Gilroy Garbage Disposal - Charles R. Acher and Gilbert Sims THIS AGRiEHEN'l', Hade and entered into the tlt\h day of February, 19 '1+. by and between Cll'Y (.IF rrILHGY, . mun1a1oal oorpo:rat.19Jl, party of tM"'t.1~"t"~t t, .... OHQ~ R. 1C_ anc! GILDEI~T S n~, ~art1e. ot to. second ~ rt; WrrNL~2,E:"{. '~'lJ.at. tlhe1"(:as, thc')~rt:.:1i"5r ~~ sec.:,nd. part do now haVE. the franchise and right to oOJlect an4 41apo.. of garba.. in the e1t7 of Gilroy under an agreement whieh will expire on Dec.mber 12, 19~; and )' Wa&RLA3, because of the gro..Ith ;)t' t:1€ City uf uilroy. the .a1d par~ie3 of the second part w111 require for the purpo.e of handllnr and dis~o.1n& of garba" additional eqQ1p- ..nt which the.., would. not ~.6 ~lJstlfl€'dir, pw~ch.d.si:lg :lr aeear1q unless they will rJ.Hve thE continued collection and d1spOlal or CArbage in "':he c:1ty of Gjlroy for a period beyond the saY 12th allY or December, 19~, Rnd they have represented to tbe .:l1d City of Gilroy that, ~h~? vill lecurf! such a.dditional ",1~Dt should the laid franchile and &creament be a:tende4 tor a period ,::>f at least f1 va (,) year!S trca and after to. .ad lftb day of Peeember. 19~1 and VDBU. the Common C~i1 of the C1 ty or Gilroy did on ~ tirst day of February, 19~, pass and ad0pt a r.aolu~1oa extea41nr; the franch11e and acre..nt betveen the laid C1ty of ~.C ., CIIllrOJ" and the partie 8 ot the . eeoni }lrt tor the oollHtl_ UII 41-,08&1 ot laJ"bap tor a pe:rlcM1 of fl.. (S) ,.... rr. ... after tbl 12th 4q ", Dee....., 1''-', upon" ._ .... ... 'N IlP*1-. aet tonll 1. ... .._n.. .. aep........ 1"-w..... .. "'.1_. , . :'fi _. ~IIIIPCIII. rr IS A~ltt II' A.II) .....a. ftI N.ft_ . 1J Jfl10t fila. 'M aa14 t'nDoh1.. and &&n-- _JlelJlMto.. aent10n ec! tor the colleetion and d1spoaal of prba.. 1a till City or Gilroy between the parties bereto be, am the 8_ 1a hereby extended. tor an add1 tlonal period of f1 ye (S) year. 1".... u4 a.t".. tM lnb4.of.....r. 199t-, upon tbe _ [> ~'.'_"-":''''''' <;,_ .4 ',' .,,-,.i';'q,",:(: -t,',. terms elM :GonditioNl set forth in and applyin<< to the pr..en' traftehlse ~nd ~<<reeMent. IN wrr~:-~ss WHEREOF, the nartie! hereto haY. hernnto-' their haM I the day and year fir ~'t herelnei tten. <,', /,Jk~ , ~ ~ ,; C IT"", OF GllAOY / L ' ". )), ). . By I' :.:~ " ,{ -( ."'....,_ ~ty of the fir st :a rt ~~. ,e U~ ~-- "-\Jty '), the ~co~d pArt ~~~AJT'2/j/I~-~ .-/ ~t.7',f t?le rr co 'ld ~;:lrt. / -,.---><-- I ' j I i 'j i l t f 1 ; ~' . ~ j j I ~ ~ t il ~ 1~ Jl ~ .1 .~ J