Sale of Gilroy Cable TV l.7 " " JACOBS & McDoNALD BRUCE M. JACOBS KENNETH E. McDONALD ATTORNEYS AT lAW PRINCEVALLE AT FIRST POST OFFICE BOX 4S8 GilROY. CALIFORNIA 95020 TELEPHONE (408) 842-3141 /ftj r; rf~ ",,,J ...) _ ' /' t:;" '/~ May 30, 1975 City Council City of Gilroy 7390 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 lA /" //6 Gentlemen: Under Ordinance No. 779 of the City of Gilroy, GILROY CABLE TV, a California corporation, was granted a franchise to operate a community antenna television system, pursuant to Chapter 24 of the Gilroy City Code, which sets forth the terms and conditions for operating such a franchise. Section 24.57 of the Code provides that a corporation holding such a franchise cannot transfer it in whole or in part without the prior consent of the City Council expressed by ordinance. The present owners of all of the outstanding stock of GILROY CABLE1.:Y_:Yli,1?,h ,!:g~"~tt,,,aud """t.r ~~E!:;_~":'~h-2!: s ~i.<;l~"tQJ;,k"J::o_E,h:~CON ~IQA.,'t'"IQ~~,~ a joint venture composed or ADVANCE BRANDS, INC., a Delaware corporation, and FALPRO CORPORATION, a New York corporation. Attached to this letter are December 31, 1974 balance sheets of ADVANCE BRANDS, INC. and FALPRO CORPO~~TION, and a pro-forma balance sheet of the joint venture, FALCON COMMUNICATIONS, the proposed transferee, showing their financial responsibility. Also attached are excerpts from the F.C.C. application giving additional information as to the transferee and Mr. Donald Paul Nathanson, the president of FALCON COMMUNICATIONS. As experienced owners and operators of cable TV systems, the proposed stock transferees agree that GILROY CABLE TV will comply fully with all provisions of Ordinance 779 and Chapter 24 of the City Code. City Council Page Two Hay 30, 1975 The proposed transfer has been approved by both the F.C.C. and the California Commissioner of Corporations. It is not specifically stated in Section 24.57 that Council approval by ordinance is necessary for mere sale of stock, but if so, this letter is to request that the City Council approve the proposed sale of stock at your meeting of June 2, 1975, by passing the required Ordinance as an emergency measure to prevent undue delay of the sale. If an ordinance is not deemed necessa.ry, approval by motion is requested. '~~r /1 ( Si1.k1Tely, i / ////// ...