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Resolution 1924/03/17 (6) 205 R&SOLUTION :&'IXING TI:Itm: .b.ND PLAc-SS OF llE;ETING UPON ADJOtJRm1&NT 0 RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Common Council ft the Ctty of Gilroy, that when the Council adjourn they adjourn ~ meet on Wednesday April 2nd 1924, at eight o'clock P.K. at the regular meeting place of 8aid council, to-wit; at the 'Ci ty Hall of said City of Gilroy. .. .. .. - .. - - I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution .s duly and regularly passed and adopted by the Mayor and Conmon Council of the C1 ty of Gilroy at an adjourned regular meeting of 8aid council held on the 17th $y of Maroh 1924, by the following Tote; AlES: Counoilmen (}erald Hecker, NOES: Councilmen E. J. Chesbro, C. ~. Chas. w. Schemel; None; Fredrickson, A . lIT. ~rown, ABSENT: Councilmen wm. Hadtke, Clerk of the Ci t ) .Zt'~A-CL -r-;?.(/_. er- of the Oity of Gilroy. , 'rhe Wate}' Committee of' the Common Coucil was ~mp()w~l"~'l to dispose of' the 01(1 steam pump to the Counti~s & Electric Company. ) ;1y Hl0ti.on of' :-ichemel, 11nly sec()n'l~d. and carl"iwl a war"'Rnt In the amount of' :~:~OOO. was or(le1"oll 'lrawn in f'avor of Cllas.R. Sloan on 1\'. W. Imp. l.'unrl of 192'1,