Gilroy Cable TV License to Gilroy Cable
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70 W!:ST H!:DDING ST. I SAN JOSE, CALlI'"ORNIA \;15110 12\;1\;1-2323
eLf"'" I 80.4."0 or SUP~RV'50RS
March 14, 1967
Mr. Frank Caliri
Gilroy Cable TV
381 First street
Gilroy, California 95020
Subject: Coaununity Antenna Television System - (Revised
License Agreement)
Dear Mr. Caliri:
Enclosed please find original and two copies of a
revised permit granting a license to Gilroy Cable TV to
use County's rights-of-way for transmitting television
signals via cables, etc., to City of Gilroy, subject to
certain terms and conditions.
Your attention is called to Section #14 which has
been modified pursuant to your request, and allows both
City of Gilroy and the County to be named under the $50,000
Faithful performance Bond.
Please sign the "Acceptance" on all copies and return
to this office, together with evidence of insurance coverage
to protect the County, in accordance with Section #11 of
this agreement. A fully executed copy will be returned to
you for your records.
Your interest and cooperation are appreciated.
very truly yours,
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~Mrs. Jean Pullan
Clerk of the Board
cc: Public Works Department
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l~OPl. COI.[.lJJtJI'ry l\1;~'TEi\1~L.\ Tl::LEVISIOl'~ SYSTEl,I
COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA., State of California, hereinafter
re":ej:red to
as "County, II does hereby grant to GILROY CABLE TV, a
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duly organized under the lm1s of California and
consisting of the follov7ing partners: FPJU~K J. CALIRI, Bill{ TSUDA
and EDNIN F. DRISCOLL, JR., hereinafter referred to as "Licensee, II
3. llcense to use County9 s rights-of-vlay for the purpose of
transmitting television si:;nals via cables, Hires and conduits to
tLe incorporated area \.'lithin the City of Gilroy, subj ect to the
follm!ing terms and conditions:
1,. Revocable License
The license granted herein shall be nonexclusive,
unassignable, and subject to revocation for just and reasonable
cause upon one hundred eighty (130) days r \vritten notice to
2. Definition and Des~_:J::'iI?tion of Rights-of-1vay
As used herein the term I'Rights-of-Hayll shall mean that
real property ovmed in fee by County or in which County mvns an
easement for public higlwlaY purposes. The description of the
rigllts-of-\.;ay covered by this license is as shown on the map
attached hereto and made a part hereof.
3. Restricted Use
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This license is limited to the.use of CountyVs
rights-of-Hay for the transmission of television programs via
cable, wires and conduits placed or installed on poles owned by a
public utility company authorized to use County's rights-of-\'7ay.
Nothing herein contain~d.shall be deemed the grant of any right
or license to distribute~or in~any way operate a community antenna
te levis ion sys tem or''=r~nsmit te levis ion programs v1ithin the
unincorporated territory of County.
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1.\_. yearly Fee
Licensee shall during the term or this license pay to
County a yearly ree for the use or County r s rights-or-vJaY, a sum
equal to two percent (2%) of Licensee's gross annual receipts
prorated over the length of the lines in the unincorporated area
as compared to total length of lines operated in both
unincorporated and incorporated areas \'lithin County. Licensee
shall file 'ivith County 'i'7ithin thirty (30) days after the expiration
of each calendar year, a fil1anc ial statelnent shm'7ing its gross
annual receipts and the formula used to determine County's
prorated t\'JO percent (2'1,,) fee. Licensee shall pay County \'7ithin
thirty (30) days after the time of filing the above statements.
5. Coropliance \'l~th All Requirernents
All cables, wires, conduits or other properties of
Licensee shall be so constructed or installed at such locations
and in such manner as may be required by the Director or Public
Harks or County, Licensee shall be subject to all applicable
County, State and Federal lm7s, ordinances, rules and regulations
heretofore and hereafter enacted.
6. Inspection of Property and Records
At all reasonable times, Licensee shall permit any duly
authorized representative or County to examine the property and
records or Licensee. Licensee shall prepare and rurnish to the
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Director or Public ~'Jorks and Director of Finance, at the times and
in forms prescribed by either, such reports \vith respect to
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operations as may be reasonably necessary.
7. Notice to County for Interruption or Traffic
Licensee shall give five (5) days prior notice to County
. ,\,yhen in the installation or repair of its equipment there ,,;rill be
any delay or interruition to either vehicle or pedestrian traffic.
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Such notice shall include a schedule of proposed operations
together with the proposed method of traffic detour, number of
flag men, guards and warning devices. Upon approval of the
Director of Public Horks of the method proposed to handle traffic,
the Licensee may proceed with the ';.Jork. In all cases the Licensee
shall be required to submit a copy of the approved traffic plan
to the County Co~~unications Department at least twenty-four (24)
hours in advance of the actual performance of \vork.
Reauired bv Public Ir)1Drovements
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Licensee shall, at its expense, protect, support,
temporarily disconnect or relocate any of its property when
requested by the Director of Public Harks by reason of traffic
conditions, public safety, street vacation, street improvement,
installation of sewers, drains or any other type oflmprovements.