~#k /(J!itijJ-I-fc llRUCE H. JACOBS - BMJ/dc . FALCON COMMUNICATIONS PRO-FORMA BALANCE SHEET AS OF MAY 30, 1975 (Proj ected) ASSETS Cash and Marketable Securities Investment in TRU-VU Cable TV Investment in Southern Monterey County TV Cable, Inc. TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES NET WORTH (CAPITAL) LIABILITIES AND '~~:,:~p rtJORTH $1,115,000 800,000 315,000 $2,230,000 -0- $2,230,000 $2,230,000 ADVANCE BRANDS INC. PRO-FORMA BALANCE SHEET AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1974 ASSETS CURRENT: Cash Accounts Receivable Interest Receivable Prepaid Expenses Inventory TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT: Leasehold Improvements on Sub-let Premises Furniture and Equipment Less Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization . NET PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT OTHER: Investment in TRU-VU Cable 7~% Grey Advertising Inc. Sub- ordinated Convertible Debentures Due 12/31/76 7~% Grey Advertising Inc. Sub- ordinated Convertible Debentures Receivable 1/1/75~ Due 12/31/77 Investments in Securities - ,Marketable (Market Value $140,822.21) - Other (unlisted) Future Federal Income Tax Benefits Receivables From Officers and Former Employees Miscellaneous TOTAL OTHER ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS $ 35,666.91 17,473.04 6,825.00 9,606.41 8,181.80 133,621.85 66,548.70 200,170.55 190,234.49 800,000.00 182,000.00 183,000.00 77,103.65 180,000.00 174,245.00 90,251.02 9,728.96 $ 77,753.16 9,936.06 $1,696,328.63 $1,784,017.85 ADVANCE BRANDS INC. PRO-FORMA BALANCE SHEET AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1974 LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES: Notes Payable to Stockholders Accounts Payable ACCRUALS: Interest Federal and State Income Taxes Current Maturities of Long-Term Liabilities TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES LONG-TERM LIABILITIES, Less Current Maturities DEFERRED COMPENSATION Tor AL LIABILITIES STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital Stock: Class A 50~ par - shares authorized 120,000; issued and outstanding 117,558, in- cluding 30:7:6 in treasury Class B (non-voting) 50~ par - shares authorized 200,000; issued and outstanding 109,350, including 58,650 in treasury Addition~l paid-~n capital Retained Earnings Excess of TRU-VU Cable Market Value Over Book Value Less Cost of 89,366 Treasury Shares (Net of $3,322 for 600 Class B Shares Subscribed) $ 7 , 851. 37 4,015.73 16,679.70 464.15 51,677.78 58,779.00 54,675.00 113,454.00 290,036.86 812,560.65 258,277.02 1,474,328.53 500,253.85 TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES & STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY $ 80,688.73 367,035.07 362,219.37 809,943.17 974,074.68 $1,784,017.85 ASSETS Cash Investment Investment Investment .l'i~Ll'l{U I...