HSR, Inc. - 2008 Agreement - Camino Arroyo Bridge Project - Project No. 08-CDD-154 - Change Order No. 11 City of Gilroy Engineering Division 7351 Rosanna St., Gilroy, CA 95020 Phone (408)846-0451; Fax (408) 846-0429 CHANGE ORDER NO. 11 To contract for: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project, Phase II Project No. 08-CDD-154 HSR, Inc. Contract Date: 3/28/2008 Contractor: This order shall become effective when it has been signed by the City Administrator, City Engineer, Project Engineer, and Contractor. All copies forwarded to Contractor for signature shall be returned to The City of Gilroy properly filled out. Upon acceptance by the City, the Contractor's copy will be returned to him as his authority to proceed with the work. Description of Work - Construct concrete barrier connection for metal beam guard rail per attached change order request 45r I. - Perform additional striping layout per attached change order request 46. - Reimbursement for premium portion of overtime costs for labor per attached change order request 48. - Perform field modifications to pipe hand rail per attached change order request 49. - Install irrigation and landscaping in planter strip at northwest comer of Camino Arroyo/Sixth Street per attached change order request 51. - Install additional signs and relocate signs per attached change order request 52. - Modify irrigation system and replace landscaping on north side of new sidewalk at northwest comer of Camino Arroyo/Sixth Street per attached change order request 54. The contract time shall be extended by seventeen (17) working days. All requirements of the original Contract Documents shall apply to the above work except as specifically modified by this Change Order. The contract time shall not extend unless expressly provided for in this Change Order. By signing this Change Order, Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the adjustments to cost and time contained herein are in full satisfaction and accord, and are accepted as payment in full, for any and all costs and expenses associated with this Change Order, (the "Extra Work"), including but not limited to labor, materials, overhead and profit, delay, disruption, loss of efficiency and any and all other direct and/or indirect costs or expenses associated with the Extra Work and hereby waives any right to claim any further cost and time impacts at any time during and after completion of the Contract associated with the Extra Work. \1S rL ]At. CONTRACTOR ~~~ Original Contract Price Previous Change Orders Total to Date This Change Order Total Change Orders to Date Revised Contract Price Cost $4,877,862.00 $510,855.10 $5,388,717.10 $31,708.13 $542,563.23 $5,420,425.23 Percentage Initial 10.47%~ 11.12% M I (We) agree to make the above change subject to the tenus of this Change Order for the NET INCREASE of $31,708.13 By: Date: ~I J J I n ~ RECOMMENDED BY: ACCEPTED BY: Date HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 45r1 TO: PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Modifications to MBGR (Revised) Please issue a change order for the following: DATE: FROM: 5/6/2009 Michael Dorsa Enclosed are the costs to modify the metal beam guard rail on the north east corner of the 6th Street Bridge. Please review the proposal from MBI for a further cost breakdown. Please call me with any further questions. ADDITIONAL WORKING DAYS: TOTAL COST: $ BY: ~iAf Michael Dorsa 6,844.20 ~ 0) I- a:: o Il.. w a:: ~ II:: ~ c( a:: I- >< W '" '" CIl ..c: a. rJ '" .~ a. '" Cl :!2 cO o ,., e 4: o <:: 'E ~ "I t3~~ ~ ., E :J iJj Z E ., ra:it~ Zo::o:: "O(f) ~OI ~~ &.