Calstate Construction - San Ysidro Park Rec. Building Remodel - Amendment No. 4City of Oflrop Public Works Department - Engineering Division 7351 Rosanna St., Gilroy, CA 95020 Phone (408) 846 -0451; Fax (408) 846 -0429 CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 To contract for: San Ysidro Park Recreation Building Abatement City Project No Contractor: Calstate Construction Inc, Contract Date: 12 -PW -194 1/6/2012 This order shall become effective when it has been signed by the City Administrator, City Engineer, Project Engineer, and Contractor. All copies forwarded to Contractor for signature shall be returned to the City of Gilroy properly filled out. Upon acceptance by the City, the Contractor's copy will be returned to him as his authority to proceed with the work. Description of Work Calstate to install Rockwell Drainage Systerm at picnic area to eleviate ponding. Rockwell to be 10' in depth, and to include a 2x2 catch basin, with (3 ea) 12" extensions and a standard 24" traffic grate drop inlet. Bottom 6' of well to have drain crushed rock wrapped in filter fabric. Six inch Schedule 40 perforated pipe wrapped in fabric will be installed within center of well. A 12" area drain inlet at picnic area will run approximately 40' to new rockwell location. All piping to be 6" PVC schedule 40. All requirements of the original Contract Documents shall apply to the above work except as specifically modified by this Change Order. The contract time shall not extend unless expressly provided for in this Change Order. By signing this Change Order, Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the adjustments to cost and time contained herein are in full satisfaction and accord, and are accepted as payment in full, for any and all costs and expenses associated with this Change Order, (the "Extra Work "), including but not limited to labor, materials, overhead and profit, delay, disruption, loss of efficiency and any and all other direct and /or indirect costs or expenses associated with the Extra Work and hereby waives any right to claim any further cost and time impacts at any time during and after completion of the Contract associated with the Extra Work. ► All Extra Work authorized under this Change Order must be billed separately from the original contract. All bills for work done under this Change Order shall reference this Change Order No. 4. I (We) agree to make the above change subject to the terms of this Change Order for a NET INCREASE not to exceed $7,951.48. Calstate C CONTRA By: RECOMMENDED BY: ACCEPTED BY: tructiory, Inc. Construction Ma Cost Percentage Initial Original Contract Price $771,744.00 Previous Change Orders $15,800.54 2.05% Total to Date $787,544.54 This Change Order $7,951.48 Total Change Orders to Date $23,752.02 3.08% Revised Contract Price $795,496.02 Date: March 7, 2012 L San Ysidro Park Recreation Bldg Remodel # 12 -PW 194 Project No. 12-001 DATE: 3/6/2012 San Ysidro Park #12-PW -194 CONTRACTOR: Calstate Construction, Inc. CONTRACTOR COST PROPOSAL W 10 POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER (PCO) - COST PROPOSAL - PRIME CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Cost to install a new drywall at the picnk area to limit the excessive water accumulation ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL sales tax Included LA80R (fully encumbered EOUIPMENT attach invoice OUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST EXTENSION OUANTITY HOURS RATE EXTENSION OUANTtTY I UNIT COST EXTENSION Survey/Layout/Coordinate work/Subs $ 4 $82.00 $328.00 0 $ $ $0.00 $ SUBTOTAL $ $ 328.00 $ MARK -UP $ $ 49.20 $ TOTALS $ $ 377.20 1 $ MATERIAL + 15% LABOR + 15% EQUIPMENT + 15% PRIME CONTRACTOR TOTAL Sub Contractor Costs from Attached Cost Proposal(s) SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL DIRECT COSTS PRIMARY 5% FEE ON SUBCONTRACTORS COST SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL FEE PRIME TOTAL SUBTOTAL COR BOND ( not to exceed 2% of sub total) TOTAL $0.00 $377.20 $0.00 $377.20 7,065.11 r $353.28 $7,418.37 $377.20 $7,795.57 $ 155.91 $7,951.48 PREPARED & SUBMITTED BY: Jim Lyons COMPANY: Calstate Construction Inc. TITLE: PM Cost Proposal San Ysidro Patio Recreation Bldg Remodel # 12 -PW -194 Project No. 12 -001 DATE: 3/6/2012 San Ysidro Park #12 -PW -194 