HSR, Inc. - 2008 Agreement - Camino Arroyo Bridge Project - Project No. 08-CDD-154 - Change Order No. 05 City of Gilroy Engineering Division 7351 Rosanna St., Gilroy, CA 95020 Phone (408) 846-0451; Fax (408) 846-0429 CHANGE ORDER NO.5 To contract for: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project, Phase 11 Project No. 08-CDD-154 Contractor: HSR, Inc, Contract Date: 3/28/2008 This order shall become effective when it has been signed by the City Administrator, City Engineer, Project Engineer, and Contractor, All copies forwarded to Contractor for signature shall be returned to The City of Gilroy properly filled out. Upon acceptance by the City, the Contractor's copy will be returned to him as his authority to proceed with the work. Description of Work -Additional striping work per attached change order requests Irl (Revised), Ir2 and lr3. -Reimbursement for premium portion of overtime costs for labor per attached change order requests 15r2 (Revised) and 15r3 (Revised), -Reimbursement for miscellaneous utility conflicts encountered during the water line installation and fire hydrant relocations per attached change order requests 20 and 20r I. -Modification of utility openings in the Camino Arroyo Bridge per attached change order request 21rl. -Modifications to Sixth Street Overcrossing approach slabs per attached change order request 23rl. -Upgrade traffic signal conflict monitor from 210 to 20 I 0 per attached change order request 25, The contract time shall be extended by seventeen (17) working days, All requirements of the original Contract Documents shall apply to the above work except as specifically modified by this Change Order, The contract time shall not extend unless expressly provided for in this Change Order. By signing this Change Order, Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the adjustments to cost and time contained herein are in full satisfaction and accord, and are accepted as payment in full, for any and all costs and expenses associated with this Change Order, (the "Extra Work"), including but not limited to labor, materials, overhead and profit, delay, disruption, loss of efficiency and any and all other direct and/or indirect costs or expenses associated with the Extra Work and hereby waives any right to claim any further cost and time impacts at any time during and after completion of the Contract associated with the Extra Work. f}UwtwJ ~ CONTRACTOR By: JitI'lt~fU' OW)"" Date: Z/J/oiJ Original Contract Price Previous Change Orders Total to Date This Change Order Total Change Orders to Date Revised Contract Price Cost $4,877,862.00 $108,112.25 $4,985,974.25 $59,647,75 $167,760.00 $5,045,622,00 Percentage Initial 2,22% .tiJ. 3.44% M I (We) agree to make the above change subject to the terms of this Change Order for the NET INCREASE of $59,647,75 RECOMMENDED BY: ACCEPTED BY: Date ~ HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 1 r1 (Revised) o PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 1/28/2009 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Sl. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: Michael Dorsa ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Temporary Striping & Striping Removal (Revised) Please issue a change order for the following: COR 01 was submitted for the initial quantity overruns on Bid Item 6, Temporary Traffic Stripe, and Bid Item 12, Remove Traffic Stripe. These quantity overruns were a result of a problem with the Staged Construction Plans shown on Sheets 46-50. These plans showed 6th Street being built in one phase, whereas two phases were necessary due to traffic control and pedestrian access issues. The first portion of this work has been completed, but a formal ceo still has not been issued. This COR relates to an additional overruns on the same bid items. These overruns are related to placing temporary paint striping on Camino Arroyo prior to opening the bridge on November 22. This striping was necessary to allow a safe traffic flow over the bridge and north bound on Camino Arroyo. Please review the enclosed quantities submitted by Chrisp Company for this work. BID ITEM 6: TEMPORARY TRAFFIC STRIPE o LF $ 1.20 $ BID ITEM 12: REMOVE TRAFFIC STRIPE 2475 LF $ 0.75 $ 1,856.25 TOTAL: $ 1,856.25 HSR MARKUP (10 %): $ 185.63 TOTAL COST: $ 2,041.88 ADDITIONAL CONTRACT DAYS: BY: ~~ Michael Dorsa """",..--- ~ HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 1r2 PROJECT: DATE: 1/28/2009 Camino Arroyo Bridge Project TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Temporary Striping & Striping Removal - 6th Street Phase I Please issue a change order for the following: Michael Dorsa COR 01r2 includes the initial quantity overruns on Bid Item 6, Temporary Traffic Stripe, and Bid Item 12, Remove Traffic Stripe. These quantity overruns were a result of a problem with the Staged Construction Plans shown on Sheets 46-50. These plans showed 6th Street being built in one phase, whereas two phases were necessary due to traffic control and pedestrian access issues. The first portion of this work has been completed, but a formal CCO still has not been issued. BID ITEM 6: TEMPORARY TRAFFIC STRIPE 1987 LF $ 1.20 $ 2,384.40 BID ITEM 12: REMOVE TRAFFIC STRIPE 3430 LF $ 0.75 $ 2,572.50 TOTAL: $ 4,956.90 HSR MARKUP (10 %): $ 495.69 TOTAL COST: $ 5,452.59 ADDITIONAL CONTRACT DAYS: BY: ~~ Michael Dorsa ---- HSR, Inc. 530 Aida Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 1r3 PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 1/28/2009 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Temporary Striping & Striping Removal- 6th Street Phase II Please issue a change order for the following: Michael Dorsa COR 01r3 includes the initial quantity overruns on Bid Item 6, Temporary Traffic Stripe, and Bid Item 12, Remove Traffic Stripe. These quantity overruns were a result of a problem with the Staged Construction Plans shown on Sheets 46-50. These plans showed 6th Street being built in one phase, whereas two phases were necessary due to traffic control and pedestrian access issues. This COR includes Phase II of this work to shift traffic to the south. BID ITEM 6: TEMPORARY TRAFFIC STRIPE 1520 LF $ 1.20 $ 1,824.00 BID ITEM 12: REMOVE TRAFFIC STRIPE o LF $ 075 $ TOTAL: $ 1,824.00 HSR MARKUP (10 %): $ 182.40 TOTAL COST: $ 2,006.40 ADDITIONAL CONTRACT DAYS: BY: ~~ Michael Dorsa CD HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 15r2 (Revised) (8 PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 1/26/2009 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: Michael Dorsa ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Premium Time (RM Harris) (Revised) Please issue a change order for the following: HSR was instructed to work overtime to expedite the completion of the Camino Arroyo Bridge by November 22. It was agreed that The City of Gilroy would cover the premium time costs per Section 9-1.03 of the Caltrans standard specifications, "Force Account Payment". Enclosed are HSR's premium time costs plus the allowable markups per Section 9-1.03. This COR includes the premium time costs for RM Harris. A 5 % is included for HSR. COST: $ 1,542.26 ADDITIONAL CONTRACT DAYS: o ~~ Michael Dorsa BY: " -'~ HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 15r3 (Revised) G PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 1/23/2009 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna SI. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: Michael Dorsa ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Premium Time (Giacalone Electric) (Revised) Please issue a change order for the following: HSR was instructed to work overtime to expedite the completion of the Camino Arroyo Bridge by November 22, It was agreed that The City of Gilroy would cover the premium time costs per Section 9-1.03 of the Caltrans standard specifications, "Force Account Payment", Enclosed are HSR's premium time costs plus the allowable markups per Section 9-1,03, This COR includes the premium time costs for Giacalone Electric. A 5 % markup is included for HSR. COST: $ 1,733.22 ADDITIONAL CONTRACT DAYS: o BY: IfitwtutJ ~ Michael Dorsa ~SR, Inp. 530 A~o ~enue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 20 PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 12/1/2008 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: ATTN: Kip Lindee SUBJECT: Water Line Utility Conflicts Please issue a change order for the following: Michael Dorsa Miscellaneous utility conflicts experienced during the 12" DIP water line installation and fire hydrant relocations, The enclosed extra work reports do not include the additional material costs, which will be submitted under separate COR after the invoices are collected, Please call me directly with any further questions. COST: $ 14,009,74 ADDITIONAL CONTRACT DAYS: 6 BY: ~O~ Michael Dorsa o Gl Ul m ..c 0.. tf Gl 'e- o.. Gl '" 'tJ ~ o >. e ~ o c: E ~ ~~~ ~ ..0 E ::l Qi Z E ..0 m:itJ; Zo:::o::: ..oOUl -S;UI I-- 0::: o 0.. W 0::: ~ 0::: o ~ <{ 0::: I-- X W COCO o~ Ci3~ -C\j I'-~ -0 .. 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OT Amount 1 RAY HERAS $ 55.05 $ 71.93 $ - 1 PETER YARBOROUGH $ 46.97 $ - 1 TROY BLAIR $ 56.53 $ - 1 JOE ANACLERIO $ 40.21 $ - 1 RANDY LACHAPPELLE $ 40.21 $ - 1 LUIS MALDONADO $ 40.21 $ - 1 SALVADOR LANDEROS $ 40.21 $ - 1 MIKE SANCHEZ 4 $ 56.53 $ 226.12 1 MANUEL AVILA 5 $ 43.46 $ 217.30 1 MARK SANCHEZ $ 52.99 $ - 1 GUSTAVO CARRILLO $ 40.21 $ - 1 ALFONSO PALOMERO $ 40.21 $ - 1 GARY SANDHAGEN $ 55.05 $ - 1 FRANCISCO PENA $ 43.32 $ - 55.84 Extended Amount ! ! ! ! ! $ ! ! ! ! ! $ ! $ Delay Factor 1 1 HSR Inc. Water Line Utility Conflicts HrlylDly Rate $ 122.77 $ 123.47 $ 72.58 $ 38.96 $ 21.04 $ 27.36 $ 5571 $ 11.55 $ 136.16 $ 45.19 $ 34.62 Hours/ Units 4.00 EQUIPMENT Equipment CATERPILLAR 615 SCRAPER CATERPILLAR 815 COMPACTOR CATERPILLAR 318 EXCAVATOR CATERPILLAR 430 BACKHOE 2000-LB CONCRETE BREAKER FORD WATER TRUCK KENWORTH 10-WHEELER MUL TIQUIP WALK BEHIND SAW CATERPILLAR 966 LOADER TAKEUCHI MINI EXCAVATOR GRADALL FORKLIFT Extra Work Performed By: Description of Extra Work: Equip. No SCRSP-CAT-1416 ROTAM-CAT-2310 HCECL-CAT-0310 LDRRT-CAT-1866A HAMMR-AS& T -0350 TRUCK- T& TT -20-28 TRUON- TRUN-3AXL SAWCO-ABOP-20-33 LDRRT -CAT -2362 HCEL-CAT-0300 FKLFT-FL T-060-080 443.42 Labor Surcharge Reg/OT 11%1 $ 48.78 Subsistence Travel Expense Other Total Cost of Labor $ 492.20 Total Cost of Equipment $ 155.84 Total Cost of Material $ 40.00 Markup on Labor Cost 33% $ 16242 Markup on Equipment 15% $ 23.38 Markup on Material 15% $ 600 Markup on for Bonds and Insurance 0% $ $ Sub-Total 55.84 $ Equipment Sub-Total WORK done by specialists MATERIAL and/or 40.00 $ Sub-Total Material & Specialist 879.84 $ TOTAL THIS REPORT ITEMS IN GRAY WILL BE BILLED IN A SEPARATE EWO. I- a:: o a. w a:: ~ a:: o s: ~ l- X W Ol '" '" .c a. tf Ol "e- a. Ol Ol "0 ~ o ;>, e .it o c E ~ l3~~ CD .0 E ::J Qj Z E .0 "'~~ Za::a:: .oOCl) ~UI "'''' Qe "1- _"I ..... ~ -0 .. Ol'l:: E 0 ~ a. o Ol 'Ca:: Ol.... a. 0 Ol Ol 15m 00 ..... '-' Ol .0 E ::J Z 'I:: o a. 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I- 0:: o a. w 0:: Ul I: I- ...J ~ o I- HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 20r1 PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 12/23/2008 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna 5t. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Water Line Utility Conflicts Please issue a change order for the following: Michael Dorsa Miscellaneous utility conflicts experienced during the 12" DIP water line installation and fire hydrant relocations. The enclosed extra work reports include the additional material costs relating to the utility conflicts. Please call me directly with any further questions. COST: $ 11,038.50 ADDITIONAL CONTRACT DAYS: o BY: ~~ Michael Dorsa (i) ,'" I- It: o 0.. W It: ~ It: o 3: <I: It: I- >< W = Gl Ul '" .J::: 0.. U Gl .