<0 0_ 0:'" i:j "'t E &. .g '" ",0:: a. '5 '" '" rom 00 ai ., E :J Z 1: o Q. '" 0:: -l!' o S e! X W '" Cl :!2 cO W ~ en ..c: 10 '5 '" '0 Ci5 '" CIl '" ..c: 1: o Z <:: o 0:: <9 co ~ .9 '" <:: o ~~ a::~ (f) 0 I~ -gc , , , , , , '0 :J <:: 0 '" E ;B< <1><1> <1><1> <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <1><1> <1><1> '" ~~ ,.,0 " 0 I e, cj '" 0:: I- W (f) Z < ~ W (/jr: 0:: 0 ,,0 lL 0 ,I (f) e, 0:: '" W 0:: 0:: 0 co < ...J C5 .0 CIl ...J 0:: c:i liZ >.~ co ~ o ~s E e! .g;B "'- a. 0 -'" <:: (; ,Q s.g. e! 0 x g: wo '0 _ , , , '" <:: '0 :J <:: 0 .$ E Llj< <1><1> <1><1> <I> <I> <1><1> <I> <I> <I> <I> <1><1> ,.,~ CIl.9 a; ~ OlL ,., 15 '" ~~ I ~ :l :J 'i': 0 :::l I I- Z w ~ a. S 0 w e '" E Q. ':; 0' W c:. ':; O'c:i WZ a a a a , a a "I "I a a "" "" a ~ (') ... ~ CD ~ co <Ii <Ii <I> <I> <I> <1><1> 69-~69-EA- <I> <I> lii 0 I- .0 :J (f) e '" :l E ,!!! Q. lii ':; '(j 0' '" W Q. '" ,., .0 Q) <:: 0 '0 ~ 0:: 0 S (; :0 <:: CIl ...J < ~ W ~ ~ lii o f;- ., :J (f) ~ <l" ~ I- Q e, '" 0:: '" e> m ~ ~ lii ~ ~ ~ (f)_W C5'~ ~ CD ~.ge:5 ...J(f)1-0 lii o I- a a ~(j)g S8,D e "'- E .!!! o ,9- ~ ~ ~~ '00'0 - -- '" '" '" 000 000 maim COO 1-1-1- a a a a <Ii <I> <I> <I> ",(f) _ ...J ~,- '" <:: Q ~ c:~ 0'0 ~~ t; .- '" CIl '" ~ 0"E CIl :J <9 iii ~ ?f!.'#.'#."$. I.OLOON N~~ '" o <:: e! :J '" E ~-g ~~~= ~ [g ~ ~ '3 ~ CO ~~~.E c: c: c: c o 0 0 0 a. 0. 0. a. ::::J :J ::::J :::II ~.:.::. ~.:.::. n; m tv m ~~~~ 69-69- 69- 69- I- 0:: 0 a. W 0:: (f) I I- ...J j!: 0 I- a a a a <Ii <I> lii 0 f;- ., :J (f) ,!!! lii '(j '" Q. (f) oCl lii '<:: .$ CIl ~ Job Code Job Description 2484cS HSR/GILROY#08-CDO,154/CAMINO ARROYO Bridge #2484cS Bid Date Bid Time 19,Feb,2008 2:00:00 PM 01 BARRIER CONNECTION 1.00 LS S,100.00 6,100.00 GRAND TOTAL: 6,100.00 I Special Conditions: 1. Traffic Control by Others per original subcontract. 2. Item #1, Barrier Connection, Includes modify sidewalk and construct a Concrete Barrier Connection per Caltrans design (attached) with a WB Transition Approach. Terminal System SRT per original subcontract. Submitted By: MIDSTATE BARRIER, INC, STEPHEN V. GIFFORO VICE PRESIOENT/ESTIMATOR, x210 4.30.2009 Signed: Page 1 of 1 xo E lLlL E L a ~ lO l.() L >< L 0 .x:. .a 00 00 E .N- o .Q d.) X .a u 00 lU 00 N~ ~" II ii," ^-J) Ij ~IE I I~ a'l0l -f- ~ __ v.:: 2f17 SCCl- ~.- 1-0 ~ O'l CL .- <ll +.- UJL '-l... xo wen - LI'1 -N LC c.- . ,~ :r: C,J 0 t: -t- ""'I:' lU a= Cl l- LL ID a Q} 6 oq- Cl} I- +- f- a - (J L lJ..I +- 0:: (1) <1> -- 0 - 1: Cl rr11U U] > 0 xv 3:: aJ Cl.} ~- O~g +- (;) E 0 EIJ..l (L 0.. (\J.- rtlCl. ; ~ .po t, L5ft I I , , I I 1 0 f\') N 0 f<') Nl.__ ~{ ....... E E o o .q- c.'.J' " ,. 1"." )(: I. ii' € f I {. . I ! ; i :>-'(1) 00 ):0 'Oq- OL 0:1 o::w . X IJ E .U!W 111 0 O~9 N 's fT'l 0. c. I;~ P1+ ..-Q #+ # ) ~. I , m x g' l..... +--~-l-.2 .8 g~~ .c "'rr-i-"Cl , >'./. l'0o- C ::::l.n~o i w CL >- f-- " 1 !(I l(O fi.I'l , t.') z z:::! 0<( ~lX <(0:: >w w - -1n:: wO:: <( m ,~I I~ V) wi >' i= < Z LX ~I .I~ o f- lU a 11) (!) lD Gir. -~ ur;ry-n /( C\I r- ..... . ',....:\~. \ l(1 ~ . . u~ \ . q"" I f ~. t ~ ',' p:-----..: ' .,- I '--. f f,' '-'- _.~_. '" !. , i ~"-~Lii I t11, . ...-.~ 'll 1;) ~ i i i o ~;:: L1.. /" I I I // :: O' ~If 0;:' +- +-c (.,lJ C d) ....;. U .~~, . \ .~ ~.~ r., ;:-,,,,--..-.--t m'l Clj.- 0 C 0 C' .---tJ o U Cl ~. ~ ~~ (/) ---oil IOU ~ (1) 0 -t- u I- - (I) ,0-0 zoo.. -' LUJ ;1)- 0._ 00 a.-I- t[) <I) xC) Oeo .Qv l/) o +- Q' ~ ~ D~ . Q,lQ} <OF- ~(IJ +- WQ) .c, E uo Q)~ ..L:.c o c_ QJ ,..- 'OL r-..c a+- I I lfJ . : . Q.) . . LOl -L~L 00 -t- 0\ () QJO c,- c: 0'0 UC o c: ~ o r. lJ) -t- o C t/) t- -co Q' .olD + (1)0 02: .