Community Rating System - Agreeement for Annual RecertificationCity of Gilroy, CA NF1P# 060340 COMMUNITY RATING SYSTEM ANNUAL RECERTIFICATION Section 1. Community Data: OMB No. 1660 -0022 Expires June 30, 2010 If there are any changes or corrections to the information in this section, please line out the old item and write in the correction. Please provide any missing information, if applicable. Community: Gilroy Recertification Date: October 1, 2010 Chief Executive Officer: Name: Mr. Tom Haglund State: CA NFIP Number: 060340 Title: City Administrator Address : 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy 95020 -0429 CRS Coordinator: Name: Mr. Rick Smelser Title: City Engineer Address: 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy 95020 -0429 Coordinator Phone: 408 - 846 -0451 Coordinator e-mail Section 2. Certification rick.smelser @cityofgilroy.org FAX: 408 - 846 -0429 hereby certify that this community is continuing to implement the activities noted below and credited under the Community Rating System and described in our original application and subsequent modifications. We are maintaining, to the best of my knowledge and belief, in force all flood insurance policies that have been required of us as a condition of federal financial assistance for insurable buildings owned by us and located in the Special Flood Hazard Area shown on our Flood Insurance Rate Maps. Signed: Mr. Tom Haglund, City Administrator Date: ACTIVITY WORKSHEET AW -214 -1 EDITION: 2010 City of Gilroy, CA NF1P# 060340 COMMUNITY RATING SYSTEM ANNUAL RECERTIFICATION Section 3. Community Activities OMB No. 1660 -0022 Expires June 30, 2010 Your community has been verified as receiving CRS credit for the following activities. If your community is still implementing these activities the CRS Coordinator needs to put his or her initials in the blank and attach the appropriate items. The numbers refer to the activity number which is found, in the CRS Coordinator's Manual. If the word "attached" is used you must provide documentation material for that activity. If no material has been acquired for that activity please y there is no material from the past year. I We are maintaining Elevation Certificates_ on all new and substantially improved buildings in our Special Flood Hazard Area. We have issued �_ (insert number) permits for new construction and substantial improvements in the Special Flood Hazard Area in the last year. Attached are all finished construction Elevation Certificates for n stantially mproved structures that have been completed in the last year. Initial here if there have been no new buildings or substantial improvements " the floodplain since the last submittal. We continue to make copies of Elevation Certificates on newer properties available at our present office location. Lj Initial here if your office address has changed in the past year. Please provide new address with this form. We are providing Flood Insurance Rate Map information and information on the flood insurance purchase requirement to inquirers. f J Initial here if the office address or the manner in which requests may be submitted has changed in the last year Please provide the new office address or manner of submittal with this form. Attached is a copy of the document that told lenders, insurance agents, and real estate offices about this service this year, including informing insurance agents about the availability of elevation certificates. f Initial here if the information is included in your annual outreach project to the community or is part of your community's outreach projects str gy. Yark the attachme t Actjv3o s ov�vyhere_ th service is p J cl ed. Attached is a copy of one page of the log, a letter, or other record that we kept on this service this year. We are continuing to keep our FIRM updated and maintain old copies of our FIRM. Attached is a descripti n and copy oft is year's annual outreach project to�loo�dpi in residents. U C� /J' 1 �%J `6 sa4 C lEf�l� 1✓q�(Ir 1,6eveo -61* People looking to purchase floodprone property are being advised of the flood hazard through our credited hazard disclosure measures. ACTIVITY WORKSHEET AW -214 -2 EDITION: 2010 City of Gilroy, CA OMB No. 1660 -0022 NFIP# 060340 E ' J 30 A 450 450 �� , xpires une , 2010 COMMUNITY RATING SYSTEM ANNUAL RECERTIFICAT Our public library continues to maintain flood protection materials. Initial here if the required annual inspection of library materials has been con cted. We continue to preserve our open space in the floodplain. We continue to enforce the floodplain management provisions of our zoning, subdivision and building code ordinances for which we are receiving credit. y Initial here if you have amended your floodplain regulations. Attach a copy of the amendment. We continue to enforce our current building code. U Initial here if you have amended your building code. Attach a copy of the amendment. We continue to maintain our system of elevation reference marks. L_] Initial here if any reference marks on your FIRM were found to be missing or inaccurate. Attach a copy of the correct elevation or a description of the missing reference mark. We continue to enforce the requirement that all new buildings outside the SFHA must be elevated above the street or otherwise protected from drainage problems. We continue to enforce the provisions of our zoning, subdivision and building codes as they pertain to erosion and sediment control and water quality. We continue to implement our drainage system maintenance program. We continue to implement our drainage system maintenance program. Attached is a copy of our updated Standard Operating Procedure used to manage the drainage system. We continue to implement the sections of our Capital Improvements Program which pertain to the drainage system maintenance. Attached is a copy of a typical inspection report and a copy of the record that shows that any needed maintenance was performed. We have maintained and t a d our flood threat recognition system. Attached is a rep ing how our flood warning program worked during the flood(s) we had this year. Initial here if your community did not have a flood that qualifies for evaluating the' pr ram (i. e., a flood that damaged more than 10 buildings, caused more than $50, 000 in property damage, or caused the death of one or more persons. 610 We tested our warning dissemination equipment and procedures this year. ACTIVITY WORKSHEET AW -214 -3 EDITION: 2010 City of Gilroy, CA OMB No. 1660 -0022 NFIP# 060340 Expires June 30, 2010 COMMUNITY RATING SYSTEM ANNUAL RECERTIFICATION 4610 Attached is a copy of this year's outreach document that told people about the flood warnings and safety measures. U Initial here if the information is included in your annual outreach project to the community or to flood plain properties, or is a part of your community's outreach projects strategy. Mark the attachment to Activity 330 to show where th o warns s an afe y m u es a ex me Ut b We conducted at least one exercise of our flood response plan this year. 0 We have completed our annual update of the names and telephone numbers of the 1 e operators of all critical facilities affected by flooding. Additional Comments: Attachments: ACTIVITY WORKSHEET AW -214 -4 EDITION: 2010