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Resolution 304 Motion by Cow1cilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Rush that RESOLUTION No .304 be adopted: RESOLUTION NO.104 of the COH~JImr COUlifCIL of the Ci ty of Gilroy Whereas,~e City Planning Comrnission of the City of Gilroy has reported,f'ound and reconunended that Ordinance No.422. of the City of Gilroy,corr~only known as tile Zoning 0 rdinance,be amended by changing the boundaries of Zones ltA",ItBl',"C", and "D" by taking territory from one or more of said Zones all.d adding the territory on to a differenll zone,as follows: That there be taken from the uD'" Zone as established by tbe said Ordinance No. 422 of the City of Gilroy and placed and included in 'tC_l" Zone as establi shed in said Ordinance and amendments tllereto, the following described property: Corrmencing at a point Gn tile westerly line of Alemander Street distant thereon 149.50 feet Northerly from U: e poi.nt of intersection of the westerly line of Alexander Street with the north- erly line of Old Gilroy Street;running thence at ri8ht angles to tbe southwesterly line of Alexander Street to the northeasterly line of Railroad street and thence at right angles in a southeasterI,y' direction to the northerly line of Old Gilroy Street "and thence in an E~asterly direction along the northerly line of Old Gilroy Street to its intersection with t'he vveElterly line of Alexander Str~~et ;t.hence northerly along the westerly line of Alexander ~-)treet to the point of beginning. ALSO,Lots 1,7,8,9 and 10 of Grant's Block in the City of Gilroy. That the following described property in the City of GilroJ'- be taken from ~'Cu Zone and included in ltC_lIt Zone,to-vdt: at the point of intersection of the easterly city lin1i. ts of the City of Gilroy with the northerly line of Old Gilroy Street, and rumling thence in a northvvesterly direction along tl1e said easterly city limits to a point that is 150.00 feet measured by the shortest distance from tl1e northerly line of Old Gilroy Street ;thence rlllming in a wt.~sterly direction at a uniform distance of 150.00 feet froIIi the northerly line of Old Gilroy Street to the northeasterly line of Lot 4 in Block 2 South of Range 7 East of the City of Gilroy;thence in a southwesterly direction parallel with the soutberly lineyf Eighth Street 1:.0 the south- westerly line of East Street;, thence in a north- westerly direction along the. southwesterly line of East ~3tre(;; t to Lhf'l line dividing Lots 1 and 2 i11Block 2 South of Range 6 East of t.Lhe City of Gilroy,andt thence in a southwesterly direction along the said dividing line to the center line of the alley rl1n11ing through said block;thence along said line in a southeasterly diri3etion to the nort11erly line of Old Gilroy Street;thence in an easterly direction along the northerly line of Old Gilroy Street to the point of beginning. AL~O,all that part of Block 2 ~:;outh of Hange 6 East ,.of t'he City of Gilroy that lies South of Old Gilroy Street. ALSO,all that part of Block 2 South of Range 7 East of the City of Gilroy that lies south of Old Gilroy street. ALSO,commencing at the point of intersection of the northeasterly line of Carmel Street with the southerly line of Hecker Pass Highway allcl running thence in a southeasterly direction along the northeasterly line of Carmel Street to a point thereon that is 140.00 feet measured by the nearest distance to the southerly line of Hecker Pass Higll\vay; thencf'~ in an easterly direction and parallel with the southerly line of Hecker Pass Highway to the soutJl\1vesterly line of Hanna Streetl thence in a northwesterly direction along the southwesterly line of Hanna ~)treet to its inter- section wit'; the southerly line of Hecker Pass Highway; thence in a "vVesterly direction along the southerly line of said Hecker Pass Highway to the point of beginning. ALSO,Lot 6 in Block 5 of Range 4 West of the City of Gilroy. ALSO,coH1mencing at a point on t:1e easterly line of Carmel Street di stant thereon 150.00 feet northerly from the point of intersection of the said easterly