HSR, Inc. - 2008 Agreement - Camino Arroyo Bridge Project - Project No. 08-CDD-154 - Change Order No. 08 City of Gilroy Engineering Division 7351 Rosanna St., Gilroy, CA 95020 Phone (408) 846-0451; Fax (408) 846-0429 CHANGE ORDER NO.8 To contract for: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project, Phase 11 Project No, 08-CDD-154 HSR, Inc, Contract Date: 3/28/2008 Contractor: This order shall become effective when it has been signed by the City Administrator, City Engineer, Project Engineer, and Contractor. All copies forwarded to Contractor for signature shall be returned to The City of Gilroy properly filled out. Upon acceptance by the City, the Contractor's copy will be returned to him as his authority to proceed with the work. Description of Work - Reimbursement for premium portion of overtime costs for labor per attached change order request 15rlR, - Soil disposal from structure excavation per attached change order request 17, - Additional costs due to Phase I utility conflict per attached change order request 19. - Traffic control plan for approach slab design change per attached change order request 22. - Patch paving per attached change order request 29, - Reimbursement for premium portion of overtime costs for labor per attached change order request 30, - Form and pour additional curb & gutter per attached change order request 31, - Additional surveying costs per attached change order request 32, The contract time shall be extended by two (2) working days, All requirements of the original Contract Documents shall apply to the above work except as specifically modified by this Change Order, The contract time shall not extend unless expressly provided for in this Change Order. By signing this Change Order, Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the adjustments to cost and time contained herein are in full satisfaction and accord, and are accepted as payment in full, for any and all costs and expenses associated with this Change Order, (the "Extra Work"), including but not limited to labor, materials, overhead and profit, delay, disruption, loss of efficiency and any and all other direct and/or indirect costs or expenses associated with the Extra Work and hereby waives any right to claim any further cost and time impacts at any time during and after completion of the Contract associated with the Extra Work. ,~ Original Contract Price Previous Change Orders Total to Date This Change Order Total Change Orders to Date Revised Contract Price Cost $4,877,862.00 $432,458,30 $5,310,320.30 $30,178.81 $462,637.11 $5,340,499,11 Percentage ~ I 8.87%~ I (We) agree to make the above change subject to the terms of this Change Order for the NET INCREASE of $30,178.81 11ttJuJ 9.48%M CONTRACTOR By: _ltft . T,^( I Date: '1// /0 14 ( RECOMMENDED BY: ACCEPTED BY: .;,. 