Calstate Construction - San Ysidro Park Rec. Building Remodel - Change Order No. 9To contract for: San Ysidro Park Cite of O frog Public Works Department - Engineering Division 7351 Rosanna St., Gilroy, CA 95020 Phone (408) 846 -0451; Fax (408) 846 -0429 CHANGE ORDER NO. 9 City Project No.: 12 -PW -194 Contractor: Calstate Construction Inc, Contract Date: 1/6/2012 This order shall become effective when it has been signed by the City Administrator, City Engineer, Project Engineer, and Contractor. All copies forwarded to Contractor for signature shall be returned to the City of Gilroy properly filled out. Upon acceptance by the City, the Contractor's copy will be returned to him as his authority to proceed with the work. Description of Work Furnish and Install I ea new 3'x6' kitchen aluminum Milguard window to match existing. Match existing new window criteria as submitted in submittal #31. To supply and install 8 "' 20 gauge flashing metal to the activites room at the mudsill bottom plate to eliminate potential water damage. To meet ADA requirements Calstate to furnish and install new barbacue grill in accessible picnic area. Post to be imbedded in 3' of concrete. To remove and replace 4 ea 4'x9'x5/8" exterior siding to southern building due to water damage. To remove and replace 4 ea 2x6x10 resawn redwood trims. Calstate is to remove and reinstall the existing HVAC unit from the roof including the angle stand. Replace damaged plywood roof sheating. Install new sleepers as detailed and directed in response to RFI #41. Calstate to install additional structral framing as directed by the structural engineer on sheer wall at wall soffit, as directed in RFI # 32.1. All requirements of the original Contract Documents shall apply to the above work except as specifically modified by this Change Order. The contract time shall not extend unless expressly provided for in this Change Order. By signing this Change Order, Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the adjustments to cost and time contained herein are in full satisfaction and accord, and are accepted as payment in full, for any and all costs and expenses associated with this Change Order, (the "Extra Work "), including but not limited to labor, materials, overhead and profit, delay, disruption, loss of efficiency and any and all other direct and /or indirect costs or expenses associated with the Extra Work and hereby waives any right to claim any further cost and time impacts at any time during and after completion of the Contract associated with the Extra Work. ► All Extra Work authorized under this Change Order must be billed separately from the original contract. All bills for work done under this Change Order shall reference this Change Order No. 9. I (We) agree to make the above change subject to the terms of this Change Order for a NET INCREASE not to exceed $10,104.28. Calstate Construction, Inc. CONTRACTOR RECOMMENDED BY: ACCEPTED BY. Cost Percentage Initial Original Contract Price $771,744.00 Previous Change Orders $105,153.04 13.63% Total to Date $876,897.04 This Change Order $10,104.28 Total Change Orders to Date $115,257.32 14.93% Revised Contract Price $887,001.32 Date: 5/10/12 6 lt Construction Man Date Vic// Z Proje n /P ject r Date J ngin r dministrator Date San Ysidro Park Recreation Bldg Remodel # 12 -PW -194 Project No. 12-001 DATE: 5/8/2012 San Ysidro Park #12 -PW -194 CONTRACTOR: Calstate Construction, Inc. CONTRACTOR COST PROPOSAL #. 