CONTRACTOR: Calstate Constriction, Inc. CONTRACTOR COST PROPOSAL #: 10 POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER (PCO) - COST PROPOSAL - SUBCONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Cost to irwall a new drywall at the picnic area to WWI the excessive water accumulation ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL axles tax included LABOR (fuliv, enxmm Bred EQUIPMENT attach involve OUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST I EXTENSION OUANTTY RATE EXTENSION QUANTITY I UNIT COST EXTENSION Drill well. 4 ton rods. fabric 1 1 S 1, .00 S 1.650.00 $ $0.00 Catch basin, , clean -out 1 1 $1,293.57 $1,283.57 Labor $ 3100 S 60.00 $ 1.920.00 Loader $ $ $ 8 $75,00 $600.00 OuM ,ruck S $ 8 W5.00 S W100 $ $ $ 5 s s 5 s s S S E SUBTOTALS: S 2,943.57 Is 1.920.00 S 1.280.00 MATERIAL LABOR EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL DIRECT COSTS FEE ON DIRECT COSTS (15 %) SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL Third and Fourth Tier Sub Contractor Costs from Attached Cost Proposal SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL TOTAL z'REPARED & SUBMITTED BY: Jim Lyons - CSCI COMPANY: Universal TITLE: $2,943.57 $1,920.00 $1,260.00 $6,143.57 $921.54 $7,063.11 57,085.11 Proposed Cost Proposal Subcontractor MAR -2 -2012 14:48 FROM:MARIA 14083371983 T0:15106571810 Belmonte's Concrete Services, Inc. BOON. 1S1 Street San Jose, Ca. 95112 SAN JOSE OFFICE FAX t1 (510) 261 -8439 Fax (510) 261 -0557 ( 408) 337 -1983 FAX -MEMO ro: Calstate Construction Attn. .tared Perry From: Maria/ Rosa FAX # 510 657 -1810 PHONE# 510- 657 -1800 RE: SAN YSIDRO PARK DATE 3 -2 -12 PAGES 5 Dear Jared Enclosed please find Bid Proposal for Dry Will at picnic area. Please advice. Thank you Ricardo 650) 771 -6799 I P.1/6 1 r I MAR -2 -2012 14:49 FROM :MARIA 140=1983 TO:15106571810 1.21E Selmonte's Concrete Services, Inc. 4356 Cdiscttrn way Oakland, Ca.94MI (510) 2618439 Fax (510) 261-0557 Email bdnvntesconcmt*@EarthUnk .net Contractors license 0 932922 "A" + CS Puc MBE M I411C0r1215460 (MBE 1DBE)00T- Caluans -Bart N 37742 BID PROPOSAL TO CALSTATE CONSTRUCTION PWIM SanypidroPark Attn: Jared curov'CIL Pralm BID DAM 3/1/2012 ! 3 PM I REM DESCRIVflOM Esfktlate Qty Unit Prim TOTAL WORK TO BE PERFORMED DRY WELL AT PICNIC AREA Sub QUM Drill well 3'% 10' Supply 4 ton drain rock Fabric Lump cum Materials Catch Basin 6" Perf Pipe 10 LF 4" Drain pipe 40 LF 4' Area drain and clean out Lump Sum Labor 3Z Hrs at $ 60.00 / Hr. Equipment Loader trencher 8 hrs at $ 75.00 / hr. S 600.00 Dump truck 8 Hrs at-p06j hr. $ 750.00 b Total ~ S SUBTOTAL L5% Mark tip TOTAL BID lncluslons: Furnish all work as detailed above Traffic Control our work only Exclusions: No Steel casing., No testing or drill testing No Fnginaaring or lay out SM2012 2.42 PM S 1,650.00 S 1,29357 r% $ 1,920.00 X11 Z` S �so-� C, /q 3 . S $ -- ' J70 4, MAR -2 -2012 14:48 M M:MARIA PlZ Ay U21 SECTIONAL cATCM BASIN 2< . T'. W. 14083371983 T0:15106571810 F' 416 24' ?J 6' or 12" Cost -In VaM1144a TON 5ECMN fr+uns for gmte walk �« «/ Re&w Prome aneMr bops. jj U,QtFTA AR u2131'12 e' DRLNSION U21SXa 'tuv Ti• i f WENSKM w/ Knock 'r+ Outs U21SX12 �M 12 Do.o its Uc to t £%TENS ON 0.0. Ptpe W/ KngO ' OWN "* 3' U21SX12 2a'- KNOCK . . OUT ,,gy�pp paredc�or(.tM Sbip n9 Cadx Item � POW on u 15 oRAm e+ox 21s sec d,otrs 24 x xs• 1.p U21 sn zRP Mr i G w 403 ko. 12" R.:n it wlwyovwar �ims u?1EYaW TOP Scam No lea. a Rainloneed "o0wro wlth _ 11 UZ1sxt2Nt 4XTDtSiOµ 337 lea. 11 RsildorON *M!1 knodt -outs. no frame U2135t i4 tta- ! Rw Mrwt.d ooncrsb x U21.S SECTIONAL U21 S SECTIONAL Qldca$tle Precast' CATCH BASIN Enclosure Soltnlorls nu Rwa v21$�SO msx OAM 4011 vhonw. (WO) 440 -7070 f'ac (NO) 4044884 2MOR102011 P 62 Copyright 0 2011 by Oldcasfie PrlecasT Inc W- 2 --Mi2 14:49 FROM: MARIA 14083371983 OVA GuK +l► =° 5800 Rossi Lane, Gilroy, CA 95020 CORPORATION Phone (408) 842 -7211 Fax (409) 842 -7212 N —N CA # 826958 Proposed to: "monte's Concrete Services Attn: Ricardo TO:15106571810 F'. 5'6 DATE: 2/2012012 VALID: 30 Days For: San Yaldro Perk Location: Gilroy, CA Proposal Accepted by Date PO# Don Alvarez Sr. Proposed by 02/20/12 Date Thank you for your business] I Price is valid up to 30 days, Page 1 of 2 MAR -2 -2012 14:49 FROM:MARIA 14083371983 T0:15106571810 P.8/6 EX_ CT USIONS: I. Construction plans, specifications, permits, bonds, testing, inspections, or the eons associated therewith, 2. Professional engineering, staking of corners, elevations, and alignment, or layout, 3, Saw cut or demolition. 