- -<11 Q.(j) (/HIi ,'.[-- ~ I . , . J ! :-, -,' 1'-- , r-.: '. J ! G.. · i '" L d> .c. <0 o ~ (]) -f- a + o + (l) - (UU) ;i:11.l '00- cu 0 o ..c no .....~. 'OlD C E bXE X. ltJ 11.. ~ ~, - all/) 'q'" -r-C\I .- # ;- L I c= 0 ON-+- (D L d) It- E o .c o If) N o III COl .- 0 EO! T"" x U1 N 0- tUN 1-..... '.......;L, r- ......... '--="':;" "" HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 46 PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 6/4/2009 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 RosannaSt. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: Michael Dorsa ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Additional Layout Time For Striping Please issue a change order for the following: When Chrisp Company mobilized to complete the temporary painting on 6th Street and Camino Arroyo, The City made field modifications that required additional layout time for Chrisp's crew. These changes were not provided prior to the work being completed. In turn, Chrisp experienced inefficiencies with their layout operation. Numerous areas had to be laid out two to three times before The City provided final approval on the layout. Many of these changes were never provided in writing. Please call me with any further questions. TOTAL COST: $ 465.63 ADDITIONAL WORKING DAYS: BY: A J .~ tfrAAjifv(pj r~, Michael Dorsa t- a:: o Il.. w a:: ~ a:: o == c( a:: I- >< W '" '" CIl ..c: a. n '" 'e- a. '" Cl '0 ~ 0 ,., e 4: 0 <:: 'E "I a CIl CD co 0 ... a ~m j::;:e "I:;: ;:0 CD i:i "'t: E 8- o '" 't:o:: ~o '" '" mm 00 '0_, '" <:: '0 :J <:: 0 ~ E w< 69-ER-ER-fhER-ER-fhER-6Ilfh69-fhER-ER- <I> <I> ~ ~ I- Q Cl '" 0:: '" ~ ~ CIl <:: ..c: '" '" ~ g ~ Ji$UJ o'~ ~ Q) .g-g~; ...J(f)1-0 a a lii .n 0 ; I- <I> <I> a a "' .n 'c 0 ; ::l 0 <I> <.: '" >.~ .0 CO ~ E 0 :J ~S Z E CIl ~ 1: o~ 0 ., Q. 't:w E '" "'- :J 0:: a. 0 Qj Z -'" -'" <:: ~ ~ 0 E .0 o .- m:it~ S:@- ci. g Zo::o:: CIl l!' 0 1i x ::J '5 . ';:: .oO(f) 0'0 ..c: ~t)I W WO wz 0 .$ ~~ o 1:: :J o Ie, '" 0:: cj I- W (f) Z < ~ , W I- 0:: l!! ' O:JO lL 0 ,I (f) 0:: w 0:: o CO < ...J lii o f;- ., :J (f) e, '" 0:: (; ., CIl ...J '" Cl :!2 cO Q) ~ U5 ..c: <0 '0 '" '0 Ui '" CIl '" ..c: 1: o Z <:: o 0:: <9 CO ~ .9 '" <:: o o~ -= .~ a:::;a (f) 0 I~ 0:: c:i liZ '0 _ '" <:: '0 :J <:: 0 '" E ;B<( WWW69-WWWWWfhW69-WW <I> ~~ '" CIl OlL ,., Co! ">,CIl 1::0:: I lii 0 I- .Q :J (f) e '" .l!l E ,!!! Q. lii ':; '0 0' '" W Q. '" ,., ., '" <:: 0 '0 ~ 0:: 0 S (; :0 <:: CIl ...J < ~ W I- < ~ ~~ ~~ I- Z W ~ a. S o W <:: '" E Q. ':; 0' W a a (') (') , a '" ~ CD .n m .n ; ; CD ... <I> <I> <I> fi W 69- W ... <:: "'- E ,!!! o .9- W ~ .[~ cae <Il '" '" 000 000 mmm 15'00 1-1-1- ",(f) _ ...J ~'""" '" E i= :J <:: 0 o ,., _ CIl Q. ...J '5 m '" <:: '" 0 o~ '0 < ~~::R.~ u-,u.,ON "I ~ ~ ~ <:: CIl " '" <:: "'- .s-g ~ ~ ~ : '2 [gg E ':; ,g en ~~~.E c c c c o 0 0 0 g-g-g-g- ~'::':'.::If. .::tf. Co Co m m ~~~~ fRo fi W tit I- 0:: o a. w 0:: (f) I I- ...J < I- o I- a a .n ; <I> ~ I- .Q :J (f) ,!!! lii '0 '" Q. (f) oCl ~ .$ CIl ~ h, HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST <\t. g PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 6/4/2009 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: Michael DorsRECEIVED JUN ~"8 2009 ENGINEERING ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Premium Time - CMC Rebar Please issue a change order for the following: Please review the enclosed extra work reports from CMC Rebar. These tags represent premium time worked to expedite the top deck pour for the Camino Arroyo Bridge. CMC forgot to bill these tags in 2008, Please call me with any further questions. TOTAL COST: $ 1,650.29 ADDITIONAL WORKING DAYS: 0 BY: 11r I" ! !" :',' ~ ~ VlA/iJv(J A 1- f(f{fVrf. Michael Dorsa co !2 '" a5 <xi" a M :!:;:m me c:O~ eCD "I ?