9. Removal or Abandonment of PropeJ~
In the event that the use or any part of ttie system is
discontinued for any reason for a continuous period of t\velve (12)
months, or in the event such system has been installed without
complying with the requirements of this license, or if this license
has been terminated, Licensee shall promptly remove all such
property from County I s rights -of-\\1ay. Any property not removed
vJithin a period of thirty (30) days shall be considered permanently
10. Hold Harmless and Defend
Licensee agrees to hold harmless County, its officers,
agents and employees J:rom and against any loss, cost or expense
occasioned by or in any vlaY connected v'7ith Licensee's use of this
license and to defend, at Licensee's sole expense, County, its
officers, agents and employees on account of any injury (including
death) or damage occasioned by or resulting from the use of this
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Indemnification of Countv
Licensee shall take out and maintain at all times during
the term of this license and during the performance of any '\Vork to
be done within the unincorporated area of County a policy or
policies of public liability and property damage insurance naming
thereon the County, its officers and employees-as insureds against
15_ability of any kind v7hatsoever, including reasonable attorney's
fees, aris ing out of or in any 'iTay connected 'with the us 0. of
county's rights-or-way, by Licensee under this license. Both
public liability and property damage insurance must be on an
occurrence basis. The policy or policies shall provide that the
coverase afforded thereby shall be priE~ary coverage and that if
County and its office:r:s and employees have other insurance against
any loss covered by the policy or policies, the other insurance
,\'7ill be deemed excess insurance only. The policies shall provide
coverage in the follm7ing amounts: For public liability, $250,000
each person; $500,000 each occurrence; property damage $100,000 on
account of anyone occurrence with an aggregate limit of not less
than $200,000. The policies shall be satisfactory to the County
Counsel of County.
Licensee shall concurrently with the acceptance of this
license file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of County
a certificate shouing insurance coverage. The policy or policies
shall not be cancelled or reduced in coverage without giving to
County not less than ten days prior written notice of intention
SO to do.
12. Installation
Licensee shall in good faith co~aence work to install
cables necessary for the operation of this license within four (4)
months from the date of receiving this license and shall thereafter
diligently prosecute the 'IiTork in good faith.
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13. Surcharge of Rights -of-~v~"y
In the event a claim is filed against County for a
surcharge of COUlity i S rights-of-'\'lay on account of the grant of
this license, COlll1tyway litigate the claim or authorize Licensee
to litigate the clair:l. If the claim is sustained, County Gay
terii,inate this license forth'j}ith and shall not be responsible to
"Licensee for any loss, cost or damage sustained or alleged to be
sustained by Licensee on account thereof.
14. Faithful Performance Bond
Licensee shall concurrently with the acceptance of this
license, file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors and at
all times thereafter oaintain in full force at its ovm expense, a
corporate surety bond in a company and in a form approved by the
County Counsel. The amount of: the bond shall be $50,000 with the'
County and the City of Gilroy narned as joint-obligees. It shall
be rene'\7able annually and conditioned upon the faithful performance
of Licensee and upon the further condition that in the event
Licensee shall fail to corrrply with the provisions of the license,
tI'lere shall be recoverable jointly and severally from the principal
and surety of such bond any damages or loss suffered by County as
a result thereof, including the full arnount of any compensation,
inder:mi:Eication or cost of removal or abandonment of any property
of Licensee as prescribed hereby \'Jhich may be in default, plus a
reasonable allowance for attorney's fees and costs, up to the full
amount of the bond: the condition to be a continuing obligation
for the duration of the license. The bond shall provide that
thirty (30) daysl prior written notice of intention not to renew,
cancellation or material change, be given to County.
This license shall be effective upon date of acceptance.
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March 13, 1967
Chairman, Board of supervisors
The terms and conditions of this license are hereby accepted
and will be complied with in all respects.
GILROY CABLE TV, Partnership
BEN TSUDA, Partner
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Depu y'county C nsel
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TUEPHQHI 142-6409
February 21, 1967
Hr. S. Sanchez
Supervisor, County ot Santa Clara
70 \vest .iJedding St.reet.
San Joso, California 95110
Subject: Community Antenna Television System - License
Dear Hr. Sanohez:
In revicw1ng~hD bonding situation with our insurance a~cnt
and t.he City of Gilroy, love can obtain one :;~50,OOO bond tdth
the County and City as co-principals. 'l'he City \V'ill on) y
act 11' the: County can givo ns n firm commitment.
l::nclosed is a map shov!ing un aroa on ~'lorey Avenue that has
been annexed to the City. "\li.tbin a short ,,>v-hile the rest of
Horey Avenue will no doubt be annexed leaving fewer oable
miles in the County.
We feel that the amount ot bond required by the County for
such a small portion of cablet plua other fees 'f111 amount
to more than what 1s economically justified.
tve would appreciate your efforts in expediting our request
for a smallor bond or one nall1in&~ both parties as co-principals.
Sincerely yours,
Prank Caliri