15r1 R HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna SI. Gilroy, CA 95020 ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Premium Time (MBI) (Revised) Please issue a change order for the following: CHANGE ORDER REQUEST RECEiVED MAR 1 6 2009 ENGINEERING DATE: FROM: 3/16/2009 Michael Dorsa HSR was instructed to work overtime to expedite the completion of the Camino Arroyo Bridge by November 22. It was agreed that The City of Gilroy would cover the premium time costs per Section 9-1,03 of the Caltrans standard specifications, "Force Account Payment". Enclosed are HSR's premium time costs plus the allowable markups per Section 9-1,03, COST: ADDITIONAL CONTRACT DAYS: BY: ~~ Michael Dorsa $ "35.28 /44.18 .' o c; /' " , ",' /' OJ ;:... , w rn <C -T"" (J Ql l6' Cl. a: z '" ~ ~~ ~ r-- ciO') 11. qzO') :J ~80') ~CIl M>(J w-, ci Z 1:: o C. Ql a: .1.0.. < X u.; ~ T"" I ~ + ~ Cl l:i Cl 0 <t ..., q CO - 0 ffi~ inn ~e lie: ~& z o ~ l- ll:: o 0. Ul Z ~ I- U. ow.... !zC)tb UJ<~ ::Eo..'1 ~w~ <-lID 0......... UJ-'Il: 01-1- . · tJ <-I~ --1;1; ~jjjr:: 0~3: !:!:o::w ;i! CY~ tJ;:< u.~S o '" UJ ,. ~t<~ ~WtJ ci z -a a: -' " o <J ci Z .0 o ..., cO o <J co 1::0 8.~ ~~ '0,""" Ql,""" 1ii Q z Q) E :e ~ o >- cu a- o I- >- - (3' . Q) C) "0 'C CO c: Q) 0- o o I- ~ o S Q) QJ c.. E o () o I- Q) E :e Q) > o ~ o ~ o I- "0 JB en Q) ::J 0- Q) c:: e < <J .~ ~ co "l' 0 ~ :E ~ '" w "" "l' <J "" :E ~ ~ ~ e' ; CIl ! e> Ql <J <II e ~ .c ! 5i <J <J E a; c. 'C ~ '5 {l j Iff :E DDD ~ o "0 Q) 0.. en c: ~ ~ '0 C ! 'C ~ o co "Q gO .g~ llJ,""" Cl.,""" {l o m III ~ .s 'a GI .c :It ~ - o c: 0:: C/) J: ~ o LL '-" o c: ~- (]) 'C ~ cu CD JB cu - en '0 ~ ~ 'iii <.> llJ 0:: .!l .. o C o ts <( '0 .!l ~ >- c o GI III ::I III .... (I) (I) c '61 c w ... c (I) 'a 'w &! ... o u. C E 8 .. <.> E l!! ~ 0 Q. <J .e .e " -g ~ E [ il ~ a: DO a; = ~ ::J Ul Ql 0:: iii ~ z DO o ~ o Q. =? "" ... III :E ... ~ i o u .a ::I Ul 011 8. 1 ... III :l! 'E III 'a C .s Ul c3 <II E E ::I Ul "8 tJ iii -0 I- [f;: e: Ul + Ql ~ <II C ~ 2l. all .0 ~ ::J = (/) 0 ~ to "'" ~ '""" (W') "'" o C') ..... [f;: + m: + ~ <II is 5 (/) E :> 'E l!! Cl. + ~ .. 'Q ::J (/) ffi '3 Ol ~ + \) ~ ~ '\Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c. - ........ :> ~ .. :E + >: [f;: c: + Q. m: '" .~, .+ ~. llJ I ~ ~ e> .. 'Q ~ ~ t~ " j (/) 0 <.> + + .0 e: "' " "' 'iii (/) c. a; C ~ '" + 'C '" ~ .!l 0 ffi ~ .!l III C. <II :E :> ~ ::;; ~ '0 ~ o!l ffi 0 o!l c; lU .D c; ::;; '0 j .. C ~ E '0 .! lU ]j iJj c. '#. 0 c. .~ {!. '3 '"" ~ El! 0 r::r W EJ w ]I ~ (!. I"- ~ N 0') I"- (W') ..... N ..... 0') to ~ (W') o T"" 0') ~ .. OJ c. ffi " f:! of " lU (/) ::E g 'E! 'E lU "0 l!! C Q. lU Uj + + ~ g g lU Q .r:. + + + ~ g g e. " (/) "' J! Ql E li; 'iii Q) e> '" '3 'C IV e> <II 'E OJ 'C 'Q .!l ~ lU l!! ~ lU f:! ::J Cl. :E ::E (/) + o!l '" ~ o!l e: c. '" (/) ffi "E '" 0 ~ .. ~ 'J> '3 + Q) c e: .. E ~ ... Ol ~ <II 2: <II E Q) c. ::;; ... <; oc '5 ~ c. ffi " 'iii Iff :; ~ J> 'E ~ '3 lU ~ g '0 cr OJ ... l!! g ]I C W j ~ E Cl. .0 ::J J9 ~ '" c; .9 lii ::J ~ (/) (/) Ul (/) '#. .~ ~ 'iii J> '5 0 " '#. l- t] 'C (/) ~ EJ c. .!l tJ Cl. '5 lU oc ~ r::r ::;; 'iii W '0 ~ ~ Q) " o .r:. Cl. 