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Resolution 66A I'Ll" tJ) Ll L , , , :"v - -... (0 .-t ~ f Re'? WHEREAS, the Gilroy Gymkhana and Horse Show has of'fered to donate and give to the City of Gilroy the proceeds and profits of its 1936 show and that of' subsequent years remaining after the payment of actual and necessary expenses, for the sole and ex- press purpose of maintaining and ~proving the parks and park areas and ci ty grounds of the City of' Gilroy. NOW, THEREFORE, Be it Resolved, by the Mayor and Common Council of the Oity of Gilroy that the said offer is accepted and that as and when received, the said proceeds from the said Gilroy Gymkhana and Horse Show f'or 1936 and subsequent ,ears be used solely and expended by the said City of Gilroy f'or the maintenance and 1mprovaments of' the parks, park areas and grounds of the said Oity of' Gilroy and for no other purpose. I hereby certit'y' that the foregoing is a .tl1ll, true and cor- rect copy of a resolution adopted by the Mayor and Common Council 11 of the Oi ty of Gilro'1, at a meeting thereof' held on the da'1 of' Msy, A. D. 1936. DATED: May J.J. , 1936. . e g-ur:~ Clerk of th City of Gilroy l I I 3.jl: /; Vote: AYES. George .n. Wentz, George C . IVIilias, c.Jr., Fred B<Jock, and Ben Stewart. NOES: J. H. Rush and S. D. Heck. .