-vltl'0H.1,'l'ION BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1974 (UNAUDITED) - Securities at Cost State & Local Obligations - Real Estate Limited Partnership Book Value Interest Receivable Dividends Receivable Sundry Receivables Total Assets LIABILITIES & NETWORTH Liabilities Notes Payable - Limited Partnership Dividends Payable Sundry Payables Net Worth Common Stock Preferred Stock Retained Earnings Total Liabilities $ 345,000 422,500 1,445,095 Total Net Worth Total Liabilities & Networth' $ 306,992 686,502 1,228,645 47,738 45,962 1,138 2,970. $2,319,947 $ 75,457 25,350 6,545 $ 107,352 " $2,212,595 $2.319.947 .,,,- ./ " ~ '( , I'" .,'U ~ j".\,.".I",', ,L,;'lh I J ....11 ^l ,'1"\' d I Ih'''r.' I 11'''''''1< 10.. 'J: j,u/~ 1', ^11i".h'^.lld~~ I (11: ~.(l~j~1 rll It I l'l",\'j'd'll~ {I/' lll\j II (Ii lIf(,l)!,'I'UI\^JIIINllllL(Jt;;I.t"t:~~,II\lI,'III)tlll J;\;t( I'i, :,If\jjltr,11i I ~\'d, 1: _~_t~_tl~~ ,j,I.d~I..!~':~~;~~'~2~...:_~t,~ .I..:l~ '!_I_,'~,.~'- l~dl.' -1.\". _",'~. ~ ~"llI,:J_I ",' . j'.J." ",1__ ___ ' A, Sl..'!: 1c.'IIUnhJII)' on 1I'\I'I~t' ,,.lJ(' 111 1'\,:,'1 Idl.lq', -.I ( III'~ I.d.,~ U. LU.l..II "Idollilh f1U>ld,r..J t<J Ill..' "1'1,1.. ..11.,a (A. II, l..', 11, 1'1\ )...n _ ~'~I~~_ ~l_~: l'_;~'~_~__._ ___ __ _'__'~__ ________.____+_______ t. rl...t~('lt ~.i I06JU) ~CI~H:Clt 06IHJ L.tll )lh1l:a 1I1 :-'1.dh.lOlt III t.....h :-....1\11 c ~tIJ.~r! &~~2..?_~~_~ ......:1 ,I :'\\.,..;. ..I ^.,,' II' >l () IJ t\ II I 'Ill I, I J I N I II I:. 11 I lIt' h .:.'J..,..I l'l ... 11"01' ..1""1'. c.: "Il,tll::.:. 1..'" J' t. j, 1 I II..- r.j u~,JJ4'1 ,11,11.,. I. I l") 1" ,;J ,:,' L.l 11'.. j' ." I'" ..IlL.. "_.I..'.~d.-:.II.L_.-: tl;;. ~.-:~I:II ..~,~-I.~;:'~-"-lli;I;;)--y-~~-- jl-U._~ J, d I'., .. I II : ~ ~" ~ :110. ,I .', III t '. " I, r II ,. l..l', (('q"JI ,,1&' I ~. ..II..,. '.\..1 t 1.11 11,(; UJjKJI1', t ;~~, I . ' . '. II'", ~I~,~ {II .r." ,rl.l' l..I."l'> "I~.06 ~.'t...'~,.'It'~h.'.tl....1 l"l"'-!.J__n..__;?_(':~_~_ L..:-.Jl.lL..1 (L) II I! I llil' 11.I'l1~.ll; \.j t'C"IIIII\II't.' I '~iJ.\'r..II"H lJC' " ll"I'h':'COlllll"C vt _lit .llcn v, Yt'lit hv II ;'/') 1.~I\'llL~_I,:..._~t'ILIIII'IlI~ It :.'YI':~".I:I_.:.J~~__. 1_1-._J:l_ (l) '" II: ..:L) \./111 ,., \d t! II I'll "I (d =,... II , I" 1'~I.lluh L.: "II ..lien;' \ C', NI.I II "~'I"~"~"~ '.<'t.' 11l:.I,ullll,n '1 ___________ -----------_!..-L- [~~I (d) \1,,11 I_'ult~ (1,111 ),h \,/ II., 1"I,Jl,.! '.I~." It In,'' l'llIIC.:, {<...-l.nj ut ft.'lurJ (.r '1'-111 t..c ~'-fli - t;~._- .,.IL',I L", ~l"'n:, l>l 1l.t.'1f r"j,.~',I'{jI>lII\'t.':i. vi t.., oJ il"l'lL.fll...~t"rnu.l'f1tl,)1 [J l?~ 11'1-""IIII,oll'" 11.111'1'/' 1>1 III j,,,~ ""'l,vl",lu,n ~f1:.."lll',J ""~~Ill,c: 1".1Ii "I " J "111(' 1\ 11...111(1) j II ""':,", = Vl.' Il,'.1 f y('L Il~n ... (t.) ",'1'11 1I,t. II( '11':,0<,-, l.il I ,'jllllll"l. 1,1' ':II~'l't1r ...~ II:JI;l~~I;: Z:;II;::ikQ'~'-----V;;---N~ ...ll.lllLJI["_"...IIVII;' Jl "'1'1':"', ,;ll.....