Calstate Construction - San Ysidro Park Rec. Building Remodel - Amendment No. 5Citp of Oiirop Public Works Department - Engineering Division 7351 Rosanna St., Gilroy, CA 95020 Phone (408) 846 -0451; Fax (408) 846 -0429 CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 To contract for: San Ysidro Park Recreation Building Abatement City Project No Contractor: Calstate Construction Inc, Contract Date: 12 -PW -194 1/6/2012 This order shall become effective when it has been signed by the City Administrator, City Engineer, Project Engineer, and Contractor. All copies forwarded to Contractor for signature shall be returned to the City of Gilroy properly filled out. Upon acceptance by the City, the Contractor's copy will be returned to him as his authority to proceed with the work. Description of Work Calstate to install 12" round area drain with approximately 50 If of 4" underground schedule 40 piping which ties into existing catch basin to eliminate ponding at west side of court #1 near asphalt transition. Underground piping to be wrapped in sand. CO also will include the supply and installation of approximately 60 If of 4" poly slot drain pre sloped drainage system. The "PolyDrain" system to include a Galvanized, Reinforced Perforated Heel -Proof Grate, Load Class 'C', Part No. 2412. The appropriate locking device as recommended by the manufacturer to be provided during installation. All requirements of the original Contract Documents shall apply to the above work except as specifically modified by this Change Order. The contract time shall not extend unless expressly provided for in this Change Order. By signing this Change Order, Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the adjustments to cost and time contained herein are in full satisfaction and accord, and are accepted as payment in full, for any and all costs and expenses associated with this Change Order, (the "Extra Work "), including but not limited to labor, materials, overhead and profit, delay, disruption, loss of efficiency and any and all other direct and/or indirect costs or expenses associated with the Extra Work and hereby waives any right to claim any further cost and time impacts at any time during and after completion of the Contract associated with the Extra Work. ► All Extra Work authorized under this Change Order must be billed separately from the original contract. All bills for work done under this Change Order shall reference this Change Order No. 5. I (We) agree to make the above change subject to the terms of this Change Order for a NET INCREASE not to exceed $9,328.20. Cost Percentage Initial Original Contract Price $771,744.00 Previous Change Orders $23,752.02 3.08% Total to Date $795,496.02 This Change Order $9,328.20 Total Change Orders to Date $33,080.22 4.29% Revised Contract Price $804,824.22 RECOMMENDED BY: /i'r� // S I / 4 / Z0 t Z ACCEPTED BY: Construction b City Administrator Date