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Resolution 177A 1 the folowing ltesolut ion be adopted: -=tI /7 ''Iff RESOLUTION STRClKING OFF,SELLING AND AWARDING TO COAST COUNTIES GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY,A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS ,A FRANCHISE TO USE THE RJBLIC STREETS ,HIGHWAYS AND ALLEYS OF THE CITY OF GILROY FOR THEe PURi POSE OF CONSTRUCTING,MAINTAINIID AND USING AN ELECTRIC TRANSjISSION SYSTm~ AND OTHER ELECTRIC CONDUCTORS ,APPLIANCES AND APPARATUS FOR THE SALE A1~ DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY FOR LIGHT,HEAT, POWER MID LAWFUL PURPOSES. WHEREAS COAST COUNTIES GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY,a Calif- ornia Corporation, filed in the 0 ffice of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy on the 5th day of May,l947, its application for the franchise above described; and WHEREAS this Council on the 5th day of May,l947, adopted a resolution declaring its intention 01' granting said franchise upon the terms and conditions set forth in said resolution;and VffiEREAS due notice of sale of said franchise has been published in the manner and for the time preseribed by law and the aforesaid resolution;and WHEREAS this Cownon Council at the time specified in said resolution and in the said notice,namely, at the hour 01' 8:00 o'clock P.M. an the 16th day of June,l947, met in open session for the purpose of opening and acting upon any bids that might be filed pursuant to said notice;and WHEREAS said Coast Counties Gas and Electrio Company before the time appointed for the opening 01' said bids,had filed herein its sealed cash bid for said franchise whereby it offered for said franchise the sum of 7':, 'f",' -,., '.:'''' lawful money of the united States of America,and said sealed cash bid was accompanied by check of said Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company payable to the City of Gilroyfor the full amount of said bid,and nBEREAS no other higher bid was filed or made for said franchise; Now,Therefore, be it RESOLVED: By the Mayor ani Common Council of the City of Gilroy,County of Santa Clara,State of California, that the afore- said franchise be, and the same is hereby struck off, sold and awarded, to said Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company,it successors and assigns for the sum of iD law- ful money of the United States of America, upon the terms and con- ditions set forth in said bid,said notice and said resolution,to all of which reference is h~reby made for a more partmoular statement of said terms and conditions. Adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy,State of California,on the l7th day of June,l947, by the following vote: ' AYES: Councilmen George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,Ray L.Stevens, James B.Thomas NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen George A..Martin,J.H. Wentworth. 921 J /'- f /) /-/ " '/ ",/:-!/.. ", ' rA'} _...:. / .;--_/, "-" Mayor off the City of Gilroy ATTEST: ~.~.~ City lerk 01' the City of Gilroy t