~.l 1~lnl-. \1) Illlllul.l, (J) Lo~'lo... ~] r-l t() ~ I.d I (l,,, fl...lIlC oJnJ "lIdjL~:' LIllo.. L.....I.IIl...JIJl~~cuq~...t..IH.,n) ---..:. WSA -52 C"bk Televisiun Hvl.l>' Servicl: (II nC'''Cbo~.IY. (:",olUlut: 011 '~"('I~t' ~IJd 2.(.) N.un.: ut 'UI~I..lC hcc.'n~.."'t' VI pc.:lllIILI~~ Scv f::,hibit A -'d l.llld"1 d.t' l.,w~ (,r"':h..1 .':l,.l\. vj 11,..I,tJ~' .~ .It.~ (~r~l-:;ii;;;'-~dJ;';;.. 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Ill"'lI~~ 01 vtLI'I~I:'C. ~JlL.i Inl..l;~:d~ "'ll 4lLJlhlJllt.ILliJtI 1;1 ..l.'-l..-lJ...u,c \I.'HI. llll~ "PI'/Il':.Llun. :;';';,~ .""'''' ...,,".;,. '" "< "~': ":':" ~'~ :", :~'''' :";,:;,;' :"jJ()! j\Jc~1{~~:~,~~';:; ,~ 'l:,;::," OCh'tf ",e l..ic,n:.cl.: lit I'c,mltll:'" CUq"hlioftlOII .......... 11.-1I::.1"'lcl: 4../ C"'I,II<.J1 Gihoy C'lblc TV U8lc SI~"N A pr i 1 4, 1975 '.. ehrc'vlle: r jlll.II\'IJu"1 l -J ('ultllC' l. IUIi,rel f\-J 01"" (5~<,d.) Joint [WII,~lFlJl, HI'I-:srA"lT':.:uJS-:.i^ili~i::-;:IIJI;-I~ic~I'II,,:j:17~l\;.~'0t .1_IC~J-I-'~i^;il;-;':I;':I'.iJ;;:'lI"l us CUlll:, IIIH. IH, 51.n1U~11U0i) VClllurc Jo'CC FOlm 703 PC<elJlucr l~llO l:,HIll Utlll...J Sl"lcb vt Af/ll;jlCloI t'eJcl..d CUlIllliUI, I' ,.11 hll.:. CV'jjfhl~~ Iun AUTIIOI(IZhIION '10 1I0LD I',IUIU 5lATIUII (UNSllWCI10N 1'1./'1.\1'1'(5) Oil SlA'lllIN 1.1l'/:rl'L(5) AI- ILl< "l1<M" I' 1.1< UI' (UN IIWL. UI' ClJJ<I'tlI<AlION I. H"IlIt's Q( ...Jlg ajt,vit..:t:a. ~nd (....{I ~1l:1l> vi a.l..ll....ll~ III .....I.:h tic.'f'l,nc J. Cu:nJJTlll!lS 01: LJ":N1l ~~ k4lJIU ~l'.!.Ylf!. -- -_._- -.---..-.------..-----..- .-...-,.------- -. -.- ._------- WSA-52 Cable Tdl: V i::; ion Rela y Service ltlC: (:""'uI,,,lr JUt.:'IlHt' vI 1,t;.luHlc-e ~s lil.:lcLy oilJlholl,ad l~ l;onll;II~C holJlO~ the ,.dlu i.luliuH 1.(E'Il~l-(~) (.II' UIl';ollu.-tlufl I.C:IUIII(~) 1,:.lnl III 11,,'m ! ",u .he: l,....'li ~'tl.e- IC.'ICIiC:R' 14t1IVII:- UI..Jt~ HI lIlt' tll'ldlr...IIl.J1I lUI llll:i IlU~hllIU...IIO'" 'fbl:t ~H4"vlJ.ltlllvn I:' f'.J,d...J IVI II,~ 'elill ",Ilt.c uUllttwnd~f1t Ilc~n.c(.) Q4: 'vu_U"""l.ln pcl/llll(.) tUI lilt: :.tilIII.lO(:') 11:'I~lo1 Ul Utili I, tJoIl~ .u..llll.lIU~lJ: 'f i,(..) N4mp gl ~t.lI'l(Jt;ll&: lu..c.'Il~,,'e ur I,cfmllll:~ . H LQ't- Cab LeTY. _____ _.__ (~l M"t1,n~ .qdl<>> Nt,imk, Slice' 7 ~ 3 0 Eig le 1-:~~E..y_Sl J'C d _ __ . CUr 51.le ] Z", l..,Jc G i 1 J'u~_~J..j_~9~.::i,'_.__ _.__~_~y?_~_____._ ,.-...-- ITtJll<AL CCllolMUIUC" TH,ms LClI.IMIS5IlJ/j 'IIII~ AU'IlillHllh'IIIl1l1 Cl Ill. /11.1 " ~1l11 LlJliI '(ll/h'llll:. '~, l'AlllO ~'I II llljr~ 1:1 l '>I'IJ, I ~c.::,,',,')' / / 'ecr.....))) \1.11/",'.1'11 ~..,.__).r...l "lAD nu: C.XPLANAfIUH ftnd ~,11CIAl. P,',Il,I,,-,l(",', AT 111!. l'n,I~HING 1\' 1111S SLCTJOH 1\l1'l~(L AW,\.l K 11.