line of Carmel Stri;:-;et wi t.h the northerly line of HE!cker Pass Highlivay;thence in a southerly direction along the easterly line of Carmel Street to the northerly line of Hecker Pass HighwaYP"IFming thencf3 in an easterly direction along the northerly lone of Hecker PaDS Highvmy and the northerly line of First Street to a point thereon 150 feet northeasterly of the most southerly forner of Lot 46 of t'he Gurries Addition;rhence in a morth\vesterly <iirection and parallel with the nor'theasterly line of Hann~) Street to the soutIH:;asterly line of an alley; thence in a southwesterly direction along the south- easterly line of said alley and its southwesterly prolongation ~o the w,stcrly line of Hanna Street; thence in a northwesterly direct.ion along the westerly line of Hanna Street to the line dividing Lots 8 and 9 in Block 6 North of Range 5 W'est,Loupe Northern Addition to the City Df Gilroy ;thence in a south- westerly direction along the line dividing saidLots 8 and 9 of said subdivision to the most westerly corner of Lot 9; thence i.n a southeasterly direction along the southwesterly line of Lots 9,10 ~~d 11 to the northeasterly line of Lot 2l;thence along the northeasterly line of Lots 21,22,23~24,25,26, 27,28 and 29 to the easterly line of Sargent Street; thence in a westerly direction and parallel to the northerly line or Hecker Pass Highv;ay to the point of beginning. . That the following described property in the City of' Gilroy be taken from liB" Zone and included in tIC_lIt Zone, to-wit: CC)ffiLuencinG at a point in t he westerly line of Carmel Street at the northeasterly corner ()f Lot 22. of Loupe Northern Addition to the Ci ty of Gilroy and running thence in a westerly direction along the northerly line of Lots 22 to 25 inclusive to the easterly line of Sublot 41 of the Las Animas Partition, and thence in a northerly direction along the said easterly line of Sublot 41 to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence in a vvesterly direction along the northerly line of said Sublot 41 to the northwesterly corner t:ler8of;thence in a southerly direction along the westerly line of said Sublot 41,45.00 feet:;.thence in a westerly <<Iirection parallel wit.h the. northerly line of Hecker Pass Highway to the northeasterl;{ line of VJayland Lane; thence in a souUH~asterly direction along the northeasterly line of VJayland Lane to the northerly line of Hecker Pass Righway;thence in an easterly direction along the northerly line of said Hecker Pass Highway to the westerly liw:? of Carmel :3teet; thence along the westerly line of Carmel Street in a northerly direction to the point of begirming. That the following de:'3cri bed property in the City of Gilroy be t!iken from "B~l Zone and included in rtC-IZone,to-wit: Commencing at the point of intersection of the eas terly line of Miller Avenue with the sout.herly line of Hecker Pass Highvvay and running thence in a sout'herly direction along the easterly line of said AVenllG 190.00 feet; thence in a northeasterly direction to a point on the southwesterly line of Princevalle Street I" that is 150.00 feet southeast on said line from t'1e south line of Heclzer Pass HighvJaY; thence in a northvJE;r>terly direction along the south- westerly line of ~)aid Princevalle Str(~et to the sout:lerly line of Hecker Pass Highway,and thence in a westerly direction along the south- erly 1 ine of said Hecker Paes Highway to the point of beginning. ALSO, all th'..'lt part of Block 2 ~;;outh of Range 5 East of the City of Gilroy lying north of Old Gilroy Street and also all that part of Block 2 South of Range 6 East north of Old Gilroy Street and VJest of the alley extending through said block from Seventh street to Old Gilroy Street. That the following dencribed property located in the Ci t.:/ of Gilroy be taken from I'B"I Zone and included in "C_ll1 Zone,to-wit: Lots 1,11 and 12 of Block 5 North of ::.:\ange 7 ''Jest of tJl"~ City of Gilroy. That the following deGcri bed property 10catE~d in the City of Gilroy be taken from "D" Zone and included in "BII Zone,to-wit: Commencing at a point. on the