Gilroy Garbage Disposal - Letter to advise change to South Valley Refuse Disposal, Inc. -, FRANCIS N. CRAWFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW 43 WEST FIRST STREET MORGAN HILL. CAliFORNIA 95037 TELEPHONE 779-2006 January 19, 1968 City Council of Gilroy City Hall 10 South Rosanna Gilroy, California Gentlemen: This is to advise you that Gilroy Garbage Company is now a corporation by the name of "South Valley Refuse Disposal, Inc.". The city records should be corrected to note that the franchise holder is now South Valley Refuse Disposal, Inc. At present, the persons having the corporate inter- est are the same persons that operated the Gilroy Garbage Company. ~:y;~ ~IS N. CRA~ Attorney for South Valley Refuse Disposal, Inc. FNC : 1 w Abov~ change duly accepted by City Council at their regular meeting of February 5, 1968. A3IOM.nU i 4Ci; City Clerk ~1 d - 6- &8 The JEtna Casualty and Surety Company Hartford, Connecticut Continuation Certificate-Fidelity or Surety Bonds. In Consideration of ___';r_I:4J'~.Y_)!4g,1:r~_m~gmP:9;:l.Q.Q::':h:::m::,,___{$J_~_,,_QQ}::"_h::"_h_::_h::"h_::':h:':'::m::"___::':h -Dollars renewal premium, " . the term of Bond No. _5~:L4J~~_9.h_ECmm__hh_ in the amount of $2-'_.5QQ_._QQm_hhnh_m_m_ issued mm_U~l.~_Z_mm_______mnhmn on behalf of ___________n______S9u.th_nV~llElYnRe-1'JJS-e---Di.sp_Q.sal-'n-In~.____mnm___nmnn_m_h__-n__mn____u.mm__.h____unnnmnm______hnn_ in favor of ______.mn_nu_.nQ;!,tYn_Q,:f___Gi.lr_Qy.m_n____h_n_mm___hm__n__n____hhnm___nmnm__hmnmn_____nm_m_m_____mmn________mm.nm________000000___ is hereby extended to m_N9.y.~~~nJ_'h_J_9.P.9m___.n.m..m_____hmhm_mh_mm subject to all the covenants and conditions of said bond. This certificate is designed to extend only the life of the bond. It does not increase the amount which may be payable thereunder. The aggregate liability of the company under the said bond together with this certificate shall be exactly the same as, and no greater than it would have been, if the said bond had originally been written to expire on the date to which it is now being extended. 11-6-68 THE lETNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY ~J(flfl:J:~;mA".~f.OriiiiY*l#'1aCT;-mm (SEAL) Signed, sealed and dated (enter below) ....._______..________.._______...._______....__________._________..________~.__n______r~___ (F-SS-G)