24 POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER (PCO) - COST PROPOSAL - PRIME CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Additional framing per RFI#32.1 ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL sales tax included OR tfully encumbered QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST EXTENSION QUANTITY HOURS RATE EXTENSION QUANTITY UNIT COST EXTENSION Su ordinate work/Subs 0 0 J 2 $82.00 $164.00 0 $0.00 $ carpenter 8 $82.00 $ 656.00 Lumber $100 SUBTOTAL Lms 6 100.00 $ 820.00 $ _ A ARK-UP $ 15.00 $ 123.00 $ TOTALS 115.00 $ 949.00 $ _ Option A MATERIAL + 15% $115.00 LABOR + 15% $943.00 EQUIPMENT + 15% $0,00 PRIME CONTRACTOR TOTAL 1 $1,058.00 Sub Contractor Costs from Attached Cost Proposal(s) SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL DIRECT COSTS �— 50,00 PRIMARY 5% FEE ON SUBCONTRACTORS COST r $0,00 SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL PEE $0.00 PRIME TOTAL $1,058.00 SUBTOTAL COR $1,058.00 BOND ( not to exceed 2% of sub total) $ 21.16 TOTAL 1 $1,079.16 PREPARED & SUBMITTED BY: Jim Lyons COMPANY: Calstate Construction, Inc. TITLE: PM Cost Proposal alstate (rcCONSTRUCTION INC. 8UBJECTInterior Sheer Well at Kitchen REQUEST FOR INFORMATION No: 00032.1 Dato: 04/18/12 Paps: 1 of 1 DATE: 04/12/12 PRIORITY: Normal STATUS: Closed JOB: San Ysktro Park Recreation (#12-001) C.O.9. WA Project No. 12-PW -194 TRACK a: WA 7700 Munray Ave Gilroy, CA 96020 TO: Judy Hemingway FROM: Jared Perry HemingwayorStocc Inc Calstats Construction, Inc. 939 Rellet Station Rd 13:510.657.1800 FS10.657.1810 Lafayette, CA 945" 4165 Business Center Drive Fremont, CA 94538 QUEBTWN . After opening up the upper section of wail for the new shear wall above, it was discovered the existing framing is a bit afferent than the way it Is sketched on " Section at WsMof lr. There Is no existing bottom plate on the upper section, and the existing solid blocking is not on to double plates of the lower wall. The upper studs are toe nalled to the double top plate or kx %w wall, directly over the lower studs, and the solid blocking Is not over the lower wan but 1/2" off the wall. And in lieu of an existing sE plate an the upper wall, there are solid 2x blockinng. Would it be possible to use vertical straps between the upper and lower studs for the shear Do? Or use AWs to connect the existing SB to the lower double plate and the upper 2x blocking? Please Advise Provide framing as shown in the attached sketch, SKI. Sc ed. Imped Coat hopaat COR 0 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Nw. 00=1 No., W2112 Calstate P"W I d I (rCCON,TR.CT,.. INC. UXL=Mftrlor Show Wd at Kldm DIRE: W2A2 MOWN. Normal SVM- Su bmNed im San YWft Pork Rowmftn 012-MI) CA* WA Pf*ot N% 12.PW-104 TPACK& WA 7700 MwwAvo G&W CA OM Tm Hwnkvw FAA: Jared Ps" I em lta*ftdnx* Inc C&Wde C61*ucdm kc. 030 RslW 8Ww Rd P010A6 ASM P510.6P.1810 Lmkyoft, CA 945" Fram4165 BuMnift Corder Drive GK CA "M After . i o up to OW subn d O for the now wail sbw% I was ftmued the adsft *wft Is a t*d%w dm the vmYkfa *"Iml" 0n'Ss0&m6l%VmW$W-Tb"l9fw 0. H'9 bottom Phmcn the &"w wdb� aid the o3&ft w0d bh*rl Is rM On the ftdft 00109 Of the kmw WdL The upper OW& Rm bo Mad to fie "A* mp omto of bAw Wd. &4* mw ft Imm shift ww " =W.Wdft b M mw Me kxm vml W Igo of to wd. W. to lieu ct an ao 1 0 io A Oft dh ft w;w MO, MOM we GON 2N bloddnp. Would t be p=W* lo use vwVW Skullb M%mm the upper and kwir-Muds far On show fo7 Or Lou AM ID omrvd #0 odo" so to to bww dmt* pkft mW the upper 2x Mo~ Please Adobe tpwlol*l *. � I 8d" W"at cost kuped Cwt 7-4 Pp4P^lbL F12AM04 AS A PrA"" SV-A"r-i�t ) si4wij tj TNo- sv-t I • 1 . im )SP36 MBA STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC. Wwom 1717 N. California Blvd. #2A Walnut Creek, CA 94596 VAm CHBCMOV- DATE go" L 2f ED Ll i 44-1- J. fill j_ J__ _41 JI" 4 + 1 - 13 j 77-i- od- - y-I- I U i I I I_j_I­,(,_i_I_i+ .