- m a:: 0 <xi" 0.. a W 0 a: m ~ a: ~ ~ i:i I- >< O)t w E 0 ~ Q. o '" 't:o:: "'- a. 0 '" '" 16m 00 '" '" CIl .<:: a. U '" "e- a. '" Cl '0 '<:: co o ,., e ~ o <:: '~co g 0...0 :ri .0 E => Qi Z ~*~ Zo::o:: .oO(f) ~UI c: '" .0 E :J Z 1:: o a- '" 0:: -'" ~ e! X w -g'E '0 :J <:: 0 '" E Jj4: <1><1> <1><1> <1>'" ",<1> ",<1> <1><1> <1><1> ., ~r-: 1>0 5 0 Ig, , '" 0 0:: I- W (f) Z < ~ VJr: w 0:: 0 50 lL 0 ,I (f) e, 0:: '" W 0:: 0:: 0 to 4: ...J ~ 0 ., CIl ...J 0:: c:i liZ l;; .0 '" 0:: o ~ u '0 "E , , '" '0 :J <:: 0 '" E Jj4: <1><1> <1><1> <1><1> <1><1> <1><1> <1><1> <1><1> ,.,~ CIlE Cii ~ OLL ,., 15 '" >.10 "1::0:: I ~!3 is 'c I=> I- Z W ~ 0.. S 0 w_ <:: '" E a- 'S 0' W ci ':; . 0'0 WZ '" E i= u E <:: :J 0: 'E (f) ~ Ia. >.i.i to ~ o alS: E CIl .g~ .,w 0..'5 -'" <:: ~ 0 o ._ sg '" 0 ~ '" x'" WO <I> m ...CD co 0(') 0 r--:C\i ... r--(') "', ~ ", ",<1><1> ~Eh69>* #. '#.'#.'#.'#- ;: lOlOlON "I ~ I- Q g, '" 0:: '" 0 <:: ~ :J '" <:: "'- ~'O "E E <:: "'- Uic:~~ E ,!!1 0(1)':::"'0 ~ Q. ~ U E c: c: o .- Q) ~ ~I~~ "- a. 0 0 '" .8 .~ ~ ~ '" CIl <:: ceo .5wcn.E '5 ~ I~ 'ti5(j)1i) <:: <:: <:: <:: ~ <:: 0 0 0 0 :J '" W 0 0 0 g.g.g.g- (f)- 000 "- .~ a; ~ o '" > '" a;ma; ~~~t: .0.0 CIl..c: 0150 rn ro CD m CIl => 1=0 ...J(f) 1-1-1- ~~~~ lii "0 I- .6 :J (f) lii o I- m co a Uli, <I> <I> <I> **thth EA- m co "'=1i5~ :3 8~- <I> lii o I- .6 :J (f) "E '" E Q. ':; 0' W '" ~ lii '(3 '" i '" <:: o '0 ~ 0:: o s: ",(f) _ ...J ~~ o :0 <:: CIl ...J 4: cr w ~ ~ ~ ~ iii g E :gi= ~ ~ o 'E ~ a. l;; ., '" 0:: o ~ o m "I a '" CD, <I> I- 0:: o a. w 0:: (f) I I- ...J ~ o I- m co a Uli, lii "0 f;- .0 => (f) :m lii '(3 '" (f) oCl lii 'C '" 16 ~ HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST <<'1 PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 6/4/2009 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: Michael Dorsa ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Pipe Hand Rail Field Modifications Please issue a change order for the following: Please review the enclosed extra work reports from MBI. These tags represent the field time spent to modify the pipe hand rail at the 6th Street Bridge, Please call me with any further questions. TOTAL COST: $ 1,097.45 ADDITIONAL WORKING DAYS: BY: (VJt1(/f~j!M_ fJ1ot~ Michael Dorsa I- a:: o Il.. w a:: ~ a:: o == c( a:: I- >< W b ;;; "I ;;;Om oCl!2 ~ ~CD ;:: ~ ... -i::i '" -i::: E 8. o '" 't:o:: ~o .s.s CIl CIl 00 ~"E , , , , , , , , '0 :J <:: 0 ~ E w< <1><1> <I> <I> <1><1> <I> <I> <I> <I> <1><1> <1><1> '" ~.-: I~ 0 ~ :J 0 I e, cj '" 0:: I- W (f) Z < ~ w 00""': 0:: 0 ,,0 lL 0 ,I (f) e, 0:: '" W 0:: 0:: 0 CO ::s (; ., CIl ...J 0:: c:i liZ a ... "I '" , r-- , "I '" ... -i ~ ~ ,..: "I '" "I m a, a, ~ <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> WWER-W <I> '0 e '" '0 :J <:: 0 '" E X < w '" '" CIl '" ~.9 ..c: <:: a. 0 tf ~ 4) ~ '" OlL "Q' 0:: 0:: 15 0 '" ~ ,., Cl '0 '0 a:; 15 '" ~ Ii: '">.1U "l::0:: g, 'iij I e 0:: 4: '0 0 <:: 0 CIl ~ .l!l <:: E I :J 'c E "I 0:: '" 0 ::> CIl a (f) Q. I m co 0:: 0 ... a I I- Z W ~ Q, ::> 0 w e '" E Q. ':; 0' w EhfhWWWER-WWWWWER-fhfh a3 >..ii ., CO ~ E 0 :J ~S Z E CIl Q; 1: a ~ 0 ., Q. 't:w E '" ~o :J 0:: Qj Z -'" -'" <:: 6 5.Q E ., S s:g. ca:i:t.f5 ci. zO::O:: e! e! 0 ':; .oO(f) x x m O'c:i ~ur w WO wz - '#. '#. '#.'#cf!. '" "'''' "I "I ~ lii I- 0 ~ f;- ., Cl :J '" (f) 0:: '" e> '" CIl '" ~ g ~ ~.sJ) o'~ ~ Q; ~-g~~ ...J(f)1-0 <:: "'- E ,!!! (; .9- Gi ~ g~ cae - -- '" '" '" 000 000 mmm 150'0 1-1-1- 1l <:: e! :J '" <:: "'- ~~ ~ ~ ~ U) C,)Ec"g .8 .