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Resolution 9-1929
RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Common Council of the
City of Gilroy, that it is the intention of the Mayor
and Common Council to order the following work and
improvement in said City of Gilroy, to-wit:
That Church Street from the Southerly line of Sixth
Street to the Southerly line of First Street; also
That Seventh Street froDl the Easterly line of Eigle-
berry Street to the Westerly line of Monterey street; also
That Forest Street from the Southerly line of Sixth
Street to the Northerly line of Martin Street; also
'rb.a t B'irst Street on the South side from the \Vesterly
line of the alley lying between Rosanna and Church Streets
to the Westerly line of I\:onterey Street and On the North
side from the Westerly line of Eigleberry Street to the
Westerly line of' Montel'ey Street, excepting a strip eighteen
f'eet 1Nide along the center line of First Street;
That the roadways of all of the portions of said
streets, avenues and lanes as above described, and all
intersections thereon, be improved by grading and construct-
ing and laying thereon an asphalt-concrete pavement, upon
an asphalt concrete base, in accord with their respective
grades and in the manner indicated by the plans and specifi-
cations hereinafter referred to;
Also, for Portland cement concrete curbs,,;utters and
sidewalks, where they do not now exist at placeiS' ~;hown on
plans, along the above mentioned streets;
Excepti~g, however, from the above described work such
portion or portions 01' the concrete curbs, concrete gutters,
concrete sidewalks and pavement above described as are already
constructed to the line and grade hereinafter ref' erred to;
and excepting also from the above described work any and all
portions thereof which are described more than once or
repeated because of' descriptions recrossing streets at inter-
sections, it being the intention to describe~ only one improve-
ment at such street crossing.
That all said work be done according to the plans, profile
and specifications therefor, prepared by R. VJ.F'isher, City
Engineer of the City of Gilroy, duly and re~llarly adopted
by the Mayor and Oommon Oouncil on J.\.ay 2~d, 1929, and now
on file in the office of the Oity Olerk of said City, and
according to the elevations and lines and grades as shown on
said plans, which said plans, profiles and specifications are
hereby referred to for the full and detailed description of
said proposed work and improvement.
And the said Mayor and Oommon Council do hereby
determine and declare that the aforesaid work and improvement
is of more than local or ordinary public benefit and will
affect and benefit the district, the boundary lines, and
descI'iption of wnich is snown upon a map or diagram of said
District, prepared by R. \V. Fisher, City Engineer, approved
by tIle Mayor and Common Council and on file in the office
of the City Clerk, which sa~d map or diagram is hereby
referred to and made a part hereof, and is hereby declared
to be the District benefited by such work and improvement,
and that, therefore, the entire cost and expenses of said
work and improvement shall be and is hereby made chargeable
against, and shall be assessed upon said District, hereafter
to be known as IIImprovement District IlJumber Fouru, which
District is'situated within the City of Gilroy, county of
Santa Clara, State of Oalifornia.
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Excepting, however, from the said area as shown upon
the map or diagram thereof as adopted by the 1"'a:Tor and Common
Council, of all public streets, lanes and public ways, the
same not to be assessed for any expenses of' said Vlork and
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unpaid's'ssessmeritsand'bear"friterest a.t the ra.teof seven
per cent. per annum, will be~ssued hereunder, in the manner
provided by the Improvement Bond P,ct of 1915, and amendments
thereto, the last installment of' vvhich bonds shall mature
ten (10) years from the 2nd day of July next succeeding ten
(10) months from their date.
Except as hereinabove otherwise provided for the
issu~ance of said serial bonds, all of the herein proposed
work shall be done in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature
of the State of California, designated liThe Improvement Act
of 19l1tt, approved April 7th, 19a.l, and amendments thereto.
NO'l'IGE is hereby given that on the /t!)A day Of.,<;(/-z,.,,-,,,.-y,,-<-
1929, at eight o'clock P. M. at the regular meeting place of
the l,layor and Common Council, to-wit: In the City Hall of said
City, any and all persons having any objections to the proposed
work and improvement may appear before said Mayor and Common
Council and show cause why said proposed improvement should
not be carried out in acc ordance ',vi th tni s re soluti on.
The Clerk of the Uity of Gilroy shall callie this reso-
lution to be published tvlice in the "Gilroy Evening Dispatch",
a dily newspaper printed, published and circulated in said
City of Gilr~, and hereby designated for that purpose, by
said l.iayor and Conrrnon Council of said City of Gilroy.
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The Street Commissioner of said City of Gilroy shall
cause to be conspicously posted,ufong the lines of said
contemplated work or improvement and along the lines of
all open streets, avenues, lanes, alleys and roads within
said District, as herein adopted and described, notices o~
the passage or this Resolution or Intention in the manner
and form required by law.
I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was
duly and ,regularly passed and adopted by the Mayor and
Common Council of the Oity of Gilroy at a regular adjourned
meeting of said hiayor and Oomrr.ton Oouncil held on the 22nd
day of ivlay,
1I.YES: C ounci lmen ..
11~ 3
NOES: Councilmen
iiBSENT: Councilmen