-i I_! I I Y _601 J-1 -I :•i , Ti 44 Aill A-L. -y- 141 j j- 1 !T71 J7 I 1 1-17! T .,D_ (-i'_; j F-1-1 A... A J_ 7L , i T -j 7" .................... ............... Project No. 12 -001 San Ysidro Park 912 -PW -194 San Ysidro Park Recreation Bldg Remodel # 12 -PW -194 DATE: 5/8 /2012 CONTRACTOR: Calstate Construction, Ina CONTRACTOR COST PROPOSAL #: 22 POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER (PCO) - COST PROPOSAL - PRIME CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Per FO#19 and FIR #41 Calstate is directed to remove and reinstall the eAsting HVAC unit from the roof including the angle stand. Remove and replace damaged plywood roof shaatin . Install new sleepers as per Architect drawl , ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL sales tax Included LABOR (ffuliNy anoumbered QUANTITY UNIT UNITCOST EXTENSION QUANTITY HOURS RATE EXTENSION QUANTITY UNITCOST ExTENS10N SurveAsymIlCoordlimte work/Subs 0 0 - 2 $82.00 $164.00 0 $0.00 Laborer 5 $59.42 $297.10 Carpenter 6 2.00 $ 656.00 Wood Material $100 Fab and Install Sleeper Caps, 110 Step Shingles, 2 sleeper top saddles and 2 bottom saddles $1,435 SUBTOTAL $ 1535.00 $ 1,117.10 $ MARK -UP I J J$ 230.25 $ 167.57 1 $ TOTALS 1 $ 1,765.25 $ 1.284.67 $ Option A MATERIAL + 15% $1,765.25 LABOR + 15% $1,284.67 EQUIPMENT + 15% $0.00 PRIME CONTRACTOR TOTAL 1 $3,049.92 Sub Contractor Costs from Attached Cost Proposal(s) SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL DIRECT COSTS 1 $0.00 PRIMARY 5% FEE ON SUBCONTRACTORS COST $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL FEE $0.00 PRIME TOTAL $3,049.92 SUBTOTAL COR $3,049.92 BOND ( not to exceed 2% of sub total) $ 61.00 TOTAL 1 $3,114.92 PREPARED & SUBMITTED BY: Jim Lyons COMPANY: Calstate Construction, Inc. TITLE: PM Cost Proposal Project Name: San Ysidro Park Recreation Building FIELD ORDER City Of Gilroy 7387 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 FIELD ORDER NO. 19 Project Name: San Ysidro Park Recreation Contract Date: 01/06/2012 To Contractor: Calstate Construction Inc Address: 4165 Business Center Dr. Fremont CA 94538 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Project No: 12 -PW -194 5/4/12/12 Calstate is directed to remove and reinstall the existing HVAC unit from the roof including the angle stand. Remove and replace damaged plywood roof sheating. Install new sleepers as per Architect drawing. Estimated Adjustment of Contract Sum: Ron Barri / PM (Name of Construction Manager/Title - typed or printed) By: (Signature) Date: 5/4/2012 Jared P / Project Manager (Name of Contractor Representative/Title - typed or printed) (Signature) Date: Estimated Adjustment of Contract Time: IsTote: This Field Order will be superseded by an allowance adjustment or a Change Order that will include the scope of the change in the Work and any actual adjustments of the Contract Sum. a I S t a t .. CONSTRUCTION INC. SUBJECTExisting HVAC Unit on Roof DATE: REQUEST FOR INFORMATION No. 00041 Date: 05/02/12 Pape: 1 of i PRIORITY: Normal STATUS: Submitted JOB: San Ysldro Park Recreation ( #12-001) C.O. #. N/A Project No. 12 -PW -194 TRACK 0: N/A 7700 Murray Ave Gilroy, CA 95020 TO: Judy Hemingway FROM: Jared Perry Hemingway/Stock Inc Calstate Construction, Inc. 939 Reliez Station Rd P:510.857.1800 F:510.657.1810 Lafayette, CA 9454 -9 4165 Business Center Drive Fremont, CA 94538 QUESTION- The existing HVAC unit sits on top of a steel angle support frame which Is bolted directly on the composition roof tiles. After the demo of the roof shingles dry rot was discovered under the unit. The roofer mentioned that their manufacturer's rep will not warranty, the roof with the angle iron frame bolted directly ort to the roof system. They suggest some sleepers be installed with a cricket and flashing on the uphill side of the roof. Please advise. See attached picture of the existing unit ANSWER. USER FIELDS• Schad. Impact Cost Impact COR e T&tfe4 0 1 pt� iY a re4� of � ck7 r4, - - 14e, �zv(b e>16q� w�&Y- &'X14;W-A PP-yt fr m re'r- Note: Provide backer flashing extending upslope under shingles a minimum of 16" at top, and apron flashing (w/ lower edge hemmed under) extending over asphalt shingles at bottom. (Similar to skylight flashing.) Set bolts in sealant Neoprene pad c 1 1EI 1} t 1 W . 