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Resolution 29-1929
llESOLU'J:'IOl! 1:0. 29-1929- FIXING- COI,~P"LmS"TIOr
llESOL'iJED, by the Ll'lyor and C Oiluon Connei 1 0':' the C1 ty
of Gilroy, thn t ty-,e c ompensa ti on of the Ci ty :Gn:)Jneer oe said
Ci ty f or all engineering servi ee s heretof ore T'cndered a::.:>.d here-
\"'1~1"h'~i:-:;<".'{;>\.'~'t:-',r -, ,\':';, ": '--.'.' ";',', :'. - ,I
ereridered by him' in connection with the incidental
~.. ".
to the work to be done and iuprovenent to be ~8de in said ctty,
as said work and improvement are indicated and described in
it }1esolution IT o. 4-1929 i~dopting Plans and Specifica ti onsll , ch
Resolution Ylas passed and ado:pted
V-,e ;0.701' and Cormllon Council
or sElid City on the 22nd da"T of' ;,J.,'I, 1929, and is-b.e1'eby rr)ferred
to and ]i,sde a pal't }'ereof, be, a:' ~);:tic1 eompensa tion is hereby
fixed at t~lQ sum which shall be seven per eent of' the contraet
Drice of work and improvement.
---------- --
I hereby cer1'tfy that tl:.e f ol'egoing ';"~e solution vras duly
an(5 regu 1arl71 po. ssed and adopted by the Lay Land COLmon
Council of' tl,,_.e Oi ty of Gill>, !J~9n a.., d.i O11.1'n ~r':'nla1' 1':1e. et.'ing
of said Council held on the _ d8.::r of _ ' 1\"129, by
the follmlin!~ vote:
AYES: 00unei1men ~ /C~'" ~ ~~~~;)~
_ C; ,t. ~ -e ~~ ~/1/I/- 2 c::~. ~~YYLf~ lJ t!--~.~
, v ~~ ~
1.JOiSS: Connci lmen ~tJ ~".v ~ c:7 ~..L" - .P ..(
,-\.BSmrI': Councilmen ~ -
clerk of the City of Gilroy