'S: ~ C a .~ ~ ~ co ~.f! o=: '0 .~ ~ai lU~ ~~ - .. .. e;. o ~ o ~ c w 'il' <II ~ 1ii ~ Q ~ S :c 8! s: I t ~ '6, g oli a m: ~ (,> ~ ~ ,~ c = :E .!l e;. !!;. N '" l!! '" B l!! en ::J " .... " lU 1ii 'It (/) c '" c OJ ~ S!' iii ::E u. ~ ,rQ ~ LiJ , ~ ~ LiJ Q) E lU Z ~ ~ c o <J '0 e c Ql "a '0 Cl c::- !i ~ ~ :!. ~ g <.> e! 'E o <J . '" c ii: :;; ., c '6> c w C ., 'C '0; ., a: e:- IV C IV <J i" HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 17 PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 12/1/2008 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 Michael Dorsa FROM: ATTN: Kip Lindee SUBJECT: Soil Disposal From Structure Excavation Please issue a change order for the following: Contract pay items 30 and 31 both relate to structural excavation for the bridge abutments and pier wall respectively. Per Section 19-3.01 of the Caltrans standard specifications and the special provisions for the project, "Material from structure excavation not used as structure backfill shall be deposited in roadway embankments as provided in Section 19-6, 'Embankment Construction,' or disposed of as provided in Section 19-2.06, 'Surplus Material,' all as directed by the Engineer." Since the project was long dirt, the Engineer could not provide a location to dispose of all the material excavated on these bid items within the project limits. In turn, HSR made an agreement with the neighboring property owner to accept the on site material if analytical testing showed it to be clean. This dump site provided a tremendous benefit to The City of Gilroy due to it's close proximity to the project. The enclosed extra work reports include the costs for analytical testing on the excavated material and the costs to transport the excavated material from its stockpiled location to its permanent location in our current staging area, Please call me directly with any further questions or concerns. COST: $ 8,341,95 ..a-O ADDITIONAL CONTRACT DAYS: BY: ~t ~ Michael Dorsa o I- 0::: o ll. W 0::: ~ 0::: o ~ ~ I- >< W Ol m ttl .s:: e.. tf Ol "6' tl: Ol Ol "C ~ ~ e ~ o <= 'E ~ 8~~ 00 00 QQ o~ ",- - '" '" ~ "C Olt:: EO ~ c. o Ol to:: Ol- e.. 0 Ol Ol rom 00 ~ ~..i.:: .0 E rn ~ 0 ::> ~~ Z E ttl ~ t:: 0':; 0 t~ .0 C. E al al_ ::> 0:: e.. 0 Qi Z "" "" <= is ~ 0 E .0 o ,- ttl~.5l ~ ~:g. Zo::o:: ~ ttl <..l .oo(/) X .:= ~ .5lUI W ~O 0 'C _v , , , , , , Ol 50 , , , , "C <=ov OlEv ;E<t: ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Ol cot-= 0:: ' 0 5 '" ..... o .0 0> I Ol.o <0 &'" v U I- ~~ W (/) Z <t: ~ m~ W 0:: 50 00 00 LLI en c, Ol 0:: 0:: W 0:: 0 rn I <t: -l (9 <t::J 1-0 (/)0:: 00 Urn <t:o:: ~<t: <t:>- I 0:: is <t:w .0 0::1- ttl rnw -l <t:e.. 0:: ci ~ ~ a.:z <0 <= .Q co > ttl <..l )( W ~ ::> 13 2 U5 E e LL tii m o , C. <..l m <= .- -0 0::_ (/) '0 I(/) "C _ ~ Q) 5 N I I "COOO 15 EO> x<t: W (;i}E;R-tR-tf}(;i}EI7ER-oq,EA-WWEI7WEI} ~.8 Q)~~T- OLL >- .......... 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C5 15 !- ..6 ::> (/) ~ C5 Ou Ol (/) 06 C5 .