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Resolution 1927/07/05 ~~--"""" ",',,'"''''''C~''~'<''''''''' -""":"'~~;M""""" ""'""":""'''''-,';''<Off"".,=.*,'''''''<i''':'~'''''-''''''i'!'';:'''''''''.''''~~~~'lI:':t~.:"_~~""-~#w..""""""="'=~~==';;J;.~_,~~",,~,;~_-,:,,",:~,:~~~,,.;""T.;t';J,,:r<,':!U""~'elW"';;3"':Jj:r~:o:e'0'IL"',:'J1:Y By motion of E. Hartin Jolll1son seconded by Jerome Chappell the following resolution was adopted: \flIEREAS, the plans and specif'ications for storm sewers for the City of Gilroy, as prepared by the City Engineer, provides that said sewer shall pass beneath the railroad tracks of the Southern Pacif'ic Company on !i~rst street, and WlIEllEAS, it lfill be necessaryr in order to get the per- mission of' said COmpany, f'or the City to enter into a written contract with said Company to protect the same from any loss or damage by reason of the construction and main- tenance of' said sewer or the f'iling of' liens against said > property f'or labor or llla terial f'urnished, nOlf, theref'ore, be it IillSOINED, that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf' of' and in the name of' the City of' Gilroy a contract with the Southern Pacif'ic containing snch provisions as will saf'eguard the interests of' both parties. Said contract to be attested by the City ClerIc. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen Chas. lIe Pierce, E. I,Iartin John- son, C. E. Fredrickson, Jerome Chappell, Gerald Hecker, Elmer J. Chesbro; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent COlUlcil- luen, None. .