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Resolution 153 " I I. 1'- I 'f~ -- ...---..-.-.--- - ,~~ RES 0 L U ! I 0 I . O. 'fi~ ..... ..,.. - -- - - - - - - - - - -- BE IT RESOLVED by the Common COlm-cil of the City of G11rey, that the certain Deeds hereine.1'ter descr1bed are hereby accepted by the City of Gilroy, to wit: -, I , Grantors 11'101;4 A.Robinson Andrew R. aDd Lo1. 4.Battag1n Hugh S.Hersman Ernest J . and Ida Camino Date o~ D$ed January 28, 1946 February 1,1946 February 4#1946 February 5,1946 January 30,1946 February 5,1946 February 5,1946 July 9,1940 Bileen MCElroy Harper Oliver K and Florence E.Baxter Alfred R. and Clara H. Bettancourt The Geo d{ .Louis Ileal ty Company Said grant deeds are hereto attached and made a part ef this resolution. This acceptance by resolution is made pursuant to the . prov1aions of Seotion 1158 of the Civil Code of the state of California . Accepted this .votes: 4tbday of March,1946. by the following r-.~-- Ayes: Councilmen, George A~ Martin, George U. Mason, ~at Heiner, David V. Stout. Noes: None. Absent Councilmen: J. H. Wentworth, Henry J. Schillibg. .. @. Attest: (2( 0---. . ~. City Clerk.