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Resolution 28-1929
Ri~SOLU'I'ION NO. 28-1929 DIICC'l'I1TG r.L'H>; 'rOnK 'i'O BE
DONB UNDEr? rCHE DIRECTIon m' CITY ::~lTGI:i:,'::;~H.
JHE HEi-t S , t'w
01' aYld Conmon Conncil of the Cit:)T of
Gilroy, did, on the 1st day of ~rnl:r, 1929, pass its Resolu-
tioYl of InteYltion No. 23-1929, to order certain YJOl'l,~. to be
ipJ,:Ql'oveI!;tent,to b.,a U1adeiIl the said City, which Re so-
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lution of' Intention is hereby expressly referred to f'0l-> furtiler
particul'''lrs and said :l\ia'YOr n:r:.d Common Council did thereafter,
.- 4'f-~
on the ~~day of ~ ' 1929, pass its Resolution
oI'derin'! wod.: to be done and improvement to be made in said
Oi ty, I"[hi ch He solution ol->derin'!: tlw work to be done is al so
referred to for further oarticl11ars.
';'!I-D:~HEJ'-S, trle Dlan sand SD8 cifj,cn, ti ons for doing said work
and rnaking said improvement have hel'etofore been adopted by the
Layer and OOr:'J1lon Council and are now on file in the office of the
Oi ty Clerk of' the Ci ty of (J'ilroy and hereby referl->ed to for
further particulars; and
'dHERE;\.S, said L~ayol' and Common Council de sire that said worl:::
be done under the direction of the City Engineer of ~id City and
ti:.Lat tbe assessment be made rY\! said City E':nr;ineer,
0:'-' and C 0]0,uon
Council that they direct, and it is hel'eby directed that the
aforesaid Vlol'k shall be done undel' tr1e dil'ection of the City
En~ineer of said City of CJ.ill'oy and to his satisfaction; and it is
hereby directed that the assessment hel'eafter to be made in the
pl'oceedin<s shall be made and signed by the City Engineer of said
Ci ty instead of the street ComIlli s8ioner.
I hereby certify that t:'J8 fOJ:'ep;oinp; Hesolution vms duly and
I'egularly passed and adopted tbe LairOl' and Gomrn.on Council of
the Gi ty of Gilroy at a reguLll' ad'; oUl'ned meeting of said IIayor
and Common Council held on the day of , 1929, by
the following vote: . .
"iYES: councilmen&~../~__4-~~A~ -c;.~#~~~
~..~; (~, ~ %r;;.~--:~ ~Q~,
HOES: Councilmen ?-;y-~ ,& v:.~~
01.1l1cilr'len ~
~ .d.
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