San Ysidro Park Recreation Bldg Remodel # 12 -PW -194 Project No. 12 -001 DATE: 3/13/2012 San Ysidro Park #12 -PW -194 CONTRACTOR: Calstate Construction, Inc. _ CONTRACTOR COST PROPOSAL #: 2.3 POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER (PCO) - COST PROPOSAL - PRIME CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Cost to install required slot drain at the end of the handball court to eleviate water collecting due to the original slope of the driveway____ The slot drain will be plumbed to the new catchbasin which will be installed at the West end of the S. Basketball Cl i I ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL sates tax included LABOR (Ifujilly encumbered QUANTITY UNIT COST EXTENSION QUANTITY UN17 UNIT COST EXTENSION OUANTII Y HOURS RAT EXTENSION SurveyllayouUCoordinate work'Suhs 0 �� 0 5 4 $82.00 $328.00 0 SUBTOTAL $ $ 328.00 $ MARK -UP $ $ 49.20 $ TOTALS $ 377.20 ...___ $ Option A MATERIAL + 15% $0.00 LABOR + 15% $377.20 EQUIPMENT + 15% $0.00 PRIME CONTRACTOR TOTAL 1 $377.20 Sub Contractor Costs from Attached Cost Proposal(s) SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL DIRECT COSTS $4,640.121 PRIMARY 5% FEE ON SUBCONTRACTORS COST $232.01 SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL FEE $4,872.13 PRIME TOTAL $377.20 SUBTOTAL COR $5.249.33 BOND ( not to exceed 2% of sub total) $ 104.99 TOTAL 1 $5,354.31 PREPARED & SUBMITTED BY: Jim L ons COMPANY: Calstate Construction Inc. TITLE: PM San Ysidro Park Recreation Bldg Remodel # 12 -PW -194 Project No. 12 -001 DATE: 1/3/1900 - s_ _ San Ysidro Park #12 -PW -194 CONTRACTOR Calstate Construction, Inc. CONTRACTOR COST PROPOSAL #: _ 2.3 POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER (PCO) - COST PROPOSAL - SUBCONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Cost to install required slot drain at the end of the handball court to elovrate water collecting due to the original slope of the driveway. The slot drain will be plumbed to the new catchbasin which will be installed at [tie West end of the S Basketball Ct Option B MATERIAL $2.114.89 LABOR $1,920.00 EQUIPMENT 50.00 SUBTOTAL DIRECT COSTS $4,034.89 FEE ON DIRECT COSTS (15 %) $605.23 SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL $4,640.12 Third and Fourth Tier Sub Contractor Costs from Attached Cost Proposal SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL TOTAL $4,640.12 'REPARED & SUBMITTED BY: Jim Lions - CSCI b COMPANY. Universal TITLE - Proposed Cost Proposal Subcontractor FEB 21-2+'112 15:10 FRGM:MARIA 14083371983 T0:I51V 571eld P.212 BEMONTE'S CONCRETE SERVICES, INC. 800 N. 1ST STREET SAN JOSE, CA. 95112 San Ysidro Park Recreation Building Remodel # 12 -PW -194 RFI 9 7 Correct drainage problem at handball court REVISED 2 -21 -12 Labor 32 Mrs $60.00 I'Ir $1,920.00 Materials 1 US $2,114.89 Equipment Crow u& Subtotal 15% Mark Up TOTAL BID $1434.9 "I° 3 �' F 1 2/21/2012 San Ysidro Park BI06asketball