Loma Prieta Resource Conservation District - MOUMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between the LOMA PRIETA RESOURCE CONSERVATION DISTRICT and the CITY OF GILROY WHEREAS: 1. There is a recognized need for orderly development and for control of erosion, sediment and runoff to protect public and private property and to promote the economic and social well being of the community and surrounding rural areas. 2. The City of Gilroy, herein referred to as the City, has responsibility and broad powers to protect public and private property and to promote the economic and social well being through land use planning, zoning, issuing permits and providing for development; and by constructing and operating public facilities. 3. The Loma Prieta Resource Conservation District, herein referred to as the District, as a governmental subdivision of the State of California, formed pursuant to Division 9 of the Public Resources Code, is charged to excercise public powers for the conservation of soil, water and related resources. 4. The District can make available to the City the technical expertise of the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service to review and recommend practices related to soil and water conservation, and erosion, sediment and runoff control for land use plans and development activites. 5. The District is dedicated to a policy of complete and coordinated land and water use in the belief that our resources are strengthened if all land is properly used and treated. 2. 6. It is mutually beneficial to the City and the District to establish a basis for cooperation and assistance in matters related to land use, soil and water conservation and erosion, sediment and runoff control. THEREFORE, be,it understood, that within the limits of their authorities and resource, the City and the District shall cooperate as follows: THE DISTRICT WILL: 1. Provide general soil information and soil interpretations to guide land use decisions when requested. 2. Provide, on request, information and recommendations for erosion prevention and control on City property. 3. Review and recommend mitigation measures on land use, erosion, sediment and runoff control for development plans, erosion control plans and environmental impact reports. 4. Provide assistance in identifying and analyzing potential wastewater disposal sites. THE CITY WILL: 1. Provide the District with copies of the General Plan, zoning maps and any other plans and maps that affect land use and development. 2. Provide the District with preliminary development plans, erosion control plans and draft environmental reports for review and comment. 3. Review District recommendations for land use, and erosion, sediment and runoff control for development plans, erosion control plans and environmental impact reports; and incorporate as necessary. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: 1. Neither the City or the District will be bound by any obligation in this agreement which will involve staff or funds beyond budget amounts. 2. The City and the District will keep the other party informed about development and changes in programs and activities of mutual concern. 3. This agreement last signature terminated at party, giving other party. Date: 111-30 183 Date: 3. shall be effective on the date of the hereto. This agreement may be amended or any time by mutual agreement or by either sixty (60) days notice in writing to the Title LOMA PRIETA RESOURCE CONSERVATION DISTRICT .Name / Title