4x PT sleeper — Shingle roof assembly: A Mechanical equipment support frame GSM cover — High - domed, capped gasketed fasteners at 16" o.c. Flexible flashing over 4x and A35 Step flashing Simpson A35 at 16" o.c. min. (sleeper to deck Conn.) 0 Equipment Sleeper Curb (Typ. of 2) Scale: 3" = V -0" 0 3 6 wof-"I Pro)ecta San Ysidro Park Recreation Building Hemingway/Stock, Inc. Remodel + Addition + Site Improvements 939 Reliez Station Road City of Gilroy, California Lafayette, California 94549 (925) 944 -4745 Title: Equipment Sleeper Curb (Ref: RFI No.041) Drawn, checked I Prood Ntnnbrr: GIi Q9 Drawing No_ S KA -OS None Date: 05-05-12 Project No. 12 -001 San Ysidro Park #12 -PW -194 San Ysidro Park Recreation Bldg Remodel # 12 -PW -194 DATE: 5/8/2012 CONTRACTOR: Calstate Construction, Inc. CONTRACTOR COST PROPOSAL #: 21 POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER (PCO) - COST PROPOSAL - PRIME CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Remove and replace 4ea fx9k5/8- exterior AC plywood to southern end of building. Remove and replace 4 ea 2x6x10 resawn redwood trims. ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL sales tax included OR (fully encumbered QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST EXTENSION QUANTITY HOURS RATE EXTENSION OUANTTY UNIT COST EXTENSION SurveyA.ayoutfCoorclinate work/Subs 0 0 $ 2 $82.00 $164.00 0 $0.00 $ Labor 4 $59.42 $237.68 Carpenter 8 $82.00 656.00 Trim 80.00 Plyvvood $260 SUBTOTAL $ 340.00 $ 1,057.68 $ - ,MARK-UP $ 51.00 $ 158.65 $ TOTALS $ 391.00 Is 1,216.331 $ Option A MATERIAL + 15% $391.00 LABOR + 15% $1,216.33 EQUIPMENT + 15% $0.00 PRIME CONTRACTOR TOTAL i $1,607.33 Sub Contractor Costs from Attached Cost Proposal(s) SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL DIRECT COSTS $0.00 PRIMARY 5% FEE ON SUBCONTRACTORS COST $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL FEE $0.00 PRIME TOTAL $1,607.33 SUBTOTAL COR $1,807.33 BOND ( not to exceed 2% of sub total) $ 32.15 TOTAL I $1,639.48 PREPARED & SUBMITTED BY: Jim Lyons COMPANY: Celstate Construction, Inc. TITLE: PM Cost Proposal Project Name: San Ysidro Park Recreation Building Project No: 12 -PW -194 FIELD ORDER City Of Gilroy 414/12 7387 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 FIELD ORDER NO. 14 Project Name: San Ysidro Park Recreation Contract Date: 01/06/2012 To Contractor: Calstate Construction Inc Address: 4165 Business Center Dr. Fremont CA 94538 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Remove and replace 4ea 4'x9'x5 /8" exterior AC plywood to southern end of building. Remove and replace 4 ea 2x6xl0' resawn redwood trims. Estimated Adjustment of Contract Sum: Ron Bard / PM (Name of Construction Manager/Title - typed or printed) By: (Signature) Date: 4/4/2012 Jared Perry / Proiect Manager (Name of Contractor RepresentativwTitle - typed or printed) (Signature) Date: Estimated Adjustment of Contract Time: Note: This Field Order will be superseded by an allowance adjustment or a Change Order that will include the scope of the change in the Work and any actual adjustments of the Contract Sum. San Ysidro Park Recreation Bldg Remodel # 12 -PW -194 Project No. 12 -001 DATE: 5/2!2012 San Ysidro Park #12.PW -194 CONTRACTOR: Calstate Construction, Inc. CONTRACTOR COST PROPOSAL #: 20 POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER (PCO) - COST PROPOSAL - PRIME CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Fumish and Install Barbecue Grill per 170p15 ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL sales Max included LABOR tffftWaly encumber QUANTITY UNIT UNr r COST EXTENSION QUANTnY HOURS RATE EXTENSION QUANTITY UNIT COST I EXTENSION Su A.a uNCoordinate wcrk/Subs 0 0 $ 2 $6200 $164. 