court south side Page 1 FES -21 -2012 10:53 FROM:MARIA 14083371983 1,1,15106571810 P.22 O N A C C 0 V N T I S T I M A T E WRITE CAP CONST, SUPPLY 595 6RENNAN STREET 606 420 -2000 SAN 3038, CA 95131 SOLD Tor 160776000 SHIP TO, OELMONTEE CONCRETE DaLBoNTEd CONCRETE YARD / /ELMOMS CONCRETE SERVICES INS 6EQVICSS INC 4 t4 COLIIIEUM MAY 4356 COLIFEUM WAY nAKLAN') CA 16601 OAK1,00 CA 14601 JOYS 9115AR dW.4zir35 ORD BYIESTINRTE 910 - 291.0430 ....................... ORDER NO 0;UER DATE JOB NO.--CU3'POMIIR - -P.O .NO, 6L6MN - .-------- . -• - -- ... . 35 »4Ni 2/10/12 160974999 3900 TCRNB`-... -•CHIP VIA /ROUTING DATE RIQUY6TED S4TOPID LOC TAXRII BY NET 30DAY9 OsVILL'CALL+••I IS MARIE ......... ...............eee....e..rs.iee ee.......... re•►ie ......... eee ■Pe► ...... LN PART NUMBER QTY ORD QTY BNP OTY DEC PRICE OR AMOUNT SIN II /M 0 9CRIPTION ORD UNITS DISC% ....................................................... ............... ........................ ......._........._....._....... 10 300KO01 L. L6 EA 16 0 60.97 RA 075.42 YRD960t 801 IN K1003 NEUTRAL CHANNEL C ........................... 20 390C4104 .'j. A. 16 EA 16 0 28.76 EA 490.16 L0301.02. IM OALV VERY QUICKLOX ORATE E 30 3100LE 33 EA 32 0 3.9a EA 124.00 L030403 OUICKLOk BAR SOLD /8A4H C • to 30OK3064 2 SA i 0 11.05 WA Lou 3u505 81000 t• I/O UNTV C9481HO ENDChP M yuOTOTAL 1.fnt.IA TAX 190.71 SNIPPED AMOUNT 1,711.09 / 4nFPPRO WEIOMT 55 i94 J .ti ALL QUOTE3 VALID FOR 13 DAYS FROM ESTIMATE DATE UWL24S WHITE CAP REDEIVE6 A PRICE INCREABI FROM TRI MANUFACTURERS. PLIIA69 CHICK WITH YOUR SALES RIP WITH ANY OUISTIONS. .... *.* ..........................e.. -No RETURNS OR RIFVNDS ON SPECIALS .. ......r..,r ............ ...•.. e.. or San Ysldro Park Recreation Bldg Remodel # 12 -PW494 Project No. 12 -001 DATE: 3!812012 T San Ysidro Park 012 -PW -194 CONTRACTOR: CaU to Construction, Ntc. CONTRACTOR COST PROPOSAL #: - i& POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER (PCO) - COST PROPOSAL - PRIME CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Cost b instal a mMred etch bolo at pro Wow aid d ft SwA andwe A Court. The e2gne d the ealrA basin is to remove Wow that 2dpR! -*kM" 1"W SWAM of pay d rad and Ihs Mid of fm MAO—W Corot TM aroh W* 040 be 000 Mb __.. o» atbfrtst basin bated at the SW and of IV $04 MINN Covet I MATERIAL sales I= included) y�cq !'rap + - OU�NTRY UNR UNrft ST EXfEN61DM Isurve _ nma%Wwsubs _ o S__ -- _.. - - -� LANOR WOW enwmbered) - -- - -- - — OUANTtTY 'OURS RATE el {_ls2.tx► . E�7(TfyN$NN„W Y UNCI COST EXTENMV ��� — I _ uBrarAL s i efs.00 ti MARK-UP i i i3 a0 5 I TOTALS -- _ i f 5aso '. Opeon A MATPRIAL + 15% 50.00 LABOR + 15% $W5.80 EQU03%"T + 15% 50.00 PRIME CONTRACTOR TOTAL r Sub Contractor Costs from Attached Cost Proposags) SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL DUCT COSTS 1 r1.59 PRIMARY 5% FEE ON SUBCONTRACTORS COST 155.5$ SU13CONTRACTOR TOTAL FEE 4330.17 PRIME TOTAL $565.80 