~ 1ti :2 HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 19 PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 12/1/2008 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 Michael Dorsa FROM: ATTN: Kip Lindee SUBJECT: Phase I Utility Conflict Please issue a change order for the following: During the installation of the new 15" RCP storm drain, it was discovered that an existing 18" RCP pipe was plugged with concrete at an existing inlet that we were tieing our new 15" RCP into, Enclosed are the costs to remove this concrete collar and provide a proper connection of the existing 18" RCP into the existing structure. Please call me directly with any further questions. COST: $ 1,080.48 ADDITIONAL CONTRACT DAYS: BY: ~ ~~ Michael Dorsa ~ I- D:: o 0. W D:: ~ D:: o 3: < ~ -gt:' w E 8- .g& ~o Cl Cl 1015 00 = Cl en ro .c; 0. t5 Cl 'e- o. 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MN .... ~.... GO M ....~M ~ o_ ff> fF> fF> fF> fF> ffi f:Ft ffl fh fF> -;; ?f2.cf?'#.?ft. ;j< ~ ("')lOlOO ~ M~ ~ <ii I- 0 Q l- i> '" ~ Cl U'J D:: I ~ 3l ro c: .c; Cl Cl U U c- ~2Jj o .iij ~ ID ~.g~:E ~U'JI-O e Cl_ ~,~ .~ Ol.~ Q) .0, ~ iii j'Uj :2 0'00 1;)0000 000 UUU mmm coo 1-1-1- Cl U c: ~ ~ en .s "0 c: we ~ 8~]j~ I.... a. '- 0 ~ '5 2 al jLff~.E c: c c c o 0 0 0 a. a. a. a. ::J ::J ::J ::J .:s;.::t:..:::t: ~ m m m m :2:2:2:2 o o o N 00'" MOO> <ii cv:io~ 0 0"'<0 N l- ff> fF> fF> fF> fF> fF> fF> fF> 000 00'" :"!::t) LOci" c: 0 0>'" :Ju fF> fF> fF> U'J OU'J en .l'l o:::~~ :m :e~1- .c <ii :J N~GO .0 Cl C- en ;.. .0 Cl c: 0 "0 ~ <f. (j) 0::: r- 0. 0 ~ :2 S :J~ (; O::::! U'J OLL =a Q. ~ Z~ c: :2W wU ro :Jc.9 ~<( ~ OD:: ~co <( 0<( <(~ 0:: z:e U'J~ W W~ O:J I- <( c: >-:J Q.I- :2 0 ~U'J ~U :a o:::~ O:J :JW COo::: "E~ O:J 1-1- en :eLL UU'J Cl 0 I- 0::: 0 Q. U'J>->- ZI-I- ~;!;! I-UU >-<(<( I-LLLL zcoco :J-'-' OU'JU'J U ' , ...!.D::O::: O:::U'JU'J I-:e:e fF> <ii o l- i> ~ U'J e Cl E C- .S 0- W I- 0::: o Q. W 0::: ~ :e I- ~ <( I- o I- '" N <Xi M fF> is o l- i> ~ U'J .!!! <ii o Cl C- U'J ell <ii .~ iii :2 .' HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 22 Q PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 12/9/2008 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: Michael Dorsa ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Engineer Certifcation of Traffic Control Plan for Approach Slab Design Change Please issue a change order for the following: When The City changed the design for the approach slabs on the 6th Street Bridge, an adjusted traffic control plan needed to be constructed in order to accommodate the work. This TCP would not have been necessary had The City not changed the design. Enclosed are the costs for a licensed engineer to certify the traffic control plan relating to this work. A 10 % markup for HSR is included in the enclosed costs. Please call me directly with any further questions. COST: $ 330.00 ADDITIONAL CONTRACT DAYS: o BY: ~~ Michael Dorsa INVOICE HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 November 