00 0 S0.00 Is Labor 4 $59.42 $237.68 Barbecue 250 Concrete 100 SUBTOTAL $ 350.00 $ 401.66 $ _ MARK-UP $ 52.50 1 Is 60.25 $ TOTALS $ 402.50 $ 461.93 $ _ Option A MATERIAL + 15% $402,50 LABOR + 15% $461.93 EQUIPMENT + 15% $0.00 PRIME CONTRACTOR TOTAL ( 0"A3 Sub Contractor Costs from Attached Cost Proposal(s) SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL DIRECT COSTS I $0,00 PRIMARY 5% FEE ON SUBCONTRACTORS COST $0,00 SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL FEE $0.00 PRIME TOTAL $864.43 SUBTOTAL COR $864,48 BOND ( not to exceed 2% of sub total) $ 17.29 TOTAL 1 $881.72 PREPARED & SUBMITTED BY: Jim Lyons COMPANY. Calstate Construction. Inc. TITLE: PM Cost Proposal Furniture Leisure Search result for'KPSF16' << Retum To Previous Page Model KPSF16 CHARCOAL- WOOD BURNING PEDESTAL GRILL with flip grate. CHARCOAL - WOOD BURNING PEDESTAL GRILL with flip grate. Commercial heavy duty steel Pedestal Park Grills are great for individual cook stations for Parks, Apartments, Condominiums, and Resorts and campground areas to enjoy outdoor Barbeque dining at its best This four position non- removeable flip grill, 300 Square inches grilling surface 2 3/8 inch in ground post wt 79lbsGrilis This grill is a part of outdoor park fumiture environments for cook outs and outdoor parties. What American has not had a charcoal cooked hotdog or hamburger at a park on the 4th of July. All cooking grates are 1/2 inch welded bars and non - removeable with four postion adjustments. Swivels 360 degrees for wind control. Specifications: Type: Single Pedestal Park Grill Construction: 3116 inch Welded Steel Cooking Surface Size: 300 Square inches In Ground Post: 2 3/8 inch Galvanized Post 360 Degree Swivel: Yes Cooking Grates: % inch Welded Steel Bars Weight: 79 pounds Dimensions: 20 "w x 15 "d x 10 "h Assembly Required: Yes, Assembly and Installation Page 1 of 1 Print Page... d2m 1 20051 ! ninon I Pci I G9 e�� I sbMw CALL 1-9001-213-2401 salea4furniturreleisure.com Se Habla Espanoli http : / /Www.f umitureleisure.coml home -p. asp ?display= fufl&cid= O&itemid =KPSF 16&itemna... 5/2/2012 Project Name: San Ysidro Park Recreation Building FIELD ORDER City Of Gilroy 7387 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 FIELD ORDER NO. 15 Project Name: San Ysidro Park Recreation Contract Date: 01/06/2012 To Contractor: Calstate Construction Inc Address: 4165 Business Center Dr. Fremont CA 94538 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Project No: 12 -PW -194 4/5/12 Install City Supplied ADA barbecue grill in accessible picnic area. Barbecue post to be imbedded in 12" concrete cylinder hole, 3' deep. Location to be determined by City Representative. Estimated Adjustment of Contract Sum: Ron Barri / PM (Name of Construction Manager/Title - typed or printed) By: (Signature) Date: 4/5/2012 Jared Perry / Project Manager (Name of Contractor Representativelfitle - typed or printed) (Signature) Date: Estimated Adjustment of Contract Time: Note: This Field Order will be superseded by an allowance adjustment or a Change Order that will include the scope of the change in the Work and any actual adjustments of the Contract Sum. San Ysidro Park Recreation Bldg Remodel # 12 -PW -194 Project No. 12-001 DATE: 4117/2012 San Ysidro Park #12 -PW -194 CONTRACTOR: Calstate Constriction, Inc. CONTRACTOR COST PROPOSAL #: 18 POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER (PCO) - COST PROPOSAL - PRIME CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Fumish and Install approximately 150 LF of 8' 20 gauge galvanized flat strap flashing ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL sales tax Intlud LABOR (fullyenc umbered QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST EXTENSION QUANTITY HOURS BATE EXTENSION QUANTITY UNIT COST EXTENSION Survey&aypuUCpprdInat9 work/Subs 0 0 $ 4 $82.00 $328.00 0 $0.00 $ Labor 12 $59.42 $713.04 8 $86.47 1.78 Flat 6M Fieshl $525 ChoW $65 SUBTOTAL ; $ 1,732.80 $ 590.00 MARK -UP $ $ 259.92 $ 88.50 TOTALS $ $ 1,992.72 IS 678.50 Option A MATERIAL + 15% $0.00 LABOR+ 15% $1,992.72 EQUIPMENT + 15% $678.50 PRIME CONTRACTOR TOTAL 1 $2,671.22 Sub Contractor Costs from Attached Cost Proposal(s) SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL DIRECT COSTS $0.00 PRIMARY 5% FEE ON SUBCONTRACTORS COST $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL FEE $0.00 PRIME TOTAL $2,671.22 SUBTOTAL COR $2,671.22 BOND ( not to exceed 2 % of sub total) $ 53.42 TOTAL �.