Calstate Construction - San Ysidro Park Rec. Building Remodel - Performance Bond Executed In Duplicate Bond Number: 12079523 Premium: 10,217.00 SECTION 00610 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND ~ow ALL. PERSoNs BY THESE PRESENTS. TH~T~":W*-lU~.~: of &!! '. .",a....;,;....:lnafte. .f_inn..........iol..- "C' .. ha . 2011' ........... '" . Qy."n~fG' r ~._....... u_ ity. s, on . ....~_,.. 8!'81VG'Y, to. Calstate Construction, Inc. hereinafter designated as the "p~;" a Contract for1tttit.:cc..an.lCBOIl of the San Y sidra Park Recreation Building Remodel + Addition + Site 1m raveme safld WHEREAS. S$id Princ;ipal is required under the tel1J'1$,i()('..Oontractto fOOli$b a~' for the faithf\.tlperforrnance of said Contract: NOW. THEREFORE. WE. the Principal, and .*asS~~_,held BoO firmly\~cuntD the City the penal sum of Seven Hundred Seventy One Thousand SevelJ Hundred F orty- F our__m______mn___mmn___nm dollars ($ 771, 7 44.00m------~-~--~-i 'lawful ~~"the UnftedStates, for the payment of which sum well and,'~Ij',tQ.~ made. we bind" Ou~; our heirs, executors, administrators, and SU~. jointly and ~",fiOnJY by these pres4l)nts. TME cONorr'ONOF THIS OBLIGATION IS SlJCft.'l~.,Jf tneaoo~ ~.~dpaJ. It or its heirs. executors. administrators, succes~Z'Of~.~t shan in 811 ;tfIi+_nd to and abide.by. and well and truly keep and,......'",penorm the ~n..fX)llditlorlS, and agreements in lhe said contract and any. .~~rnadC!'~ Iher8fnp~ed. on it or their part to be kept and performed. at~,Q ~nd In t~ manner~in specified. and In all respects according to their true~_:8.ndmeaning~ aflf;i......{indemnify and saV$ harmless. the City, its officersand-:,.~~as t~Jl'l stiJ)l.I~' the,n this obligatlorl shall become null and void; oth$~' it $In~ll be and ~'ifRlJuIf()rceand virtue. It. is acknowl~d~that the Contract provides for a'CJi.le~~arW8mJnty periOd.dtJtfrJ.9lNhich time this bond remains in full force and effect '. And the said Surety, for value received. hereby stl~"~!~~H~t"~ tha~ no,~,extension of time. alteration, or addition to the term$~1b...~~ttact or to 'theWOrl('k) be penormedthereunder or the specifICations a~Yii\g' the. same sball. In.y way. affect its obIipUons on this bond, and it does f1~bYW,ajve notice Of any sUCh change. extension of time. alteration, or addition to the~oMheContract or '\0 the. or to the specifications. Said Surety hereby waiv~Ute .provisions of ~.l$.and 2845 of the- Civil Code of the State of California. " .'~ BoIkIng.RemodeI'" AcIdtion ... Sits Improvements . '.;;t94. RCllON;~'fO.!2 * The Guarantee Company of North America USA IN WITNESS Wt'le~OF. the above bounden partleS';:..~tj(tthi$; ins~ntunder their seals thiS 22nd day of Decemb~r ,~Q1t .....r-.~.nefl1~.8itd ~ '~ of each corporate party being hereto affixed 8nd;~F.~nta duly signed bY itS undersigned representative. pursuant to authority oflts-~ngbOdY. (Seail Calstate Construction, Inc. .., Principal Slg_Ior~ .... ANDREW BORREGO, PRESIDENT Title of Slgnator The Guarantee Company of.North America USA Surety ,(Sea~) Francis E. Cook, Attorney-In-Fac,t lltJe of Slgnator -END OF SECTION- ,'. ~l'~I_':~BuHng' Remodel + AddICIon + Site ll11'rovements Pto}licttijJZ>i3W:"194. sec:T1Cltl1 oOe 10..:$3 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~~~~~~~~~~.w.w~~~.w~~~ State of California } County of Santa Clara OnDecember 22, 2 Ollbefore me, Sarah M. Lorincz, Notary Public Date Here Insert Name and Title of the Officer personally appeared Francis E. Cook Name(s) of Slgner(s) SMiCJ1Ivl. LOrWiG? f", '- ~ornrn!St~iGn -f! 1 BOfj(~;85 r';D/3ry Public Calif 01 ilia San1;;; Clafrt COrl"1"r;, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personOO whose namelX) isMiX subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that heM~Kexecuted the same in hisX1]{~OCauthorjzed capacity~Xl, and that by his1{l}{rltOOl(signaturel)(l on the instrument the personOO, or the entity upon behalf of which the personOO acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. nd official seal. .'