~ ~ ~ ~Lff~.E c: c: c: c: o 0 0 0 g-g-g-g -t:-ci:i: m as m co ~~~~ <I> a r-- , , -i lii "I 0 a, I- ~ <I> <I> <1><1> <I> <I> a r-- U; -i ,- "I <:: 0 a ::>0 ..: <I> .l!l (f) ...J 'c ~ ::> .l!l .!!l lii '0 '" Q. '" ,., .0 '" <:: 0 '0 ~ 0:: 0 S '" <:: .!2 0 '0 ~ <:: 0 CIl 0:: ...J 15 < 0 ~ ~ W '0 I- a:; < Ii: ~ <:: 'iij 0 ~a:: t; '0 <:: '" CIl '" I 0 '" Q. 0:: iii ~ lii o I- .6 :J (f) <:: '" E Q. ':; 0' W I- 0:: o a. w 0:: (f) I I- ...J < I- o I- a r-- -i "I a, <I> ]i o I- .6 :J (f) ,!!l lii '0 '" Q. (f) oCl ~ .$ CIl ~ Michael J~r{fEeeIVIiO ,.I~J 'f t: c! PaOq " HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 51 PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 6/11/2009 TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Additional Landscaping at~ P!4fli(f!.r Please issue a change order for the following: S fl'l~ / ~~< Please review the enclosed proposal from Green Vista. This price includes the new irrigation and landscaping on the sotuh side of the new sidewalk only. It does not include the work the the north of the new sidewalk 9R Kaiser's )ilr9Ileflr: This work is still being negotiated with The City. Please call me with any further questions. TOTAL COST: $ 11,760.80 ADDITIONAL WORKING DAYS: 7 BY: ,~~ Michael Dorsa .~. I- a:: o Il.. w a:: ~ a:: o == c( a:: i:j t< '" t w ~&. o '" 't:o:: ~o '" '" mm 00 -~ ,., of.... '0 , ~ 'I;: '" -S! '" CIl ..c: Q... a. 13 J '" 'e- a. '" m Cl '0 <:: ~ ,2 0 m ,., Cl e ~ 4: 0 lii 0 <:: <:: ..=: .2 'E "I 0::"" a (f):g CIl ~ co 0 '" a I< ~ ., E :J Qj Z ~'"'~ zo::o:: .oO(f) ~OI liim ~Q Q. ~ o~ Q:co ~ ., E :J Z ~ o Q. G> 0:: -'" (; S CIl ~ W '0_ , , , , , , , , , , '" <:: '0 :J <:: 0 ~ E w< <I> <I> <1><1> <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> .$ ~~ ,.,0 " 0 I e, cj '" 0:: I- W (f) Z < ~ w w~ 0:: 0 ,,0 lL 0 ,I (f) e, 0:: '" w 0:: 0:: 0 CO < ...J (; ., CIl ...J 0:: c:i liZ a a a a , , , a , "I <D co N <xi a a co ... '" CD ... a, "I r--, ci ~ :: ~ <I> <I> <1><1> <I> ER> 69- El9-fIi. <I> >.Si CO 5 ~s E CIl (;~ 't:w "'- a. 0 -'" <:: ~ 0 o ,- s:g. e! 0 x ::l wo '0 _ , , , , , , '" <:: '0 :J <:: 0 ~ E w< <I> <I> ." <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> ." <I> <I> <I> iU'.s - 0 '" CIl OlL ,., 15.$ >.CIl "<:0:: I ~J!! 5 'c: I::J I- Z W ~ a. S 0 w e '" E Q. ':; 0' W <i. '3 . 0'0 WZ <ft. <ft. <ft. <ft. ?J< ~ '" '" a "I "I ~ ~ lii I- 0 Q I- .6 Cl :J '" (f) 0:: '" e> '" aJ' ~ ..c: '" '" o 0 Q. ~~~ "'- <5 '0 ~ Q; ~.gf!= ...J(f)1-0 e "'- E.!!! 0,9- G> ~~~ '0'0'0 '" '" '" 000 000 mmm 15150 1-1-1- '" o <:: l!' :J '" <:: "'- .s-g ~ ~ ~ : '2 [gg .8'sBm ~Lff~.E c: c: c: c o 0 0 0 Q..a.a.a. ::J ::s ::s ::3 ~.::.:..::It:. .::Jt:. (ij (ij m Co :z:z~~ <I> a a , , , N ~ co ... I- ci <I> <I> .,,<1> <1><1> a a ~1ii N co <:: 0 ... ::JO ci ~ <I> ",(f) _ ...J ~~ J!l ,!!! lii '0 '" "" Q. '" -... E' ~ '" V) <:: 0 '0 ~ ~ 0:: '" 0 '" S ~ Q '0 J <:: CIl ...J < ~ m w <:: I- 0 < ~ ~ <:: ~f t; lii '" <:: '" 0 0 .. '0 '0 < .l!l '" :> <:: '" ~ <9 ]i o I- .6 :J (f) "E '" E Q. ':; 0' W I- 0:: 0 a. w 0:: (f) :c I- ...J ~ 0 I- a a N co ... ci <I> lii 0 f;- ., :J (f) ,!!! lii '0 '" Q. (f) oCl lii ':ij m ~ Green Vista Landscape 7351 Galilee Rd Suite # 9 Roseville, Ca 95678 Phone: (916) 780-6866 Fax: (916) 780-0864 HSR Inc. 530 Aldo Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95054 Attn: Mike Dorsa June 11, 2009 Re: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project, Santa Clara Valley Health, Gilroy, CA / Landscape Bid For Area Between Sidewalk and Street Only. Green Vista Landscape is pleased to provide a bid proposal for the Irrigation and landscaping for the above referenced project. Price: Installation of irrigation and landscaping per landscape plans L4.0 Revised 5/26/2009 by City of Gilroy. Plans are revisions to plans by RHAA. Total: $10,053.00 Addendums noted for this job: No addenda Basis for Pricing / Exclusions: 1. Excludes any surveying. 