-._ $2,724.64 PREPARED & SUBMITTED BY: COMPANY: Calstate Construction, Inc. TITLE: PM Project Name: San Ysidro Park Recreation Building DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Project No: 12 -PW -194 4/4/12 After removing portions of the perimeter siding it was discovered that the Activities room was built without a curb (slab only). To properly water tight the structure we recommend: • To remove and replace the bottom 2' perimeter sliding where it meets the mud sill at the Activities Room. • Furnish & Install approximately 1001f of 8" 20 gauge galvanized flat strap flashing to the exterior foundation slab at the mudsill (3" min below slab). + Overlap butt joints 4 ". Install sikaflex caulking between mudsill and slab. Fasteners to be galvanized. Estimated Adjustment of Contract Sum: Ron Bard / PM (Name of Construction Manager/Title - typed or printed) By: (Signature) Date: 414/2012 Jared P / Project Manager (Name of Contractor Representativc Title - typed or printed) (Signature) Date: Estimated Adjustment of Contract Time: 2 days Note: This Field Order will be superseded by an allowance adjustment or a Change Order that will include the scope of the change in the Work and any actual adjustments of the Contract Sum. FIELD ORDER City Of Gilroy 7387 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 FIELD ORDER NO. 12 Project Name: San Ysidro Park Recreation Contract Date: 01/06/2012 To Contractor: Calstate Construction Inc Address: 4165 Business Center Dr. Fremont CA 94538 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Project No: 12 -PW -194 4/4/12 After removing portions of the perimeter siding it was discovered that the Activities room was built without a curb (slab only). To properly water tight the structure we recommend: • To remove and replace the bottom 2' perimeter sliding where it meets the mud sill at the Activities Room. • Furnish & Install approximately 1001f of 8" 20 gauge galvanized flat strap flashing to the exterior foundation slab at the mudsill (3" min below slab). + Overlap butt joints 4 ". Install sikaflex caulking between mudsill and slab. Fasteners to be galvanized. Estimated Adjustment of Contract Sum: Ron Bard / PM (Name of Construction Manager/Title - typed or printed) By: (Signature) Date: 414/2012 Jared P / Project Manager (Name of Contractor Representativc Title - typed or printed) (Signature) Date: Estimated Adjustment of Contract Time: 2 days Note: This Field Order will be superseded by an allowance adjustment or a Change Order that will include the scope of the change in the Work and any actual adjustments of the Contract Sum. San Ysidro Park Recreation Bldg Remodel # 12 -PW -194 Project No. 12 -001 DATE: 416/2012 San Ysidro Park #12 -PW -194 CONTRACTOR: Calstate Construction, Inc. CONTRACTOR COST PROPOSAL #: 17 POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER (PCO) - COST PROPOSAL - PRIME CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Fumish and Install 1 ea additional 8' xT widow to the existing rough opening on the east elevafion at the kitcheNvestibule area Match existing new window criteria as Submitted In submittal #31. ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL crates Wax Included LABOR(fullvo ncumbered $175.00 OUMnW UNIT UNIT COST EXTENSION QUANTITY HOURS RATE EXTENSION) OUANTi1Y UNIT COST EXTENSION Su a irate work/Subs 0 0 $ 1 $82.00 $82.00 0 $0.00 $ DemoArestallation 4 $82.00 $328.00 SUBTOTAL $ $ 410.00 i MARK-UP S - $ 81.50 $ TOTALS Is 471.50 Is Option A MATERIAL + 15% $0,00 LABOR + 15% $471.60 EQUIPMENT + 15% $0.00 PRIME CONTRACTOR TOTAL ( $471.50 Sub Contractor Costs from Attached Cost Proposal(s) SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL DIRECT COSTS $175.00 PRIMARY 5% FEE ON SUBCONTRACTORS COST $8. 