(.. W'o l\ Iii!.:.!: lJl~,~T lUllS. J. !ullll~" .lruc(urt .. Check .pp(opr1.tt t...,. to lndl(,6l1 bUltIH'" fOrlloOt "f rer",)rtlllR catJl. ay.t,.: LI Individually OVl1.d 1).;1 1'.rlnH.h,p (joint venture) LI Corporal Ion ..,vlnll on. (I) c'....unlty L. Other 1 1 Corp<'fl\tloll (lprrl.tln" ('"bit ,yalnH 1n Vl0ltl thAn one cOO\U1unlCY. bUT llO'~,t: OI'LRAI10I,S ^"~. hur :.lj.MAI1: Cl"I'VkATlWS. b. If the reportln~ e.~lr trlnlllon I>.lt" II Individually ovnrd. Klve th, f\4I1C. clty end .t.te or rc.tdl'nre, And 1')Cltd 6('ClJr~{y nundltr ot the O'lilltr In the 'PA" pro.. vlded, end then CUl,flHlfL \11111 Qln:STll~' 'I: SociAL Security No. H,"e (I..t. flral) CII Y Stole ~. "rAHlI.Y 1Hf" (See e~l'lanatory IDOdcl Al h.,;llllllnf: of lhl. Senlon for fllCh corporation fl'- lIlhf'f tJll!dnc~h C"lltlty Ilortll:U In llll' ","SlIdly trrr/' Indicate nOlOf'. !'II)' end >llle of prinCipal offIce. and ('Ioploy,', ld"',ll(lcotlon ILl.) ~lI"her. - - (1) Level Q Falcon CornmulJi cat ion~;~hisago ~o-a~-R-r.po~;-.l-,~i-Eilhl c l~l-~~'-l;'lll~I-'~Y!.ll'lll ell'l IL ~ldle l. 1. tiulubc r H thl, "rqx>rtlnr. cohle .yatec1' I. e ,ln~:lc corl'oret. enlllY op,'ralln~ cable Hole... . to DJort than O(IC (oulmunlty. tJut. th('~(' o~)t'r"'lloll~ t\fe lIot 't.par^le c()rporGClon.. 116[ belol/ the COlMJonlty, CO~nlY. end otalc of All, of lbe ,y'II'lIli operated 10 lhh ....nn.r. (HI Level I rrovlde the I~dl(oted Informotlon for on> cllrporAtlno or olher buolne.. ~otlty that ovno 2~1. or IllOre of the voting Hock of the 'tl'o'tlnt, r.~le .yote," "owcd In level 0; A cl van c c 13)" 1\.. n clJjLln..s.___~:_ bic.a1.~ Q No"c Llty Y'Cll pro C ?2:E::.:2~~:~~~ ~__~~.:..~_~2.!J~ HA,"e CILY II, 3 {J - 2)].::.12.0 6 SIDLe L. I. hl;n,ucr 1'1Y 13._~_~_L:9 506 Slote 1..1. I/Ul:]he I' StALe E. I. thJOIVC r -- Stolt E.I. Hu",ucr CI ty UaOlt Nawe Uty UIII level 2 l'rovldc: tht" lnljJ["nlcd lnh1l"L.l^t lOll (f'lr r:I\Y rorport\l1on or olher t'u:dnc,", rntlty 11lnt 010105 2Y1 or m"rt ()( ~h,. v('\llok: .l~'(k of lb<' (Ontlly (.r tol1tl('& rU\Otrd III lrve\ l. 1" ('bL'h CIUt;. lodlcale ..ldeh enllly III l,.vel I I. th,- 11I~.ldl..y <>/ lho enLlly nntlled In Level 2. t'AI1lf" C I Ly ~t.lC 1..1. HUfJlJrr ~t.te C. I. hu",-~~ ~d G 11 L.1. :;um~tr Slldr {.-l-:ri;~t~ ~\jHf 1... I. 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"" ...f 1-; "~"", .',.:......., .)~}.\.".....~,~..!.:"(..!.:, ;'f.."~Ji,,~,.;;. : "~ .,;..~'i.. .~ .. "" ~I"- . I .1,.;(,..M.(~'t."t~y.~ ,., '..'. ,>ooII.~...... .Ill. Ii .." . ~. ~,~., ~ .;, t . '\"'.fV. ";~..,~ ,..'.' .1;;,,:J l'\,~ '..'J' ':.>~ 'it "'''j.''''('Iir:>:':l"l;'i ; 'f>. ':\.... ,.~,.",. ,...... O~....:" j. t ,J t. ..~,....... , ,,,.,.-:,....... ..,........'t'~"\....,',~:~:.~.,~.....,";,..~.)~.:....;:~. ".., ..<-.....';,'...,.,...,.:...."':.' I...'~..:~.'......:\,I,.\.' " "'.. ",...", ...,.~,,, " . ."