SUBTOTAL CDR =7 BOND (not to exceed 2% of sub total) 5 7±•92 TOTAL I U973.89] PREPARED & SUBMITTED BY: COMPANY: Calsts a Construction Inc. TITLE: PM San Ysidro Park Recreation Bldg Remodel # 12-PW -194 Project Yn.12 -001 DATE: 3/612012 San Ysidro Park 012-PW -194 r:ONTRACTOR: Caistete CansUvdion, Inc, CONTRACTOR COST PROPOSAL N 1J _ POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER (PCO) - COST PROPOSAL - SUBCONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR DESCR VTION OF CHANGE: Coal to In"I a rMlufwd ealth twain at Iha WsM and d lfa Souls 6aaka" COOL The pur!OU M Mn CAM berm is No nanaae - -- ww It* eel" sbiv fhsj war mom d pfd road w%d dw wd of the 8WwW Cpo. n e aW, bWn wil be fed kilo lr Miay beshl W-W at au SW and d die South -BWM al Cowt . C"on n MATERM $612.90 LABOR $1,440.00 EQUWL*NT $045.00 SUBTOTAL DIRECT COSTS FEE ON DIRECT COSTS (15 %) SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL Third and Forth Tier Sub ContraeW Cab *m Atfached Cold P9rap0W SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL $2.757.90 5413.69 �'�53,1T1.8f t' J 53,171.lt>f IREPARF.DA SUBMITTED BY -..R.. - .... �.r. :_.,.,.......-,.._,x.. mL s-�.SC,).,...._� .. COMPANY: ..... _ .. - - ........ TrrLE Proposed Cost Proposal Subconhw.tor mW -2 -2812 14:53 FROM: MARIA 14093371993 M: 1510071910 Belmonte's Concrete Services, Inc. 1 SW N. 1u street San Jose, Co. 95112 SANJOSE OFFICE FAX # (310) 261 -8439 Fax (510) 261 -0557 ( 408) 337 -1983 FAX -MEMO TO: Calstate Construction Attn: Jared Perry From Mara/ Rosa FAX # 510657-1810 PHONE# 510-657 -1800 RE: SAN y5IDAO PARK Dear Jared DATE 3.2 -12 PAGES 6 Endosed plesse find REVISED CHANGE ORDER Rf136 BASKETBALL COURT SOUTH SIDE STORM DRAIN. Please advice. 'frank you Ricardo 650) 711 -6799 P.1 -06 MRR-2 -2812 14;53 FROM-MARIA 19883371963 T0.15ie6571612 BEIIAONTE'S CONCRETE SERVICES, INC. 80014, ISi SiRM SAN JOSE, CA. 95112 San Ysidro Park Recreation Building Remodel # 12 -PW -194 RFI#6 BASICETW . COLIM SOUTH SIDE~ STORM ORAIN REVISED 3 -2 -12 Labor 24 firs Materials PVC Pipe 4" (Muller invoice) CB (WAS Invdms) Sand 4 tons (OJNI attadwd) Equipment Bobcat 4 Mrs. Dump Truck 3 Hrs, Place Wedasr Subtotal 15% Mark Up TOYAL BID San Ysidro Park 8100wketboEl oourt south skis Page 1 $60.00 Hr $1,440.00 $315.10 5101.20 $253.50 $672.90 $ 672.90 $ 85.00 $340.00 $ 85.00 $25S.00 $ 50.00 $645.00 $ 645.00 $2,757.90 $3,171.59 9/2/2012 MAR-2 -2012 14:53 FROM-MARIA 94060#27272 naahcolluuts DJNI Engineering, Inc. 6900 P40 Laf* ON". CA *= PAotw: (408 842.7211 Fax (408) 842 -7212 14me3371903 T0:15106571810 P.3,S u x tl:ie p.m. 03 -02 -W2 : o r DAM Liarch 2, 2012 AM Say Yddro Park Gilroy CA TV. Rt&Vo RamdW 86it190 NN% comrob Sam Phwwo (660) M 4 r..+-..+. �w. .rw...- ...�..�......- ..w..+--- � +. •� «..�.+.r..rw....., r..•..- . ... - .._.....rr.- .........ice... - -...r. -- .�>!�' 6�"',■.!�.. _. _ _.......,..._.�.,.....,�.... _ ................... ...170.00 ....r,.r...w.wr«Mra.. ..,.r... r,a n�.ntar....