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Resolution 292 RESOLU'rION NQ.292 WHEREAS, there has been pending before the Common Council of the City of Gilroy for two or three years the matter of improving Monterey Street in the said City of Gilroy by the widening thereof in a joint undertaking by the City and the State of California, Department of Public Works,Division of Highways;and VnIEREAS, former councils have gone on record as favoring the widening of the street and steps have been taken to provide for the City of Gilroy the money necessary to defr~ the part of the expenses which said City must bear;and WHEREAS, the present Common Council of the City of Gilroy has considered the matter of said improvement fr~n time to time and has c'aused to be held public meetings of the citizens and property owners of the City to ascertain their opinions and desires thereof regarding the said improvement,and it appears that a majority of xx the property owners and citizens favor making said improvement;and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works of the State of Calif- ornia has indicated that it requires a definite commitment on the part of the City of Gilroy that it will participate in the said improvement if it intends to do so and it is necessary that this Cpuncil announce ath this time its attitude thereon so that the Department of Public Works can prepare the necessary forms of agree- ment as well as the plans and sepcifications applying to the work and submit the same to the City of Gilroy for consideration and approval; and 1419 lijIEREAS,it has appeared heretofore that the share o~ the cost o~ the said project to borne by the City o~ Gilroy will not exceed the sum o~ $150,000.00 and the Council desires to limit the obligation of the City of Gilroy to that a'TIount;and WHEREAS, this Common Council has determined that the construction o~ said improvement is in the public interest and should be undertaken. N~I,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that this said Common Council go on record as finally approving the said widening of Monterey Street and other improvements whicl1 have been commonly connected therewith, iiu:luding the drainage,and the cutting dovm of sidewalks,and that the City of Gilroy through its said Common Council intends to proceed with the project in cooperation with the Division of Highw~s,if that part of the cost thereof to be borne by the City of Gilroy will not exceed the SLUll o~ $150,000.00, and the plans and form of agreement relating to the work submitted by the Division of Highways is approved by the Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy o~ this Resmlution be submitted to the Division of Highways,together with a request that a tentative form of agreement covering the work be submitted to the Council by the Division of Highways, for study and action. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of JUly,1953, by the following votes: AYEs: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Pate ,Kennedy, VJhite ,Ronald Councilmen Rush,Gallo Councilmen None. AtteS(1 ~fu- City Clerk