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Resolution 219 L -.--- ---- ---- -- - - RESOLUTION NO. 219 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0 F GILROY REQ.UESTING THAT CERTAIN CHA1UES AND ADDITIONS BE MADE TO THE MAJOR CITY STREET SYSTEM: :- --1 VlliEREAS,the State of California, through the Department of Publie Works, Division of Highways, requires that certain streets w~thin the corporate Limits of the City of Gilroy be designated as Major City streets for the purpose of allocat 1ng expenditures from the Special Gas Tax Improvement Fund allocated to said city; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires that oertain streets be so designated and approved by the State of California,through its 1089 Department 0 f PUblic 'Works ,Division of i{ighways, as IIajor Ci ty Streets; NOTI,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City or Gilroy,that changes be made in the Major City Street System as shown on the attached map ,marked Exhibit ttA", whi ch is hereby made a part of this Resolution, as follows: 1. That Fifth Street between Uonterey Street and the Westerly City Lini ts, be deleted from the system. 2. That the follm'lll]f; streets be added to the systerl: (a) Third Street between lIonterey Street and the 'iiesterly City Limits. (b) \'1e lburn Avenue between I.lonterey Street and Hanna street. (c) Hanna street between Delburn Avenue and First Street and between Sixth Street and Ninth Street. (d) Ninth E3treet betwwen llonterey Street and Halma Street. (e) Carmel Street between Sixth Street and Eighth ,jtreet. (f) Eighth Street between Carmel street and Hanna Street. (g) Alexander Street between Old Gilroy Street and I'J'dmth Street. And BE IT FU11TBJ:!:R RESOLVED that said addi t ions to t r.e Major City Street System of the Oi ty of Gilroy be suhmi tted to the State of California for aP?Jroval and designation as addit ional IJajor Streets in the City of Gilroy. PASSED AND ADOPT'BD this 2nd day 0 f Hay 1949 by the following vote; AYES: Councilmen J'.H.Wentworth,]iayl..St6vens~Jamf3s~13.Thomas,Dav:id Y.Stout;<Qale D.Daniels~ NOES: Counc i lrnen None ABSENT: Councilmen None /~4 ff1~ l1'a'"yor ro te , Attest: G-~\~ City Clerk ~