2. Excludes any permits or fees 3 Excludes Irrigation Controller, Backflow Prevention Device or Irrigation Valves. Existing per plans. 4 Excludes any removal or saw cutting of concrete or blacktop driveways or walkways. Basis for Pricing / Inclusions: 1. Includes items listed in itemized chart below. 2. Includes 30 Day Maintenance Period from time of completion. 3. Includes one year warranty on all newly installed landscaping and irrigation. Item # Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 1 Cultivate SF 1 $ 1,450.00 $ 1,450.00 2 Soil Amendments CY 8 $ 46.60 $ 368.00 3 Finish GradinQ LS 1 $ 1,450.00 $ 1,450.00 4 No Mow Sod SF 2900 $ 0.91 $ 2,639.00 5 Sod installation next to Corner in existina area LS 1 $ 150.00 $ 150.00 6 Check and Test Irriaation Facilities LS 1 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 7 Eauipment Charaes LS 1 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 8 3/4" Plastic Pipe (Class 200) (Supply Line) LF 180 $ 2.30 $ 414.00 9 1" Plastic Pipe (Class 200) (Supply Line) LF 140 $ 2.90 $ 406.00 10 1 1/4" Plastic Pipe (Class 200) (Supply Line) LF 80 $ 3.20 $ 256.00 11 1 1/2" Plastic Pipe (Class 200) (Supply Line) LF 80 $ 3.45 $ 276.00 12 6" Pop-up Sprinkler - Rainbird 1806 EA 7 $ 21.40 $ 149.80 13 12" Pop-up Sprinkler - Toro 570 - 12PX-COM. EA 58 $ 28.00 $ 1,624.00 14 Plant Establishment Work 30 Days LS 1 $ 700.00 $ 800.00 TOTAL $ 10,482.00 If you have any questions regarding this bid proposal please call my cell phone number; (916) 402-3352. Respectfully, Ted Decker Green Vista Landscape HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST RECE'VED JUN 2 5 2009 ENGINEERING PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 ATTN: Charlie Krueger DATE: FROM: SUBJECT: Additional Signs Please issue a change order for the following: 52 6/19/2009 Michael Dorsa Please review the enclosed proposal from Chrisp Company. This price includes the sign changes outlined in the attached drawings. Please call me with any further questions. TOTAL COST: $ 1,452.99 ADDITIONAL WORKING DAYS: 3 BY: !~jMd~ Michael Dorsa G '" en CIl ..c: a. tf '" 'e- a. '" Cl :!2 cO o ,., e 4: o <:: E ~ CIlNco 0"'0 I- a:: o Il.. W a:: ~ a:: o == c( a:: I- >< W liim "'a 0_ Q.m o~ 0:(0 -0 .. "'1: E 0 ~ Q. .g '" ",0:: a.o '" '" mm 00 ~"E , , , , , , , '0 :J <:: 0 '" E ;B< <1><1> <1><1> <1><1> <1><1> <I> <I> <1><1> <1><1> .$ ~~ 0 -.::: :J 0 I e, cj '" 0:: I- W (f) Z < ~ W (/)~ 0:: 0 ,,0 lL 0 ,I (f) e, 0:: '" W 0:: 0:: 0 CO < ...J 5 ., CIl ...J 0:: c:i liZ '0_ '" <:: '0 :J <:: 0 '" E ;B< WfhfhWt.9-WElJ-WWWWW0W ,.,~ CIl.9 1ii ~ OlL '" <:: Cl Ui o~ oS: .2 ffi~ I< ,., is '" ~~ I ~~ g "c I::> I- Z W ~ a. S o We '" E Q. ':; 0' w ~ >.~ ., CO 5 E :J ~s Z 1: E e! iii 0 5x ., Q. 't:w E '" "'- :J 0:: a. 0 Qj Z -'" -'" <:: ~ ~ 0 E ., 0._ m:it~ s:g. 0:. zo::o:: CIl CIl 0 ~ ~ en ':; .oO(f) x'" O'c:i ~OI w wo wz a a m m a , '" ... m on en <xi co< m ~ "I '" N.. "', ~ <I> <I> <1><1> <I> WWEA-W <I> ~ <ft. <ft. ~~ '" '" ON "I ~ ~ lii I- 0 Q I- .6 e, :J '" (f) 0:: '" e> ~ CIl <:: ~ gl~ ~.!UJ o .~ J ~ ~.g~= ...J(f)1-0 e "'- E ,!]! 0.9- iD ~ ~~ '0'0'0 - -- '" '" en 000 000 mmm 15015 1-1-1- '" o <:: e! :J en <:: "'- .s-g ........ 0 ca ~ ~ ~ f/) OEC'g .2'5-B~ ~~~.E c: c: c: c: o 0 0 0 0.. a. a. a. :::J ::J ::J :J ~~t:t: lU m CD tU ~~~~ <I> a a , on lii m 0 "I, I- ~ <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> a a ti on 'c: m 0 "I, ::>0 ~ <I> .l!l (f) ...J 'c: ~ ::> .l!l ,!!! lii '0 '" Q. '" ,., .0 '" <:: 0 '0 ~ 0:: 0 S (; =0 <:: CIl ...J < ~ W I- < <:: '" ~ 2~ ,9- CJ) t lii '" <:: '" :8 0 '0 '0 < ,., <:: CIl Q. E 0 0 Q. .!!! 0 lii o I- .6 :J (f) <:: '" E Q. ':; 0' W I- 0:: o a. w 0:: (f) I I- ...J < I- o I- a a on m "I, <I> lii o f;- ., :J (f) ,!!! lii '0 '" Q. (f) oCl ]! iii iil ~ ~f-~~-"_C 43650 Osgood Rd Fremont CA 94539 .... ... ... J. ...... oJ .I..l... ... .I UI....... . U 0 ,lllaJ J.LUUJUl.,l.J,/, I.UUl/UUl EXTRA WORK EXTRA WORK Contractors License No. 374600 A General Engineering C-13 Fence, Wire, wood C-32 Highway Improvement Phone: (510) 656-2840 Fax: (510) 656-2397 Quotation Union Contractor I No minority Status TO: HSR Inc. 530 Aldo Ave. Current DIte: Bid Date: JobName; 6/1512009 6/1512009 CAMINO ARROYO BRIDGE - PHASE II GILROY Bic:HJ: 88 Job#: 1 H8579 2 Santa Clara Phone: (408) 562-9956 Contad: MICHAEL DORSA Fax: ca 95054 (408) 562-9957 Location: Contraet#: Working Days: email: mdorsa@hsrinc.net ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION Liquidated Damages QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 EA 215.00 $215.00 1 EA 285.00 $285.00 1 EA 145.00 $145.00 2EA 140.00 $280.00 2EA 185.00 $370.00 1 R81/ R81 B ON ONE POST 2 M4-11,D11-1/M4-12,D11-1 ON ONE POST 3 M7-1 ON EXISTING POST 4 R2-1 ( 35 ) ON BARRIER 5 RELOCATE SIGN TOTAL $1,295.00 WrItt8n AuthorIzatIon Is Requll1ld PrIor to Praceedlng WIth Work ACCEPTED P.O. Number BY: ~LE: Job Number COMMENTS AND EXCLUSIONS: Bond Rate Addendum 1.5% 1 IIove-In(a) Included. Addltlonallllove-lna $1,175.00 Chrisp Company res I.".. the right to wlthdl'llW propollllllf wrItIBn accept8nce Is not received within 30 days of bid Clean, cl.. 8nd unobatnlcl8d acceu l'IIqull1ld for Chrtsp Co. work Final PAY QTYS preunl8d by owner MUST be agreed by Chrisp Co. AfI8r receiving contract 10 working clays writIan notice Nquil1ld prior to scheduling of wort!: QUOTE PREPARED BY Danny Azcueta CHRISP COMPANY ~ HSR, Inc. 530 Aldo Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-562-9956 phone 408-562-9957 fax CHANGE ORDER REQUEST 54 PROJECT: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project DATE: 7/4/200REr. '!"'-~ 1\/, ED ~. \'''' !. 'w.1l;)- ~~1 i. ' TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 FROM: Michael Dorsa ATTN: Charlie Krueger SUBJECT: Additional Landscaping at~ /VW Please issue a change order for the following: JUt - 7 2009 Corner aWL: !\IG ,','il~ Please review the enclosed proposal from Green Vista. This price includes the new irrigation and landscaping on the north side of the new sidewalk only. Please call me with any further questions. TOTAL COST: $ 8,436.77 ADDITIONAL WORKING DAYS: 4 BY: ~()~ Michael Dorsa .. m~ &.~ 0_ ctr-- I- a:: o c.. w a:: ~ a:: o == c( a:: I- >< W i:i '" 1:: E 0 (; g- 't:o:: ~o '" '" 10m 00 "- q\ ~ \J '" ~ '" CIl ..c: <: a. tf J '" "i5" ct '" 1il Cl :!2 <:: cO .9 0 1il ,., f e 4: cj lii 0 <: <:: E .2 'E "I 0::'" a (f):g CIl ... co 0 '" a I< ~"E , , , , , , , '0 :J <:: 0 '" E ;B< <I> <I> <I> <I> <1><1> <I> <I> <1><1> <I> <I> <I> <I> '" ~....; ,.,0 "t: :J 0 I e, cj '" 0:: I- W (f) Z < ~ W rnr-: 0:: 0 ,,0 lL 0 ,I (f) e, 0:: Q) w 0:: 0:: 0 CO < ...J 5 .0 CIl ...J 0:: c:i liZ "0..... I I I , I I I I I I '" <:: '0 :J <:: 0 '" E ;B< W-69-EA-E.9-~tR-69-69-69-69-69-69-69-69- ,.,~ ~~ '" CIl OlL ,., Ojg :;;:'CIl "t:0:: I - '" '" ~~ I:::J I- Z W ~ a. S o w_ <:: '" E Q. ':; 0' w a ... (') r-- , ... m ... r-- cri .,.; <D ;;; CD (') '" r-- ~ ... r-: a:i <I> <I> <I> <I> <I> 69- 69- 69- 69- <I> f- <ft. ?f!.?f!.'