4. Construction of the building pad compacted to +/- 0.05', and certified by a professional engineer. 5. Site grading„ base rock, and sand base compacted to +/- 0,10', with material to fine grade at hand. 6. Traffic control, vehicular or pedestrian, arrow boards, barricades, cones, delineators, or flagmen. 7. Excavation, backfill, or spoils removal for plumbing, electrical, or mechanical trenches. 8, Miscellaneous iron, stool, anchor twits, sleeves, safety railing, or other concrete embedded items, 9, lntogmi. or dust on colors, hardeners, sealers, paints, stains, grinding, polishing, or joint sealant. 10, Masonry work, interlocking pavers, and/or pre -cast concrete items, and the installation thereof 11. Dewatering or case work, and all added costs associated with re- cleaning, re- grading, and re- compaction of sub -grade due to inclement weather. 12. wateMroofing. 13. All footing excavation will be performed with normal excavating cquipmont, Use of power breaking equipment (hoe - rasa, jackhammers, etc.) or excavation through rock, water, or any other material through which a baekhoe cannot penetrate at a normal rate, shall be considered extra work, and all additional costs shall be reimbursable. 14. Vapor emission control systems, or the installation thereof. 15. Backfill at footings, walls, or other construction, 16, Additives, hot water, or ice necessary for hot and/or cold weather placement of concrete. 17. Grouting of door jambs, thresholds, mud sflls, and other emheds. 18, All costs associated with the compliance of the interpretation of the Education Code. Section 45125.1 that determines that construction employees are covered by such statute, the certification of said employees, or the isolation fencing to comply with said statute. 19. 'femporary shoring, re- shoring, or underpinning of structures, supported floors. utilities where required. 20. Grinding, patching, chipping, or leveling of floor using Ardcx or other self- lavcling materials to satisfy the requirements of flooring contractors, whether caused by curling or other tolerance affecting occurrences. 21. Determination of curb widths, height% alignment, and blockouts for doors, the verification of same, and the monitoring of same during concrete placement. 22. Column. sill platc and hold down anchor bolts, and other concrete embedded items, the layout therefore, the verification of alignment, location, and elevation thereof, and the monitoring of the same during concrete placement. 23. Cleaning of reinforcing due to inclement weather or other conditions over which this contractor has no control, 24, Adequato provision for concrete truck or pump washout, and the removal of spoils therefrom. 25. Handling, hauling, or disposal of toxic earth or other contaminated spoils. 26, Overtime work, If required by others, unless written agreement for compensation therefore is received prior to said work. 27. Waiver of Subrogation. If required, all costs will be paid by others, 28. Insurance coverage beyond the limits of that already held by Noah Concrete Corporation unless the premiums for the additional coverage is reimbursed by the General Contractor for the duration of the job. 29. All else not specifically defined In the scope of work, Page 2 of 2 MAR- 2-2012 14:48 FROM:MARIA 14083371963 T0:15106571810 P.3/6 Re aN18U1Ai O►fgGt: :UN 1 �AQT FIMtObUp tN( PHQEM><. At 850M I] I li 1*04c (60) 4"4430 fi . www,cMN(i1 V-w Iftlill ovotoa it Norio wN i4do � . VO JT oil U 0 T A T 1 0 r: DATE, 31021120:14 LRO1r, p IF' REFL" TO YOU9 ItiGiU:N`/ PRINT DATE: Oa) a 8-5Si3 95020 - St143ECT TG cCND *TrOMS EELON - ;tICTATwONk: 1527 ©SS „rep n "r; AR ^8 650.771.6799 Ri 54 10 CUSTOMER i'Kt;r-C: (40 947-041.5 BE pOl;iti'a cUICaErE SERVIACC _) 0 1 .t T y r SAJ OCGE CR 15 12 CU loy,C R FAX! ]. ( 409) 337-1993 rTEll 1_I5T NET ExrFf'GED u Hu;e,o R 4vAp!°: "'t rirzcr. PRICE rtr,t:r EPCn% r PC.. Tr=ue A a=oa= a�ao�e��aaaas : a��za, eaertncx== a:.: i=RRO dam= ».:»»» rrogaaaaua= ::s:liirs4esse,asss4nww F4POS PVC 4 SEMER DRAIN RYE 2 0:2C --2 b. 389 Q.N9 PVC. ERF DRAIN 2779 1CFT BE 450021/0 1C 3 ?: