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Resolution 163 RES - 0 L U.:;r< I Q N !i.2. . 163 BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy, at regular session assembled, that WHEREAS, the Southern Pacirlc Company raised its main line tracks within the said City of Gilroy, under and pursuant to the permission of the Common Council of said City~ and .' WHEREAS, the said Southern Pacific Company, by and through its duly authorized agents agreed with the Common Council of the City of Gilroy, by and through its duly authorized agents, to maintain the crossings within their right of way in said City at such crossings where said main tracks were raised and to improve the approaches to said main line tracks to the end that street crossings over said main line tracks would have a uniform and gradual ~~~de over said main line tracks, and , u r 881 WHh~EAS, said Southern Pacific Company have permited and allowed its drill or spur tracks running parallel to said main line tracks to be and remain below the grade of said main line tracks, thereby causing vehicles to encounter an abrupt or sudden change of grade between said main line tracks and said spur or drill tracks. NOW, THEREFORE, BE'IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Gilroy, that the said Southern Pacific Company so improve and maintain its right of way in said City of Gilroy at street crossings so that the approaches over its tracks are gradual, and that the thoroughfare between the ~~in line tracks and the spur or drill tracks be gradual and not abrupt as they now exist. ADOPTED AND PASSED this 20th day of January ,1947 ~ by the following votes: AYES: NOES: Councilmen: George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat He iner, J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas. Councilmen: None /~ M r e ~#L-~t ABSENT: ATTEST: (X.o....~ City Clerk COl.IDcilmen: None t