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Resolution 1920/11/17
By motion of H. M. Martin, secomletl by C. W. Schemel, the fol-
lowing Hesolution was adopted: BT~ IT R1~SOINED that the City of
Gilroy adTertise for a lease of its ~as plant and gas distributin~
system, and also all its interest in and to electric light and power
roles, lines anci wires, subject to a lease th'~reof to Coast Counties
Cas and electric Company, and that the Clerk of the City of Gilroy
cause a notice to be published in a newspaper published in the City
of Gilroy inviting bids for a lease of said plants.
Vote, Ayes, Councilmen lUmer J. Chesbro, A.. H'. Rrown, H. M.
i.tartin, C. w. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent, Council-
men C. C. Lester. Wm. Hadtkea