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Resolution 293 RESOLUTIQN HO.~ ~mEREAS,the State of California,through its Department of Public Works,Division of Highways,has required and still requires that certain streets within the corporate limits of the City of Gilroy be designated as streets of Major Importance for expendit- ure of the one-fourth cent (~~) gas tax fund allocated to said City; and ~~EREAS,the Common Council of the City of Gilroy has heretofoee designated Hanna Street from 6th Street to 9th Street,and Ninth Street from Hanna Street to Eigelberry Street,as streets of major importance in the City of Gilroy,and it is no longer necessary that said streets be streets of maj or importance and should be relioved from the major street sysyem;and WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Gilroy desires that the following streets be now designated and approved by the State of California through the Department of Public Works,Div- ision of Highwa;.rs,as streets of major importancemto-wit: Rosanna Street,from 6th to 10th streets Tenth Street from R sanna to Eigelberry Street NOW ,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Gilroy that the following streets within the corporate limits of the City of Gilroy be removed from the major street system and no longer be deemed to be streets of major importance, to-wit: Hanna Street,from 6th to 9th streets Ninth Street from Hanna to Eigelberry streets MID BE FURTI-IER RESOLVED that the following streets within the coeporate limits of the said City of Gilroy be, and the same are hereby,designated as streets of major importance other than State Highways: Rosanna Street from 6th Street to 10th Street Tenth Street,from Eigelberry Street to Rosanna Street ~~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tha~ said additions to the major street system of the City of Gilroy and deletions therefrom be submitted to the State 0 f California for approval and d esi.snation as additional major streets in the said City of Gilroy. ADOPTED M1JJ PASSED this 7th day of JUly,1953) by the follilwing votes: AYES: J,TOE S : Absent: Councilmen Pate,Rush,Kennedy,Gal~o,White,Ronald Councilmen None Councilmen None & W. B7G- Mayor Pro-tem Attest: @.~.~ City Clerk