- ....w- . ».... ... ,....►- ..r.. -- rww... i.:.rr.r ........ ...+w..........r�._.y .. « »....- r- ...- ....-- -... -. .- .- ......,...+. «- _....��...».... ..mow. -� -..... ,.- w.r- .�.w. -...., .�...- M1dMAL rmmm oil 11 11 1 11 Im l , k 1■waq ea6pm6p SUM= �In�M_ ,�i!r�Mr.K � Mf�lirlNliwawd�h � ow�r TO1i{t MAR- 2-2012 24:53 14083371963 Tti:l5ifD6571 @i0 P.4 -'b 1!P.N't'AT.'CkgMSi ' PLBASE MAIM TOT 12M m, t A 9 . As tsdwm +mould bG rwumw 0 ma dlq l w w a 800.2300+ 01961 �,'y (800) 971.6215 u W* mew. wm wxmo waw wed ow l srwglw Info ara w tw pbkai+gr +o Yn�lobfla �►wdd bs scwrnuiuod Info aw:o AogCtltbt+aour iorlsls�. * RaioubL 911RIS i U ON I MPIrer 1006c roW d MMwars dw 1 1 100% mplcy"Owrwd www.rWV*mnndr„dWnsuppty.om ha boo . hued will reisrw+i00i1s yew awewrat. All mb.mWRq will he in ojmd w1a mg b w/nne lb, r=W pwd Qum *GL I woos [Mal 1010111111111 Im _ 10818E YSl1M tl IIit9110 2IEUO1iEt i$ m uvs 1Ei a1 to i W4011 cowl Slav" 19 " fa silo on B8E EAif; 3/21/12 act X83549 /1 n 135E Cal Im 0 � Cll2arl TT.MMI'13s "Asss"ma DWAY1! to %del a. SiSPIt: 14 tTEll1 IN0111If s1st*s TAX 112 VIWA c100 COUNTY »lilRt rl11p�Nl3 19r OIItI dt�N0110N U111q t+Ar'gr�ro'r1 taLlMra1 �> ea 1 soauasAt s umf w claw PK PIPE 4 • 10 2." A1I ? S smussim sarw do mKG( 1' S 9.K /EA t9.3a 1 ? in m E� � S' I 1 ?.9! /EA 12.1! ' atll /Cdtill 1 , 1 II ji } Y �al may d=W tft amout0 ► ?.41 := A 1T C1MCE1 ]0 Sn1E AtQOtAfT ss 8I5.1/ TAW mat WWWA 10 Maya apt >rwulod btlrrwdar dw in tYR riot 30 days. t"Itt tOfi NT; .Od to Mal � B:+W',itMl,di .�lawl.di►'�1�IM..a.rea�+r -- 71E�wtc TQ_____��.1Q_ 1 ;� 14:54 F%P.'1'iWIR 1400371983 M: 15186571810 x.5016 _ *+4 CHAUR &ALE * * t 051 AN11M, MAW UJ+Dt:T 1 =[imull 5fi24Q4 "_' •A - 1 t1R>;>9:e GQl1FZJtM :D * 7170 PT RVOT FT i'Mig I - rx" 44(:9104P- 5515 FMR .4( o 9411-6645 Rrw lrr-T3D LOL.; TM 91T:1.1•=TlV C� CLINCH.ZT1 S14 M.-CH. ':H ?F TO: Z4910 goo R ;S7 CT gav =14J. -Am f.1a 'a111 ...- -.. _+�+.- ._..w— 1 .• . -. 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Ri:��A ?.t1 zs �:'•�4 TAY 4.14 PTtT� :4.111 I,11T ull 1li.ltbf.: ftr' TOtAJr rSC +.yt: lfWM I��ARIT:NF. t?AT6' .j% _ _.... CIImma 410'1/ I �F; L• Q Y MIS lMpg&# C, MaryY ORDTIM15 'If.112 'IPM tri! rr.1 i (I ii! 'OLL rot SM111I3i11211t; I.Ijmt:ltxTf 81114V'CE 43HfP lri)r 111,11 71)-'r -5 1 1 1 d 0 4 1 ----------- 7.12 n T I TV 9111% 9 1 T.Ar UB NkK!t.l 6fi-M-15-MR0 paps IL"I. 04401. Ry- Pf) -Y --rr.9 cr..v.m$ "V cl.t rrxt W4.f'&Vmjr '2 a �vr Was Ir T iff-wc-r fLCLCt .-SO4. F f IT211, r ji 1. IS T 'N WT Ir T R. 1; E 10, 1' 'j-160,20'N' PE rwwln ro. , A, i i 4.114 t 4. 'POW 494 154 3 7 n (' 7 1 A41 p a - " 1 1*7 DIZA i P .11 A If, 111-8004., JIRTIGFT OURItriCr 0 fQjr,%r 4jd,*,gnt;:qq Rent-.r.vcr gpt•warb a.{ load you +�r. an It.t)lljpf.• t%jlfr•lli* W-Att. fILIC-cul-ti'd 3.;-VV4ttf. Roga.9•vt ocittap ;f• 2401115 Afff, 117TAL 44), -40 TAX 141,11tic,41 TOTM PIRM r, y CUBVOWAGM PUS r, v