75 SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL FEE $183.73 PRIME TOTAL $471.50 SUBTOTAL COR $655.25 BOND ( not to exceed 2% of sub total) $ 13.11 TOTAL 1 $6W.3 PREPARED & SUBMITTED BY: Jim Lans COMPANY: Calstate Construction, Inc. TITLE: PM Cost Proposal San Ysidro Park Recreation Bldg Remodel # 12 -PW -194 Project No. 12 -001 DATE: 4/6/2012 San Ysidro Park #12-PW -194 CONTRACTOR: Calstate Construction, Inc. CONTRACTOR COST PROPOSAL #: 17 POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER (PCO) - COST PROPOSAL - SUBCONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Fwtich and Install f as addWonai V X7 whlow to the existing rough openkV an the east elevation at the kkctwYvostlbule area Match exJstina new window criteria as submitted In submittal #31. MATERIAL LABOR EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL DIRECT COSTS FEE ON DIRECT COSTS (15 %) SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL Third and Fourth Tier Sub Contractor Costs from Attached Cost Proposal SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL TOTAL PREPARED $ SUBMITTED BY: Jim L - CSCI COMPANY: TITLE: Uption 6 $175.00 $0.00 $0.00 $175.00 $0.00 s17s.00 S17i.00 Proposed Cost Proposal Subcontractor Jared, The cost for One 6' x 3' Milgard Model #1110H is $175. Thanks, Derick Yee Wholesale Window Company 2200 Lafayette Street Santa Clara, CA 95050 CA Contractor's License: 927443 EPA Lead Renovation: NAT - 34101 -1 AAMA/Installation Masters: 700006343 p: 408.654.9410 f. 408.654.9642 e: derick @wholesalewindowco.com Project Name: San Ysidro Park Recreation Building FIELD ORDER City Of Gilroy 7387 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 FIELD ORDER NO. 11 Project Name: San Ysidro Park Recreation Contract Date: 01/06/2012 To Contractor: Calstate Construction Inc Address: 4165 Business Center Dr. Fremont CA 94538 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Project No: 12 -PW -194 3/29/12 Furnish & Install 1 ea additional 3'x6' window to the existing rough opening on the east elevation at the kitchen / vestibule area. Match existing new window criteria as submitted in submittal # 31. Estimated Adjustment of Contract Sum: Ron Barri / PM (Name of Construction Manager/Title - typed or printed) By: (Signature) Date: 03/29/2012 Jared Perry / Project Manager (Name of Contractor Representative/Titic - typed or printed) (Signature) Date: Estimated Adjustment of Contract Time: 0 Note: This Field Order will be superseded by an allowance adjustment or a Change Order that will include the scope of the change in the Work and any actual adjustments of the Contract Sum. 1 Public Works Department Project Budget Summary & Update Updated: 5/15/2012 Proj. Name: San Ysidro Park Improvements Proj. Number: 12 -PW -194 Project Funding Account Amount FY Notes 254 2621 4487 4340 $ 164,659 12 carry over to FY 12 254 2624 4487 4340 $ 170,000 12 carry over to FY 12 264 2624 4487 4340 $ 131,852 12 carry over to FY 12 400 2600 3370 4340 $ 416,481 12 carry over to FY 12 $297,642 CO 6 $3,475 $ 220,000 12 BA approve by Council 4/4/12 Total $ 1,102,992 Initial Total Project Budget Grand Total Estimated Cost $ 771,744 all alternates included above Change Orders Amount New Total Cost Remaining Budget Comments co 1 $10,350 $ 782,094 $320,898 CO 2 $1,329 $ 783,423 $319,569 CO 3 $4,122 $ 787,545 $315,447 C04 $7,951 $ 795,496 $307,496 CO 5 $9,854 $ 805,350 $297,642 CO 6 $3,475 $ 808,825 $294,167 CO 7 $42,276 $ 851,101 $251,891 already spent in FY 12 (Not inclding constrt contract pmts ?) $49,496 $ 900,597 $202,395 from Eileen's spreadsheet CM & materials testing $86,200 $ 986,797 $116,195 Nova contract CO 8 $26,323 $ 1,013,120 $89,872 temp trailer hookup, misc. conc /AC CO 9 $10,104 $ 1,023,224 $79,768 flashing, window, BBQ, ext. siding, HVAC Note: italicised figures are estimated Initials INA Proj. Mngr. Finance PW Dir.