HSR, Inc. - 2008 Agreement - Camino Arroyo Bridge Project - Project No. 08-CDD-154 - Change Order No. 07 City of Gilroy Engineering Division 7351 Rosanna St., Gilroy, CA 95020 Phone (408)846-0451; Fax (408) 846-0429 CHANGE ORDER NO.7 To contract for: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project, Phase 11 Project No, 08-CDD-154 HSR, Inc. Contractor: Contract Date: 3/28/2008 This order shall become effective when it has been signed by the City Administrator, City Engineer, Project Engineer, and Contractor. All copies forwarded to Contractor for signature shall be returned to The City of Gilroy properly filled out. Upon acceptance by the City, the Contractor's copy will be returned to him as his authority to proceed with the work. Description of Work This change order provides for the following: - Construct Concrete Barrier (Type 60G) in lieu of Concrete Barrier (Type 60 Mod) and construct 3.5' picket railing per the details provided with Change Order 6 and attached change order request 28r1, The 1.5' picket railing shown on Sheets 24R1 and 99S3 is eliminated due to the taller concrete barrier. Bid Item 98-Concrete Barrier (Type 60 Mod), Bid Item 99-Crash Cushion (Type CAT), and Bid Item 100-Crash Cushion (Type CAT) Backup are eliminated by this change, The net increase due to this change is $100,782,99, All requirements of the original Contract Documents shall apply to the above work except as specifically modified by this Change Order, The contract time shall not extend unless expressly provided for in this Change Order. By signing this Change Order, Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the adjustments to cost and time contained herein are in full satisfaction and accord, and are accepted as payment in full, for any and all costs and expenses associated with this Change Order, (the "Extra Work"), including but not limited to labor, materials, overhead and profit, delay, disruption, loss of efficiency and any and all other direct and/or indirect costs or expenses associated with the Extra Work and hereby waives any right to claim any further cost and time impacts at any time during and after completion of the Contract associated with the Extra Work, ~44.~ht ~ CONTRACTOR By: tf if{ I fA. ( Date: Original Contract Price Previous Change Orders Total to Date This Change Order Total Change Orders to Date Revised Contract Price Cost $4,877,862.00 $264,880,31 $5,142,742,31 $167,577.99 $432,458,30 $5,310,320,30 Percentage Initial 5.43% ::d:J 8,87%"&\ I (We) agree to make the above change subject to the terms ofthis Change Order for the INCREASE of $167,577.99 RECOMMENDED BY: 4/; )" " , I -1//k9 ACCEPTED BY: Date HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 28r1 8 PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 3/13/2009 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: Michael Dorsa ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: 6th Street Bridge Trail Modifications - Picket Railing & Concrete Barrier Please issue a change order for the following: Attached is HSR's proposal for the picket railing and concrete barrier portion of the 6th Street Bridge Trail Modifications. Please review the attached extra work report and proposal from MBI. The actual billing will be based upon field measured quantities. The railing will not arrive on site until June 8, 2009. I have allowed for five days to install the railing. COST: $ 167,577,99 BID ITEM 98 (CONCRETE BARRIER): $ (60,795,00) BID ITEM 99 (CRASH CUSHIONS): $ (5,700.00) BID ITEM 100 (CRASH CUSHIONS): $ (300.00) TOTAL COST: $ 100,782.99 ADDITIONAL WORKING DAYS: )(0 BY: fI1IMi4441~I-' ~ '" <Il III -C CL U '" oe CL '" 0> :!;1 C5 g, e ~ o c: .