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Resolution 144 1 76:3 RESOLUTION ---------- NO 144 - A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY. BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the Ci ty of Gilroy: I That the City of Gilroy offer to purcbaae what is known as the Lin W. Wheeler Real Property, located in the City of Gilroy adjoining the Gymkanna Property, for the sum of $ 2,250.00 . Such Real Property being now offered for sale in the matter Of the Estate of said Lin W. Wheeler, deceased. ADOPTED AND PASSED this 31st day of August 1944 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN George A.Martin,Nat Heiner,J.H.Wentworth, Henry J.Schi11ing. NOES: COUNCILMEN None f- ABSENT COUNCILMEN George M.Mason,Davld V.Stout. APpved jJ?_ (i , Mayor I / ?7?~"' Attest: G,~.~ City Clerk ..