~' Signature ~ Place Notary Seal Above OPTIONAL'./ Signature of Notary Public Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capaclty(ies) Claimed by Slgner(s) . Top of thumb here Signer's Name: o Individual o Corporate Officer - Title(s): o Partner - 0 Limited 0 General o Attorney in Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other: Signer's Name: o Individual o Corporate Officer - Title(s): o Partner - 0 Limited 0 General o Attorney in Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other: . Top of thumb here Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: ~~~~~~~,jf';~,,<"!!,~~,~~~~~~~ ~2007 National Notary Association' 9350 De Soto Ave.. P.O. Box 2402. Chatsworth. CA 91313--2402' www.NatlonalNotary.org Item #5907 Reorder. Call TolI.Ftee 1-800-876-6827 Executed In Duplicate Bond number: 12079523 Premium Included In Performance Bond SECTION OOf$20 PAYMENT BOND KNOW ALL PERSaNS BY THESE. PRESENTS~THAf;~;WH$BiAS~ ,ax-' of Gnrov. . ,hereinafter designated as the "City,- has, on ' ,'.',',,',' .".'., .' ' . 2011. · ~.td Calstate Construction. Inc. . hereinafter designate(raa<~ ~rincipat: .s- Cot:t'ttal:itfdrth.e<:onstructionoftheSan Ysidro Park RecreMinn Rllilrlin8..'R'i'~Q981..J..,Ael81Men + Site Improvements and . WHEREAS. said ,Principal is required to furnish a ~am~~.af)d: with ..~, ~. pfOvidingtbat if said Principal, or any of it or its.:.~~~ sh81 fai1.top!i.tpr any materials. provisions. or other supplies used In..U~T::fif!:()f about-the .p~~9fthe work (X)ntnlcted to be done. or for any work or "".\~:thereon of anykihd;,the Surety of this bOnefWiI pay 1M same to the extel'\ttie~seff()fth: NOW. THERefORE. we. the Principal, and ,* as. SJI~:i,:~~ -~, and firmly bound unto the City the penal sum of Seven Hundred Seventy-One Thousand Se~en. Hundred, F. orty- F ournmm____mm____mm____m_DoIlars ($ 771.7 44; Oo~-------------.,-J lawfUl fl'lOI'lEtYqflte United States. for the payment of which sum welt and;~Wf.O~ ,made. we bind 09~S. our heirs. executors, administrators, and suco~...ir~t JoirltlyanQ .~.tKmly by these presents. The Payment Bofld. for which this Section prov,Jd..tj~tsecui'e - the payment' 9f.those persons' or entities to whom the Principal, its $~.ctof$ or itS. heb. ex.ecutors, administrators. successors. or assigns. shaU-t)tt,I).eeome legall)' ind~fOr'labor. materials, tools. equipment or services of anykin<l,-f,i~;()remployed by the,. bidder in performing. the work, or taxes or amounts to be with~ thereon. The Surety or Sureties will pay the following amounts should tll& Principal or a su~fail to pay the same. plus reasonable attorneys'feetw.tle-'fixed by the COUl1 if suit is brOught upon the bond: (1) amounts due to any of t1)c;;,~ns named in Cal~Civil Code Section 3181; (2) amounts due undertl1e, 'Ut)efTlpbyment 1nst.i~-Codewi1h respect to work contracted to be done or any ~orfabdr thereon of any kind: and (3) any amounts required to be deducted. withheld;~,pakI',over to the EmPlOyment Development Department from the wages of$mpJ~s of the Principal and SubCOntractors pursuant to Section 13020 of the Unemployment Insurance Code with respect to the work and labor. This Paymel'll~~;$hal inure to the~o8fJt of any of the persons named in Civil Code Section 3181'80:..to give a right of aCtion to those persons or their assigns in any suit brought upon thls.t:iond. ~~._~n Buikin9R1m~ .. Addilion .. Site Improwmentl ~~NA.~t;;ew~194. SE,CnON;OO6~ * The Guarantee Company of North America USA And the said Surety, for value received. hereby stipu - ~;~;,agr._$ tt)at nocba~. extension of time, alteration. or addition of the terms.. ,eFebntr80.t or to " ") ," - ~ " . .- . . . ."- "-.:-- ...- . ..... '. , thewQfktbbe performed ,thereunder or the specifications a~gtl:1e,S$me. sha'.io~yway, affect its obUgatioos of this bond, and it does her.~ive notice of a~y(;t)a,.; extenmon of ti~, alteration, or addition to the terms~{;~,;'#mtract Of to.' tne'wc:>>rk Qr to the specifICations. Said Surety hereby waives the ~Vi$iPnsof Sections 2B1Sand2845 of the Civil Code of the State of Califomia. IN WITNESS \VMEfEOF. the above bounded partieS~>'J(~teQ this in$tJU~m:...nd8rtheirsealsthi& 22nd , dayof December ,'.;' 201 1., the oame and ~fPOfat&seal of each COI"POf'$le party being hereto affixed and:",::Pt8$eJlt$ duly sigJl,q ~Jts undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of itsgf.lvemll1gbody. Calstate Construction, Inc. Principal ~;;;;;. ~~(seaQSlgnabJre (or ~ TltliI ~;"'.:l,RE The Guarantee Company of North America USA Surety !~.) Signature J r S Francis E. Cook, Attorney-In-Fact "'DOF SECTION....... ~~~;~RecreatlCln Building Remodel T Addition... Site Improv.m~ms ~NP;~~:..fW.194: SEC11.ONO~ CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~..eQ~~~~~~~..eQ..eQ~~~~~ State of California } County of Santa Clara OnDecember 22, 201lbefore me, Date Sarah M. Lorincz, Notary Public Here Insert Name and Title of the Officer personally appeared Francis E. Cook Name(s) of Signer(s) St\HAH ivL LOHlNCI Cormn:ssicll :ff 1805235 t;otary Pl:blic - California San~,:; Clara County Ju! 1 2012 who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personOO whose nameOO is,?