15, 2008 Invoice No. 08-120 Attn: Mr. Dan May Subject: HSR Proj. No. 08-02 Licensed Engineer Certification of Traffic Cop-trol Plans, dated September 12, 2008 and November 3, 2008 Fee: 2@ $150/plan $300.00 BALANCE DUE $300.00 Please remit Payment to: Kendall W. Price, CEG, REA 22108 Old Santa Cruz Hwy. Los Gatos, CA 95033 HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 29 o PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 3/9/2009 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: Michael Dorsa ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Patch Paving-West 6th Street Bridge Please issue a change order for the following: Please review the enclosed t & m cost reports and vendor invoices for the patch paving work that occurred on the west side of the 6th Street Bridge. Please call me with any questions. TOTAL COST: $ 9,235.87 +0 ADDITIONAL WORKING DAYS: BY: f(fhA kU,L~e 00= ~ mOl !2a co- ~~ I- a:: o Il.. W a:: ~ a:: o == c( a:: I- >< W -gt ~ ~ 't:0:: ~o '" '" mm 00 w Cl 0 ~ CO I- '" W '" W CIl 0:: ..c: I- a. (f) tf I '" I- oe CD I- a. (f) '" w Cl S :!2 cO Cl 0 z ,., ~ e 4: .a. 0 gI <:: -0 'E "I 0::1- a CIl m co (f)< 0 "I a Ia. ~ >.~ ., CO ~ E 0 :J ~S Z 1: E e! ~ 0 5>< .0 Q. 't:W E '" "'- :J a:: a. 0 Qj z -'" -'" <:: (; ~ 0 E ., o ._ m:it~ S Sg. zo::o:: e! CIl 0 "O(f) x ~ :fi ~OI w WO CD "I a en "ic , ~"''<t , , NNW <D "tJ :J CDN'" a <:: 0 "''<t'" '<t ~ E w< <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <1><1> <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> .$ ~~ ,.,0 " CD CD a", 0 '" '" CD~ I C, a a <ricci cj '" CD CD "'''' 0:: I- <1><1> <1><1> W (f) Z < ~ w cnr: 0:: 0 ,,0 lL 0 a CD r-- '<t r-- .I (f) C, 0:: '" w 0:: 0:: 0 CO < ...J 0 0:: WZ ~O O(f) z(f)z o::~ O~O (f)3 (f)wl- 5 Oz <I~ ii!:;!; ~>-(f) ., <0:: o<~ CIl ...J oco wa:::=; 0:: c:i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ii z coocoa CD ",o.........cnoo IDcromwo ~ -O~<D......mcn ~ co......v...... co '" E ;B< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~.9 di ~ OlL >- g~;;;g OWcOMWLC,) ~~NOO ...... I ~ER-tfltl) 5~gg~g ~:::><oui~tO I- Z W ~ a. S o w C '" E Q. ':; a- W 0:: 0:: w w w o I- < (f) o 0 ...J SZ 0:: (f) wo:: 0:: Ww 0 1-0 lL (f)< I- 00 Z SZ...J W (f)Cl ~ r--co I "'''' 0 "1m < 0::0:: I- ::S::Sa~ ~a:~ffi ffiffioO I-I-O::~ <3<3~ffi I- Z W Cl~~ ~~~ 'f~~~ ~<oCl< ^Ol-O:: ch~~~ .~ .~~~~ Jr~g:gg:ffi m CD '" CD r-- '<t "I CD CD ~ m ~ "'": "'": '" a "'": m '" ,..: a co '<t CD ,..: ~ a <xi <D ;. r-- co r-- a m '" "I r-- m ~ "'. co co '" ~ ~ m ~ ",' <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> 69-69- 69- EA- <I> >- ;oR <ft. <ft. ~'#. ~ '" '" "'''I "I ~ ~ lii I- a Q f;- .0 Cl :J '" (f) 0:: '" e> '" CIl ~ ..c: '" '" e g a. ~2~ o'~ ~ (u ~~~5 <:: "'- E .!!! o ,9- (u ~ ~~ '0'0'0 - -- '" U) '" 000 000 mmm '0'00 1-1-1- '" o <:: e! :J '" .!: "tJ <:: Ci)- m 8ffi.!Q~ I... 5.'~ 5 2 '5 ~ m ~~~.E c: l:: l:: l:: o 0 0 0 a. a. a. a. :3 :3 :3 :3 t:t:t:t: <U <u <u m ~~~~ CD a a co '" lii ,..: <D N "I r-- a a ~ "I '<t I- <I> ER-ER-ER-ER-WER-ER- a a a a a a "iii on ai on 'c m co ;: 0 ::> 0 <I> <I> <I> lii a l- i:, :J (f) C '" '" E ~ Q. lii ':; '0 a- '" W Q. 