereby constitute and appoint - James J. Nevins, William G. Franey, Brenda L. Davis, John R. Muha, II, and/or Shirley A. Harkins - uf Capitol Heights, Maryland and each is its true and lawful Attomt'~.(s)-in.fact tu "ign, t'Xt'cute. seal, acknowledgt' and deliver for, and on its behalf, and as its act and deed, at any place within the Unitt'd Statt's. or. if tht' fulluwing lint' be filled in, only within the area therein designated all~ and all hund". rt'cugnizanct's. undertakings. contracts of indemnity or otht'r writing" obligato~. in tht' naturt' tht'rt'oL a" fullows: - Any such obligations in the United States, in any amount - Alld said Cumpan~ ht'rt'b~ ratifit'" and ('llIlfimls all and whatsot'vt'r said Attumt'~,s).in-fact may lawfull~ do in tht' premist's by \irtllt' of thest' prt'senls. This appointment is made under and by authority uf the following Resolution passed b~' the Board of Directors of said Company at a met'tillg held 011 the sewnth day of Octuber. 1981. a quonlm being prt'sent and \'lIting, which resolution is still in effect: "RESOLVED. Thallht' Prt'sidenl or an~ Vict' P......idt'nL in conjllnclion ...ilh an}. A.si."'nl Vit't' Prt'sidt'nL bt' and Iht'~ art' ht'rt'h~ alllhoriud and I'lIIpo"l'rt'd 10 a,'poinl \uonlt'v..-in-facl oftht' Compan~. in ils namt' and a. ils al'l.. 10 t'xt'l'lIlt' and ad,"o" led!:t' for and on il. behalf as SlIreh all\ and all honds. rt'co~nizanl't'.. l'onlral'l.. of indt'mnih. ...aivt'n< of cilalion and all olh..r "riling. obli!:alory in Ih.. nalllrl' Iht'rt'ol ...ilh pO"t'r 10 allal'h Ihl'rl'lo ,hI' st'al of Ihl' Cumpam. AII\ SllI'h ...rilinl!s "u t'xl'l'lIl..d b~ slIch Allomt'\S-in-fal'l.haU bt' as bindin!: "pon Ihl' Cum pam as if Iht'~ had bt't'n dll" I'xl',,"..,.1 and ackno" It'd!:t'd b~ lilt' rl'l~lIlarl~ t'lt'l'It'd offict'rs of Ih.. Company in Iht'ir o"n prul"'r pt'rsuns," IN WITNESS WHEREOF. THE HANOVER INSljRANCE COMPANY has caused these Ilrest'nts to be sealed with its corporate St'al. duly attt'stt'd b,' its Vict' President and its Assistant Vice President. this 4 t h day' of 'March 19 86 THE HANOVER INSt:RA'\CE cmtp\:\, ~--LA f~ Vice President (St'al) ?/~~ ~1ssistant Vice President \ ",UHIHtbq THE COMMON\\'E.\L TH OF \t.\SS \CHl'SETTS ~~~' p.., IN I-,';:"#..~ COUNTY OF WORCESTER ~"~O':.'.O.NW;',..: ..,:~,. .: '-.0. "" '4 ".~ .' .. On ~hi~ ~ th ,. . da~ uf Matc.R'" .O~ . '{ ,~~, }.;.\ 1986 . befurt' lilt' .eal?~ the allm e n~lIlt'd "Ice PreSIdent and hSlstant \ Ice Presldenl of The Hal~t\Y. illJouranc' LornP'8"~' It';~nt' personall~ knuwn lu be tht' rndl\ Iduals and nfflct'rs described herei.n, and acknuwledged thai ~he.seal affixt'd!lth4~ecYli& iA.i.tnw!enl ipht' cU'lH~rate seal u.fT.he Hanover Insurance CU,lllpall\ w.,d t~at tht' sa,ld <:orporatt' st'al and tht'lr signatures as~ffi~\rtl wt'rt'*lul~ ~tlt'd ~itl s ht'cllu S' d I . Imt'nt h~ tht' uthonl~ anll dlrectlHn uf salll CorporatIOn. ~ .1.-. ~:7-'1 ,c:,'"~..,; ~ 0 G.o~SAC".\':'~J,'" ;,': 'fS>, )' .....\l}... ().\..... ,~'). " At Ry n\:,v ~'" "'1 f" "l~~~" Notan' Public I'"......', _ My Commission Expires May 29, 1992 I. the undersigned Assis~?t Vice President of Th.e Hano\t'r I.nsu,ranct' Cumpan~., ht'reb~ certif~ thal:he abm"e an~ foregoing is a full. true and correct copy oCthe Ongmal Power of Attorney Issued by said COl1lpan~. and do hereb~' fnrther ct'rtlf~ that Iht' said Pm..er Ilf\t1"me~ is still in force and effecl Thi~ \.t'rtificate may be si~ned by fascimile under and b" authority of the follm..ing rt'solutiun of tht' Board of Directors of The Hanowr Insurance CllInpany at a meeting held on the 7 th da~ o( October. 1981 .. RESOL VED. Thai am and all Pn.....r.. nf \lIonlt'~. and Ct'r1ifit'd (:npit's nf .'lI'h Pn"..r. nf \lInmt'v and l'1'r1ifil'atinn in rl'sl'l',,1 Iht'rt'ln'l!ranll'd and t'xt'l'nlt'd bv Ih.. Prl'.id,'nl.nr an\ Vict' P......idt'nl in cnnjllnl'linn ...ilh an~ Assi.tanl \il't' Prl'sidt'nl oftht' (:'!Illl'an~ ,hall ht' hindlllj:..n Ihl' (.n.ml'.~m I.. Ih,' IllImf' t'xlt'nl a. if all .i~alu"",' Iht"rt'nn ....r.. manllall~. affix..d .....n Ihnu!:h nnl' nr mort' nf am ,u"h ,'!:nalllrt" lhl'll'nn ma\ ht' fa""Ill,lt" GIVEN under my hand and the seal of Ilaid Company. al ,. orct'stt'r. \{assachusells. this Is t day of January 19 88 ',~ ( Seal) FORM 111-0402 (5/85) ~. /./~' !. l "~:'.~__'.._~"__'_'__h_",,_ __/-:.,--,_.~~ .r........ n...... ".....-..^........'-...~...................'....................'........'.......-.... ...~ ,":,,' - _ .''tNY''---''''..''.'..>--'..-, 1,-=:' ... · .......; t . - ',,', ,',' "',, ,','.',--.-.'1 r' .' .. I ,\ f \,~">,-:,'>>.,, ", --->,:",..<.( [I "...7 t,,1J;~~~ ;,j falcon 11cab!etv 'J 7630 Eigleberry Street :1 Gilroy, California 95020 W Telephone: 408-842-5653 September 10, 1976 Mr. Fred Wood City of Gilroy 7390 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 Dear Mr. Wood: Enclosed please find a rider to the bond in your file. This rider is necessary due to the name change from Gilroy Cable TV to Falcon Communications. Please phone me if you have any questions. Sincerely, --~ *le~,--~ Frank Caliri FC / cms Encl. f~t-- -I~~ -7~ ~:f~ ~ J- J2-ge