#. ;oR 0 ~ '" "'A "I "I ~ ~ lii I- ~ Q .6 Cl :J '" (f) 0:: OJ 2> ~ CIl <:: ..c: '" '" e g ~ J5"*~ o "(jj ~ m ~.g~~ ...J(f)1-0 lii o I- <I> a ... cri :!:1i)'..- :5 8~- lii o f;- .0 :J (f) e '" E Q. ':; 0' w '" ~ lii '13 '" Q. '" ,., .0 '" <:: o '0 ~ 0:: o S ~ ..e '0 <:: CIl ...J c( ~ w I- < ~ i..: '" >.~ .0 CO ~ E 0 :J ~s Z E CIl ~ 1: ~~ 0 .0 Q. E '" "'- 0:: a. 0 :J -'" -'" <:: t1l '" Z (; o .2 1ii E .0 S S:g. :> l'U~~ ci <:: Zo::o:: e! e! 0 "S . '" .oO(f) x x gj 0'0 ~ ~OI W wo WZ <9 ~~ '2 :::J~ CIl <:: o c~ .Q .g> Q..-= 'C; _ o CIl '" <:: '" 0 O~ '0 < <:: "'- E ,!!! o ,9- :u jg~ - -- 000 '" '" '" 000 000 "ffimm ceo 1-1-1- a ... cri ' ~ '" r--' <I> <I> <I> <.. ~ ~ ~ ~ J '" o <:: e! :J '" E e!'O o <:: ti CIl 1ii c_e! 8~c~ .8 .~ B ~ ~~~.E c c c c 000 0 g-g-g-g -r:-c-c-c m en co: aJ ~~~~ 69- 69- 69- 69- I- 0:: 0 a. w 0:: (f) I I- ...J < I- 0 I- a ... cri ;;; r-: <I> lii 0 f;- .0 :J (f) ,!!l lii '13 '" Q. (f) oCl lii "5j 1il ~ ... Green Vista Landscape 7351 Galilee Rd Suite # 9 Roseville, Ca 95678 Phone: (916) 780-6866 Fax: (916) 780-0864 HSR Inc. 530 Aldo Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95054 Attn: Mike Dorsa July 4, 2009 Re: Camino Arroyo Bridge Project, Santa Clara Valley Health, Gilroy, CA / Landscape Bid per New Plans Green Vista Landscape is pleased to provide a bid proposal for the Irrigation and landscaping for the above referenced project. Bid is priced per the new revised plans, not per Green Vista Landscape's recommendations. Price: Installation of irrigation and landscaping per landscape plans L4.0 Revised 5/26/2009 by City of. Plans are revisions to plans by RHAA. Total: $7,519.40 Basis for Pricing / Exclusions: 1. Excludes any surveying. 2. Excludes any permits or fees 3 Excludes Irrigation Controller, Backflow Prevention Device or Irrigation Valves. Existing per plans. 4 Excludes any removal or saw cutting of concrete or blacktop driveways or walkways. 5 Excludes importing or exporting of topsoil. 6. Excludes replacement of any shrubs. 6 Excludes adding Irrigation heads and pipe along the north side of the sidewalk, this is to be part of Irrigation repairs in the main contract. Basis for Pricing / Inclusions: 1. Includes items listed in itemized chart below. 2. Includes one year warranty on all newly installed landscaping and irrigation. Item # Item Description Unit Quantitv Unit Price Total 1 Cultivate SF 1 $ 250,00 $ 250.00 2 Soil Amendments CY 2 $ 46,60 $ 93,20 3 Finish Grading LS 1 $ 260.00 $ 260,00 4 Commercial Fertilizer (12 Packets per tree) EA 24 $ 2,20 $ 52,80 5 Plant 24" Box Tree EA 2 $ 345,00 $ 690,00 6 No Mow Sod SF 1500 $ 0,81 $ 1,215,00 7 Tree Stakina and Guying for 24" Box Tree EA 2 $ 32.45 $ 64.90 8 Install Rainbird 1812 Pop-up Sprinkler Heads EA 10 $ 28,50 $ 285,00 9 Install Rainbird 5000 Rotor Sprinkler Heads EA 22 $ 52,00 $ 1,144,00 10 Install Toro 570Z Pop-up Sprinkler Heads EA 23 $ 29,00 $ 667,00 11 1 %" Lateral line Pipe (Class 200) (Supply Line) LF 90 $ 3.45 $ 310,50 12 1 1/4" Lateral line Pipe (Class 200) (Supplv Line) LF 110 $ 3,20 $ 352,00 13 1" Lateral line Pipe (Class 200) (Supply Line) LF 650 $ 2,90 $ 1,885,00 Clean-up of weeds in areas to be re-Iandscaped. (Spot Spray invasive 14 Grass Weeds and weed whack weeds, on, and at the Bottom of Slope. LS 1 $ 250,00 $ 250,00 TOTAL $ 7,519.40 If you have any questions regarding this bid proposal please call my cell phone number; (916) 402-3352. Respectfully, Ted Decker Green Vista Landscape