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(; ., CIl ...J o 0 ffioO:: ~...J~ O::!O::(f)z o::o::w<o (f)0:::::>0::1- O<ClWlL ...JOwICij ~~l3~~ OCl....,O::=; 0:: c:i liZ "tJ _ '" <:: "tJ :J <:: 0 '" E ;B< ~~~~ wwwr....: C\If'-..O>(O ~N~ ER-ER-ER-ER-69-ER-ER-ER-ER-69-69-69-69-ER- ~.9 ~~........................ ,., '" <D ... a lii Ci '" a ~ '" a a >.m <xi <D <D <Ii '" ... ~ ~ I- "l::0:: .6 I Eft ER- 69- ER- :J (f) C ~ 2 a a a a '" :J 'c '" a a '" E N Q. 0 :::> ..= <D ..= ':; I ~ a- W 0:: 0:: ill I- 0::...J W Z w...J W W 00 I- ~ <0:: (f) a. O~ 0 S ...J:::> SZ 0 0::0:: (f) W WO 0:: C WI 0 '" 1-1- lL E (f)0 I- Q. 90 Z ':; ~~ W a- W (f)(f) ~ r-- " I "'... 0 "I'" ;:: 0::0:: << I- ...J ...J a < ...J ...J '" 0:: ii:ii: "I lL w ffiffioo I-I-O::~ <<00:: OOlLCl "' '" >.ji I- .0 CO ~ Z E 0 ill :J ~S Cl~~ Z E CIl ~ ~ (;-\;! ~~~ 0 ., 0. 't:w 4=~~t: E '" "'- :J 0:: a. 0 01-1-< Qj Z -'" -'" <:: ",<oClo:: (; ~ 0 E .0 o ._ ^Ol-w m=l:t~ S S:@- .9- ch~~o ZO::O:: e! e! 0 OO::OZ '" 5-c:i~~~~ "O(f) X X '" ~UI W WO WZI-...JI-Cl '" ... al co o. '" co co r-- '" a a ... r-- ~ CD m a a ~ r-- a a <D M <Ii a t:- N '" "I <D r-- a a a ~ "I. <D ... '" ~ '" ~ ~ N <I> <I> <1><1> ER- ER- ER- ER- e ;oR ;f- ~# "" "I '" '" "'''I ~ "I ~ ~ I- Q Cl '" 0:: '" 0 <:: e! :J '" E C "tJ <:: '" - U; c CIl E .!!! 0 "'.!!l '" ~ Q.~ o E .!!! "tJ o .- Q) <:: '" .,:J- ~ Q. ~ 0 Cl '" CIl a- CIl o .- Q) co ...JW~ .,:J- m '" CIl a- CIl ~ <:: - -- ...JW~ .E ..c: '" '" 000 ~ 0 Q. <:: <:: <:: <:: :J <:: x '" '" '" 0 0 0 0 (f) .$ W 0 0 0 a. a. a. a. '- .~ - 000 :J :J :J :J '" ~ o '" > '" 191919 ~ ~ ~ ~ .,.0 CIl..c: ffi ffi m (ij CIl :J f::O 0 0 0 ...J(f) 1-1-1- ~~~~ <I> co <D ID <D <D a N a a '" '" r-- '" <D a a "I co ... <D lii <D N 0 <Ii al <xi <xi M a '" <D co m '" r-- '" a ... r-- ... '" "I I- <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <1><1><1> a '" a a a m ... a a '" 00 a <D m a ~1ii <Ii <Ii ..oLri N ,..: <D a m '" ~co "I ;: '" a <:: 0 ~ m '" ~ :::>0 <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> (f) (f) 0:: (f)0:: (f) :::> Z:::> >-Z >->->- ",0 00 <0 <<< _I I-I 01- 00 0 ~oq- m ... ~ ... '" "'''' "I 00 00 2 N .!!! lii '1} '" Q. '" ,., .0 '" <:: 0 "tJ ~ 0:: 0 S W (; I- < =a ...J <:: a. CIl 0:: ...J W < ~ ~ 0 W < I- w~o:: < ~ <:: I-O::W 0 <O::! '5.0:: ...J(f)< 1-0:: a.(f)0:: .C UJ o::wl- OlL ...JW I-::! "'(f) <a. 00 wo::o:: "'z IW ~a.w 0< a.w a.~ O~I- (f)S ...J' <0< 0:: -(f) I- <(f) O(f) SOS I- Z 0:: 0 0 F a. 0 (f) :::> Z 0:: < I- 0:: (f)a. ~~ I- Zw 00 >- Ow 00 I- Os 0::0:: Z ww :::> w(f) o 0 0 t:z 1-1- ONO '7' Z< ZZ (f)1-(f) <w << wo::w ~ O::...J 0::0:: O::WO:: I- ClO ClCl OIO <I> t:- al '" '" u'i <I> I- 0:: o a. w 0:: (f) I I- ...J < I- o I- r-- m M r-- ... N <I> lii a I- .6 :J (f) .!!! lii '1} '" Q. (f) oCl lii .