~ 0.. Gl Ol "0 &5 o >- e ~ o c "E 1: ~ "'0 eo UNO ~ ~ ..0 E ::J ai Z ~~~ Zo:::o::: ..00(1) ~UI Gl 1il O~ ~t::: ~~ E~ ::J Z -c Qlt E 8- .g QI Gllt: 0..0 Gl Gl rom 00 ~ ..0 E ::J Z t o c. Gl 0::: t: o s: ~ x W ~1: "0 ::J C 0 Gl E ;B<I: Gl 10"-: 0::: . 0 ~ ::J ~Ig t.i 0::: I- W (I) Z <I: :2 . WUlI-: 0:::~0 05 ll..I en 19.' 0::: Gl W 0::: 0::: 0 aI :5 5 ..0 '" -' 0::: 0 a.:z "0 Q) C ' I I I I I I I I I "O::J C 0 QI E ;B<( tR-fhfhWfh0fhfhfhfflffifhER-fh Ul m .~ 1il :2 >-~ ",.8 Qj ~ Oll.. Ul t5 ~ c o ,U ~ 5 Gl .C g~ a:~ (I) '" IS: >- is Gl >..1\1 1::0::: I - ~$ 5 C I::J I- Z w :2 9:: ::J o_ W c Gl E c. '5 <T W ~~ aI ~ o 1'lS: E ~ .gx QlW 0..0 .><: C ~ 0 o ._ s::g; '" (} ~ Ul X Gl WO ci 'S . <TO WZ .... '" r- .... , .... , , 1.0 .... 0 u:i :;: :;:. N oi ~ .... ............ tI'7 ffl ER- tf} ~ '#.?f!.;f!.'$. 0 LOl.OLON ~ N~~ I- Q en Gl 0::: 2l c ~ ::J Ul ..!: C "0 c Gl_ tnc : E .!!! ~ c.~ 8Gl-"O o .- Q) ~ K'~ a Gl ..o.~ 1il e> QI ~w:2 0"32 co Ul ...g 0- (Q ..... '" C ........ .... -,w:2,E -5 2l ~ 000 - -- c:: c:: c:: c ~ c:: x Ul Ul Ul 0 0 0 0 ::J QI (1)- W 000 g-g.g-g o .~ a; U UU > ~:e mm ~~~~ ..0..0 '" 00 '" '" '" '" '" ::J .= - 0 -,(I) 01- 1-1- :2:2:2:2 m (5 I- J:, ::J (I) m (5 I- OLOCONMoqCO 1.0""'" "'0 eo (0 <ri-.i~<o~6""; ('l')~NNN'l:t'V ar---.MMCO<O..q- N . .... 0000000000 1.0000000000 -<Du>a:iN"";~a:ic:icOLri 'c ~('l')IDCDOm~CD~'Vm :J()~-"- M..- ...-_ m (5 I- J:, ::J (I) Ul C ~ Gl m E c. '0 '5 QI <T Ul W >- .c Gl c:: . 0 "0 :.<: 0::: 0 s: 5 =c c:: '" -' <( 12 W I- <( :2 .:1~Li5Li5Li5Li5Li5U)Li5U)Li5 ;S"-'V~"-'VCOCD<ON Ol c:: ~~ Ul c::ll.. U ~;; Q) Ul Ol o 1.0 cO '" o ~ ~ .... I- 0::: o 0.. W 0::: ~ I I- -' ~ o I- '" .... 0 :;: ",' .... 'ti m Gl Ul (5 ::J I- ~ J:, QI ::J ~ (I) >- QI :5 ~ c:: .><: ::; ..0 Ul E ~ 0 ~ QI Ul QI :5 c:: 0 Gl u '5 > .S Gl :5 Gl 1il u .Q (5 c:: "0 'S 0 u \ HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue .... S,.fa C.~. CA .50.. 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 21r1 PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 12/2/2008 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna SI. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: Michael Dorsa ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Adjust Utility Openings on Camino Arroyo Bridge Please issue a change order for the following: Please review the enclosed extra work reports from RM Harris relating to adjusting the utility openings on the Camino Arroyo Bridge. A 5 % markup for HSR is included in the enclosed costs. These EWO"s has been billed with COR 15r2, RM Harris Premium Time, by mistake. Please call me directly with any further questions. RECE\\JEO J~N 2 B ~~\\) ENG\NEE:rl\NG COST: $ 2,035,05 ADDITIONAL CONTRACT DAYS: 3 ~~ Michael Dorsa BY: HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 23r1 o PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 1/28/2009 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: Michael Dorsa ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: 6th Street Bridge Approach Slabs - Revised Please issue a change order for the following: Enclosed is the cost for the design changes to the approach slabs for the 6th Street bridge. The additional bar reinforcing steel required due to the shape of the existing back walls on the 6th Street bridge abutments results in a lump sum price increase of $6,325. This price includes HSR markup. Also, due to the additional reinforcement required and the increase in the slab thickness from 11" to 12", each approach slab will need to be poured in three phases. Originally, the design called for a high-early concrete mix that would have allowed us to put traffic on the newly poured section of slab at the end of shift. Also, there was less additional reinforcement required at the abutment back walls per the plans. The existing conditions will not allow us to complete each section of the approach slab in one shift. This willi result in additional traffic control costs and costs relating to inefficiencies (building the slabs in thirds rather than halves). These