{O{ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that heM~Kexecuted the same in hi&1{lX!1(OO,OCauthorized capacityoeXl, and that by hi~.I(signatureOO on the instrument the personOO, or the entity upon behalf of which the personOO acted, executed the instrument. z I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. )-> WITNESS my hand and official seal. 'm - Place Notary Seal Above OPT/DNA Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Slgner(s) . Top of thumb here Signer's Name: o Individual o Corporate Officer - Title(s): o Partner - 0 Limited 0 General o Attorney in Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other: Signer's Name: o Individual o Corporate Officer - Title(s): o Partner - 0 Limited 0 General o Attorney in Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other: Top of thumb here Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: ~~~~~~~~~~~ \\>2007 NatJonal Notary Association' 9350 De Solo Ave" P'Q, Box 2402' ChalsWorth, CA 91313-2402' www.NationalNotary.org Item #5907 Reorder. Call Toll-Free 1--800-876-6827 THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA Southfield, Michigan POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Michigan, having its principal office in Southfield, Michigan, does hereby constitute and appoint Danijela Mosunic, Patricia Simicich, Charles M. Griswold, Francis E. Cook, Vincent Scolari Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services - Cupertino its true and lawful attorney(s)-in,fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, The execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at the principal office. The Power of Attorney is executed and may be certified so, and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article IX, Section 9.03 of the By-Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA at a meeting held on the 31st day of December, 2003. The President, or any Vice President, acting with any Secretary or Assistant Secretary, shall have power and authority: 1. To appoint Attorney(s),in'fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the COrT"pany thereto, bonds and undertakings, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof; and 2. To revoke, at any time, any such Attorney-in,fact and revoke the authority given, except as provided below 3. In connection with obligations in favor of the Kentucky Department of Highways only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attorney-in'Fact cannot be modified or revoked unless prior written personal notice of such intent has been given to the Commissioner - Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Kentucky at least thirty (30) days prior to the modification or revocation. Further, this Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company adopted at a meeting duly called and held on the 31st day of December 2003, of which the following is a true excerpt: RESOLVED that the signature of any authorized officer and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually affixed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer, this 29th day of April, 2010. THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA tJ/tc ~ k' STATE OF MICHIGAN County of Oakland Stephen C. Ruschak, Vice President Randall Musselman, Secretary On this 29th day of April, 2010 before me came the individuals who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and being by me duly sworn, said that each is the herein described and authorized officer of The Guarantee Company of North America USA; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company; that the Corporate Seal and each signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. Cynthia A. Takai Notary Public, State of Michigan County of Oakland My Commission Expires February 27,2012 Acting in Oakland County IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand at The Guarantee Company of North America USA offices the day and year above written. f1~ (). 'i~ I, Randall Musselman, Secretary of THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA, which is still in full force and effect. IN WIT!\JESS WHEREOF, I have thereunto set my hand and attached the seal of said Company this2 2nd:Jay of December, 2011.. k' Randall Musselman, Secretary