...... ," ;.,'... . ',.'f" "', A'f'l'ACIJMl<NT TO EXIJIBIT A Advance Brands, Inc. Owns 100% U1 'l'ru- Vu C<4Lle, which OIj~rates a cable television system at Altadena, California; Donald Paul Nathanson is an offi<;;er and din:ctor of Tru-Vu C..lJle. In addition, Mr. Nathanson has intere:>ts in caLle television fr'-i.nchises for North Chicago and Waukegan, Illinois, for which cel'tincates of compli<4nce r(:<;;(::ntly were granted. All Clear Cable TV, FCC 75~15, Donald Paul Nathanson is Vi<;;e President, Director and 60% stockholder of Southern MonteJ:ey County TV CaLle, Inc., which operates cable televisiOn systems at Gon:t.ale:t. and Soledad, CalifoJ;nia. DOnald Paul Nathanson is a tru:>tee of Chicago Educational Television Association, licensee of 110n-comrnercial edllcational television stations WTTW and WXXW, Chicago, IHinoi:>. Chicago Educational Television .Association Owns 100 percent of the :;hares of WFMT, Inc., the licensee of WFMT(FM), Chicago. -- -- -- Donald Paul Nathanson is Executive Vice Presid(;nt, a Director, anq a stockholder of Hardscope Bl'oadc<.4sting Corporation, the licensee of KBAK ~ TV, Bakel'sfield, Califor,nia; KFBB - TV, Great Falls, MOQtanaj KTWO(AM), Casper, Wyoming; l\.TWO-TV, Casper, Wyoming; anq KULR-TV, Billings, Montana. l-hadscope Bro<l.dcasting CO.l.'poration 'also Owns 30% of New Ml::xico Bl'oadcasting Company, the licensee of KGGM-TV, Albuqut:rgue, New Mexico and KVSF(AM), Santa Fe, New Mexico. FCC FOl'm 32310S (ownership) arc On file with tile Commission for these stations. I-Jal'dscope Bl'oacJcasting Corporation also is the licensee of transfatol' stations in Miles City, Montanaj around Forsytll, Montana; Lewistown, Montana; I-lavre, Montana; Sheridan, Wyoming; anq lie1eQa, Montan<l.. FLlrthel'mon:, !-Jardscope Broadcasting Corpon~tion i~ a limiteCl partne.l.' (24.925%) of People' 1;/ Cable Company, which operates ca.ble televi~ion systems in Pepfield, Perdngton, Pittsfol'd, Gates anq Greece, New York. Ponq.ld Pall! Natha.nson owi~s 10. H3% of the voting shares of Harriscope Broaclcasting Corporation in his own name and vott:S additional shares,: amounting to' 5,29% of the voting stock, owned by Achance Brands, Inc., anc:t North Advertising Incorporated, ~Jl'ofit Sha:d11g Trustj tnus, Donald Paul Nathanson h'-l.S 16,12% of the tOlarVoles of Harriscope Broadcasting Co:rpoNtion, ." ) 11(i VERIFICATION State of Illinois County of ss. He is the Transferor in the above-entitled matter. DON PAUL NATHANSON, being duly sworn deposes and says: Transfer Securities and knows the contents thereof. He has read the foregoing Application for Consent to The same is trqe of his OWn knowledge. -;::.. ~rfdl1~~~ Subscribed and sworn to befoEe~ ~ me on nee 1=0/ /7 /d t2l. , if 07- Notary Public f~ the State of \J2~~ County of ~~~