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Resolution 150 1 RES 0 L UTI O.N NO.150 ---------- BE IT RESO LVED by the Mayor and Common Council .of the City of Gilroy, at regular session assembled, that: -- I Five cents (5~) of each and every one dollar ($1.00) collected for~peral municipal taxes for the current fiscal year 1945-46 be set aside as a special fund tor the purpose of making, constructing and drilling a new water well in said City of Gilroy and for the further purpose of acquiring all necessary personal property as may be proper to effect a new water well in said Ci~ of Gilroy. Said fund shall be known as Water Well Construction Fund and a separate and special account shall be kept thereof in the books of said City. . . ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS I~ay Of-October, 1945, by the following votes: ..., , ~~ AYES: NOES: Councilmen:George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,J.H.Wentworth,David v.stout. Councilmen: None AmENT: CouncIlmen. Henr~ch1111; lAay~ .. ~ Attest: City ~~~,,~ '- t