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Resolution 1926/09/07 (2)
By motion o? Elmer J. Chesbro, seconded by C. H. Pierce
and carried tIle f'ollowing resolution was adoptecl:
ViH:crml.l.S, the Charter requires the COlTIlllon Council to ?ix
tIle duties amI cvElpcnsation of' tIle City Attorney, tlleref'ore be it
. .
IillSOLV:8D: That it shall be the duty of' the City Attorney
to prcpare all ordinances ancl resolutions of' the Conu:lon COllncil
ancl eXahlinc all contracts uaue by the Cit:;r" Give leGal advice to
tIle :;.:ayor ancl mcmbers of' tIle CouLlon Council and all ci ty o:rricials
011 all city business l'/l1en so requested am1 to appear :for the Oi ty
irJ. all cases penelin['; in the Police Conrtwhen so reques tod; be it
lillf::;GJJ V.:D:
That tIle compensation 01' the City Attorney 1'01'
the :pcri'ormance lif said services shall be and t110 SillllC is 11ere-
f'ix:ed at (; :~3 .00 ")er Llontl1,.
I ~
a11c1 be it :further
n:C,JOLV3D: That 1'01' all other services per:lornecl by the City
Attorney at the request of' the LIayoI' ancl COLlElOn Council he shall
receive such cOLlpensation as mp;y be authorized :for such services.
Vote" Ayes, Councilmen C. II. Pierce" =~. Hartin Joim.son, C. E.
FreclricIcson, JerOlae Chappell, Gerald Hecker, Ellicr'...j.Choshru;
Hoes, Councilmen, Hone; Absent COllncilmen" None.