~ m ~ . HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 30 G PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 3/13/2009 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: Michael Dorsa ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Premium Time (Vanguard) Please issue a change order for the following: Attached is Vanguard's premium time billing for work performed in November 2008. Please review the attached extra work report for a further cost breakdown. TOTAL COST: $ 6,691.28 ADDITIONAL WORKING DAYS: o %)AMAQ Vrllotn, - Michael Dorsa BY: I- a:: o Il.. w a:: :.:: a:: o == c( a:: I- >< W '" '" mOl 0!2 "'''' :J~ eM '" E :J Z U}. &9- &9- &9- '0_ '" <:: '0 :J <:: 0 '" E ;B< m <D ',..: ... '" <D &9-&9-&9-69-&9-69-&9-&9-69-&9-&9-&9-&9-&9- <I> <I> {,C) &9-.u)- '" ~.-: ,.,0 "<: :J o Ie, '" 0:: ~ <ft. ;i!- ;i!- ;i!- N '" ~ '" "I ~ "I lii I- a Q I- .0 Cl :J '" (f) 0:: i:i "'t:: ~ ~ 't:o:: ~o '" '" mcu 00 cj I- W (f) Z < ~ . W I- 0:: '" . 0,,0 lL 0 ,I (f) 0:: w 0:: o co < ...J '" o " e! :J Ul ",E o-g Uic~ro 8~E-g 15 .Q. 8 0 .c::J.DaJ ~g~.E c c: c: c: o 0 0 0 a. a. a. a. ::J ::J :J :J ,;:,(. ~ ~ ~ m m to to ~~~~ e, '" 0:: (; ., CIl ...J <:: "'- E .!!! 0.9- Q; ~ ~~ - -- 000 '" '" '" 000 000 EsE 000 1-1-1- 0:: c:i liZ '" e> '" CIl ~ ..c: '" '" e g ~ ~~w o'~ ~ w .g.g~= ...J(f)1-0 '0 _ '" <:: '0 :J <:: 0 '" E ;B< m , <D , , ,..: lii ... a "I I- <D <I> <I> <I> <1><1> <I> <I> <I> m <D u; ,..: 'c ... 0 "I ::> 0 <D <I> .l!l (f) ...J 'c ~ ::> .l!l .!!l lii '0 I~ '" ,., .0 '" <:: 0 '0 ~ 0:: 0 S (; :0 <:: CIl ...J < ~ W I- < ~ <:: '" 0 :a E j:: "t~ E '" '" :J 0 'E '" C: "E CIl :J Cl <:: ~ fh&9-ututut&9-ER-&9-&9-&9-ER-&9-&9-fFJ- <I> '" '" CIl ..c: ,., (; a. Cl CIl "0 tf @ Qi CIl 0 lL '" in 'e- '" a. E '" j:: ,., ]j Cl '0 E is '" ~ ~& 0 :J I- 0 E I .0 ,., i!:' :J e a. (f) 4: "E C <..i ~ .l!l '" 0 E CIl E <:: ::I :J 'c E "I Cl 0 Q. a 0:: <:: I ::> ':; CIl a co (f) '" a- 0 '" a I > W I- Z W ~ a. S 0 w C '" E Q. ':; a- W Iii >..3.:: ., CO ~ E 0 :J ~S Z E CIl :ri 1:: ~~ 0 ., Q. E '" "'- :J 0:: a. 0 a; Z "" -'" <:: ~ ~ 0 E .0 o ._ ro~J; s:9- ci. Zo::o:: CIl CIl tJ ~ ~ '" ':; .oO(f) X '" a-c:i ~OI W WO WZ <00 "'''! NM ;;;~ co "! m <D <!i <I> I- 0:: o a. W 0:: ~ I I- ...J < I- o I- m <D ,..: ... "I <D <I> lii a I- .0 :J (f) .!!l lii o '" Q. (f) oCl lii .~ m ~ HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 31 o PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 3/13/2009 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: Michael Dorsa ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Form & Pour Curb & Gutter/Curb Inlet Please issue a change order for the following: Dokken decided to realign the curb and gutter on the nothwest corner of Camino Arroyo and 6th Street. Due to this realingment, a new section of curb and gutter and a new curb inlet needed to be poured at this location. Attached is Vanguard's billing for the concrete portion of this work. TOTAL COST: $ 2,534.05 ADDITIONAL WORKING DAYS: BY: 111uItutAQ ~ Michael Dorsa '" '" CIl ..c: a. U '" oe- a. '" Cl '0 ~ 0 ,., e 4: 0 <:: E "I a CIl a co 0 '" a I- a:: o Il.. W a:: ~ a:: o == c( a:: I- >< W COm !20 ",- ~~ ;:M -g-c E 0 o g- 't:o:: ~o '" '" 10m 00 ~"E '0 ::J <:: 0 '" E ;B< <D am '" , , a "'<D a <D aim .,: <D ;: ... '" '" '" N N fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> fA- ffl fflffl <I> '" ~~ ,.,0 :J o . I Cl '" 0:: ~ #- ~~ <ft. "I '" '" '" "I ~ "I ~ lii I- (5 Q I- .6 Cl :J '" (f) 0:: c:: o ~ o .Q '" E CIl U) 0; Qj 5 ., " o " o Q. oCl E 5 lL t" ~ ii5 ..c: <0 '0 <:: CIl o ,., e 4: o <:: E CIl o '0 Cii <:: (; o ;;; '" ;: ..c: 1: o <:: @) ~ :J Cl oCl -e :J .0 ~5 o::'f;i (f) '" I 0:: cj I- W (f) Z < ~ ~e!~ ~50 ,I (f) 0:: w 0:: o co < ...J '" o <:: e! :J '" <:: "'- ~-g :g ~ ~ : oo~ [gg .0 '5 .,g co ~~~.E c: c: c: c: o 0 0 0 a. a. a. a. ~ :::J :J :J x...::.::: x ~ m Co (ij m ~~~~ e, '" 0:: 5 ., CIl ...J '" ~ ~ CIl <:: ~ g 8- ~.!!~ o'~ ~ ID -g.g~~ ...J(f)1-0 <:: "'- o .~.~ 3~~ 00'0 ~ ~ ~ '" '" '" 000 000 1ijtijrn 0015 1-1-1- 0:: c:i liZ 'O~, '" <:: '0 :J <:: 0 '" E ;B< <D , , a , <D lii <D (5 '" l- N <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <1><1><1> <D a :!:::(j) <D <D <:: 0 '" :Jo N <I> 2l (f) ...J 'c ~ '" :J .~ lii '0 '" Q. '" ,., .0 '" <:: Cii 0 '0 <:: ~ 5 0:: 0 0 ~~ '" '" S <:: '" o~ (; 01: :a S 0 <:: ZZ CIl ...J @)I~ < ~ ~ '" 2c w "5~ I- < Cl ~ ~ <:: :J 0 oClO ~ ., " " 0 l3 Oa. '" a,oCl '" 0 = E CIl ~ '" 0 O::lL 1:' CIl :J Cl <:: CIl > fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl <I> ,.,~ CIlE Q) ~ OlL ,., lii is '" (5 ~~ I- .6 I :J (f) C ~.f!! '" E 5 'c Q. I:J ':; a- W I- Z W ~ a. S 0 w C '" E Q. ':; a- W Cii >.j,2 ., E CO (; :J ~s Z E CIl ~ 1: ~~ 0 .0 Q. E '" "'- 0:: a. 0 :J -'" -'" <:: Qj Z 5 ~ 0 E .0 o .- ca:it~ S s~ ci. zo::o:: CIl CIl 0 -Ii ~ U) ':; "O(f) x '" a-c:i ~OI W wo wz I- 0:: 0 a. w 0:: (f) I I- ...J < I- 0 I- <D a <D <D '" N <I> lii (5 I- .6 :J (f) .!!! lii '0 '" a. (f) oCl lii .~ 0; ~ HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Staking for Eliminated Work/Redesigned Work Please issue a change order for the following: CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 32 RECE1VED MAR 1 R 2009 ENGINEERING DATE: 3/13/2009 FROM: Michael Dorsa This COR includes staking for the following eliminated items of work: 1. Modular Black Wall 2. Bus Pad on the South Side of the Camino Arroyo Bridge Per Section 4-1.03B(3) of the Caltrans standard specifications, we are requesting to be compensated for work already performed on these items. This work is represented by Bestor Engineers invoice numbers 3365 and 3419. This COR also includes the staking for the redesign of the northwest intersection of Camino Arroyo and 6th Street. This work is represented by Bestor Engineers invoice number 3418. Please call me with any further questions. TOTAL COST: $ ADDITIONAL WORKING DAYS: BY: %A~O ~~ Michael Dorsa 1,820.70 o C0 I- a:: o Il.. w a:: ~ a:: o == c( a:: I- >< w QJ 1il Om ",!2 :JeD o~ ~ - "'''' E :J Z i:i "'t:: E 0 i5 5r 't:o:: ~o '" '" aim 00 -'" (; S '0 '" '" <:: '" Cl CIl 'iij ..c: '" a. 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