~ ~ ~ u~~ l- ll: o ll.. 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"U.", rdA .U. ." .... .Ill Ii 1 ~OOl MBI Fax Transmittal IIMBI #2484c~1 Midstate Barrier, Inc. 3211 8. HIg-.y II. Stockton, CA 91215 P.O. Box 3011O, Stockton. CA 85213-0110 208-944-9565, Fax 209-944-8669 Ucense No. 528281 Date: March 10. 2009 Company: HSR #0802 Name: MIKE DORSA-408.562.9956/FAX-408..562.9957 From: Steve Gifford. Estimator, Ext. 210 Total Pages: b including this page. GILROYN08-CDD-154/CAMINO ARROYO BRIDGE. Ph.2 Enclosed please find confirmation of MBI' s pricing to install Type 600 Concrete Barrier, and furnish and install powder-coated 3.5 ft. Picket Railing. Special Conditions are still applicable. Please see enclosed schedule of fabrication for the Railing. Please call X2t 0 if you have any questions. Steve Gifford, Estimator AN EQUAL OPPORTIJNITY EMPLOYER VJ/J.V/V~ J.V:J.~ rAA ~U~ ~~4 ~~O~ M H 1 ~002 Job Code Job Desl:rlption Bid DaCe Bid Time 2484c5 HSRJGILROYtf08.CDD-154ICAMINO ARROYO Bridge #2484c5 ~ 6:00:00 AM 0/2- 111I.._ . 02 PICKET RAIUNG (3.5ftl,powdercoat 290.00 LF 151,35 43,891.50 GRAND TOTAL: 149,358.10 I ~:?l11~~r.t11~~~t:;~'~~~~~~~;~fl%~tf~~~la~~~~~fiii\~I!lt5:~i~~~~~~;~~~f~~f?~~~1:~f\~~~~!f:r*t~~~~~IYi1~~~ Submitted By: MIDSTATE BARRIER. Inc, STEPHEN V. GIE ORC VICE PRESIDE 03.24.2009 SIgned: T yPt;; Uks ~ ~~ ~{)1\tN') ~ ~ ~~ ~ 1.t\-e4-c- 4. 3.5 fOIl~ ~O~~~ {\~ ~J.lb ~O\~ ~ \-\~ ~ Z~c... \ R. H~ Pm.UNI.. ~ClNt. ~ ~~. (, ~~ ~ ~ ~I"'(,~ 6 t.A.~s ~ ) ~ ~ ~cf- ~1"-1t.~. 3J10J2009 10:09:02AM Page 1 of 1 '1'/06/0' 10:00 FAX 209 944 9569 M B ~ IaJ 001 MBI .. Fax -Transmittal -I\MD. #2484clatl Midstate' Barrier, Inc. 3291 S. Highway 99. Stockton, CA 95215 P.O. Sax 305&01 Stockton, CA 9521.3-0550 209-944-856&. Fax 208-844-9569 License No. 629261 Date: Company: Name: February 5. 2009 HSR #0802 :MIKE DORSA-408.562.9956/FAX-408.562.9957 From: Steve Gifford. Estimator, Ext. 210 Total Pages: ~, including this page. GILROY#08-CDD-154/CAMINO ARROYO BRIDGE. Ph.2 , Enclosed please find MBI's revised pricing and conditions to furnish and install Picket Railings per the Engineer's answers to MBI's RFI. The railing is not to be galvanized. The railing will be primed and powder-coat painted. PI~ call X210 if you have any questions. "C l V\ Pws (7) ~ ~ Of- ~ RN~'). AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER '<'2';013/09 10:01 FAX 209 944 9569 M B I 1aJ 002 Job Code Job Deacrlptlon Bid Date Bid Time 2484c1R HSRlGILROYI08-COD-154ICAMINOARROYO Brldge t#2464(;1R 8-Dec-2OOB 2:00:00 PM 2~ 02 PICKET RAILING (3.5ft),powdercoat 290.00 LF 151.35 43,891.50 GRAND TOTAL: 147.802.60 I ~~;~~~~~~~~i,}~t~M~i~~~T~~_ij~~~~~;~i~~~~~~{1}1I~~t~~g1}~~e[lli ,7t ......... ~~~.) f1,-- SUbmItl8dBy: M1DSTATEBARRlER.tnc. STEPHEN V. FORD VICE PREStO IE MA D2.05.2OO9 SIgIlllt 0'2. .ot;.1..00i SPECIAL CONDmONS #2484e1R Item #1,2, Picket Railing-l.S Fr. & 3.S FT-INCLUDES furnish and install primed and powder-coated Picket Rail per Plan sheet 9983 and Engineer's reply to RFI #48. Will furnish post pocket blockouts for layout, installation and removal by others. Allow six (6) weeks for shop drawings, and eight weeks for material fabrication after receipt of approved shop drawings. Prime and Paint are included. 2/512009 4:45:26PM Page 1 of1