issues result in a $125 per cubic yard increase in Bid Item 53, Structure Concrete, Approach Slabs - Type R. Also, our take off shows 42 cubic yards for the approach slabs rather than 39. This would result in a lump sum increase of $5,250. This price includes HSR markup. BUilding the approach slabs in three phases will allow RM Harris to construct the slabs while maintaining one lane traffic in each direction. We believe that the work will take 10 shifts, rather than the 5 shifts we had budgeted for in the original design. Therefore, we are also requesting that 5 working days be added to the contract due to this design change. Also, since the work has been extended by 5 working days, 5 additional days of traffic control will be necessary. This will include the placement of delineators and floppies to set up temporary traffic lanes. No striping removal or temporary striping is included in the price. This price also includes maintenance of temporary traffic devices. To confirm, the new design includes no treated permeable base. It includes only an increase in thickness of 1" to the original plan design. The dimensions of the approach slabs will be built per plan. Also, there is no longer a 1" asphalt section over the approach slabs. Please call me directly with any further questions. I have also included the rental rate for four trench plates. These plates will be on site in case RM Harris encouters a change that will prevent them from completing each portion of the slabs in one shift. Since we are unsure as to whether or not the plate will be used, no labor or equipment costs are included to handle these plates. These costs can be tracked at t & m if the plates need to be used. TRENCH PLATE: TRAFFIC CONTROL (5 ADDITIONAL DAYS): COST INCREASE TO BID ITEM 53: LUMP SUM PRICE FOR ADDITIONAL REBAR: TOTAL: 1 MONTH 5 DAYS 34 CUBIC YARDS $ 950.00 $ 3,450.00 Includes plates, delivery & pick up, and 2 lifting $ 900.00 $ 4,500,00 $ 125.00 $ 4,250.00 $ 6,325.00 $18,525.00 COST: $ 18,525.00 ADDITIONAL CONTRACT DAYS: 5 WORKING DAYS /~ ~ BY: Michael Dorsa ..~...--------: '. 8 HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 25 PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna SI. Gilroy, CA 95020 ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Upgrade Conflict Monitor Please issue a change order for the following: DATE: FROM: Please call me directly with any further questions, Attached is the price to upgrade to a 2010 conflict monitor. A 10% markup is included for HSR. COST: $ 1 ,263.11 ADDITIONAL CONTRACT DAYS: 0 .. BY: ~~ Michael Dorsa 1/21/2009 Michael Dorsa RECE\"C'O J{1.N 'i. 3 ?f\n~ ENG\NEE.R\NG -------., ~ \ 5", .. e:.... 55....... ... . I "'llIl:" ., '., . ". ........ .:' . ' . .... ...... '..... . ,<, .. ..' .... "...... ..... j,1,'.f ;;,'f h>li . IA AI ....."N.~- EI j i (}f t" -, ... .t. J.. "'" ,...... '-..."'__".J _w." "~/ . .'^" F'.r<\'l\-~ '-, l?\,~ ;::-=~~~;:~""",:-::=-:--"":""~~'~,.,..~:~_=-~"-~_,..~..~,~_ "",:--. -_'J>..._ ::-""""";:':'~_';:":"...i"'~=~~~:-"""'-~'=~~~=W=-==-'~=;'=:;"~ 95fJc20 Date: December 29, 2008 Job # : E09-1 Company: HSR Construction Altn : Dan May Job: Camino Arroyo Office: (408) 562-9956 x12 Fax: (408) 562-9957 Scope Of Work: Upgrade conflict monitor trom 210 to a 2010 From : Gary Hill Phone: (408) 842-9655 Ex. 262 Fax: (408) 848-1130 * * ,Change Order * * COR # 11 We are pleased to submit a bid for the above mentioned project. i Our price includes required labor, tools material, insurance and supervision for the followins work, Permits excluded. GESI will not schedule any man power or order material for thi$ work until we receive this change order back signed and with a P.O. atta*hed. 1 LS 2010 Conflict Monitor @ = $1,148.28 NOTES: 1) Bid based on prevailing wage rates. 2) Bid based on 8 hour work days Monday - Friday. Overtime is ~xtra. Total: $1,148.28 Accepted Signature I Title Date! * * PLEASE SIGN AND FAX BACK APPROVED COpy TO I Gary Hill @ 408-848-1130 * *