southwest.erly iline of Alexandf.:.r Stref.'lt distant thereon 149.50 feet northw(';sterly of the point of intersection of the said line of Alexander Street with the northerly line of Old Gilroy Street andrmming thence at 'right angles to the said southwesterly line of Alexand,'3r street to the northe:lsterly line of an alley; thence in a northwesterly direction along the s::dd line of said alley to Sixth Strt:;et; thence along the southeasterl;,r line of Sixth Street to the southw(jsterly line of Alexander ~)treet ~d thence along the said southwesterly line of Alexander Street to the point of beginning. That the following described propt:'!rty located in the City of Gilroy be t,~ken from I'DI' Zone and included in ItC" Zone, to-vJit: Commencing at the point of intersection of the westerly line of Monterey ~3treet \Ni th the most southerly line of Lot 5 in Block 2 South of Range 1 West of the City of Gilroy and running thence along the southweDterly line of Monter(;.y Street to the souther city limi ts of the City of Gilroy andt. thf:mce in a southwesterly direction along the said southerly city l:irnits 150.00 feet to a point equidistant from the westerly line of Mont.erey StrE~et and the easterly line of Eigleber>ry 5treet and thence in a str>aight line at a uniform distance of 150.00 feet from the southwesterly line of Monterey Street to the southerly line of said Lot 5 in Block 2 South of Range 1 lNest of the City of Gilroy,and than(~e in an easterly direction along the southerly line of said Lot to the point of beginning. That the following described property located in the City of Gilroy be taken from I'D"! Zone and placed in and made a part of IICI' Zone, t,)-wi t: Commencing at a p-oint on the northe rl.):7 line of First Street,dist::mt thereon 150.00 feet wEH3terly from the point of intersection of the westerly lip.e of Monterey ~)treet with the northerly line of First Street,and running thence along the northerly line of First Street to the easterly line of the alley which forms the easterly boundary of Lot 1 of the Gurries Addition to the City of Gilroy,and running thence along the said easterly line of said alley in a northerly direction to the most northerly corner of Lot 2 of said Subdivision; running thence in a westerly ffiinection along the northwesterly line of Lots 2,3,4 and 5 of said Subdivision to the most easterly corner of Lot 8 in said SubdivisioD;thence in a northerly direction alilmg t he easterly line of Lots 8,9,10,11 and 12 of said Subdivision to the most northerly corner of said Lot 12 and thance along the northwesterly continuation of the said line 328.67 feet to the northerly boundary line of t'he said Gurries Addition to the eity of Gilroy;thence north 870 50' E. '+5..00 feet;thence in a northwesterly direction parallel 1Ncith the westerly line of Monterey Street to the northerly city limits of the City of Gilroy;thence along the northerly city limits of the City of Gilroy in a northeasterly dirr3ction to the WE~ ;3terly line of Monterey Street; thence in a fJoutheasterly direction along the westerly line of Monterey Street to its intersection with the northerly line of First Street, and thenc.e along the bortherly line of First Street 150.00 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO, commencing at the point of intersection of the easterly line of Monterey Street with the southerly bdmnda-ry line of Sublot 5 as said Sub10t i;3 designatl3d upon Map No.4 ace ompanying the report of the referees in the partition suit of Henry VIiller (>.t al vs.Massey Thomas et al in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara,c3J1d running thence in a northeasterly direction along the southerly line of said Sublot t.n tne westerly line of the Sout:1ern Pacific Rai;Lro,ad,Company 's right of way~ thence in a northv~esterly direction along the said line of said right of 'lJJay to the southerly line of Casey Street;thence in a southwesterly dL"',,~ction along the said line of Casey Street to i t;3 intersection with the (~asterly line of Monterey Stree t, and th<;>.nce in a southeast.erly direct.ion along the easterly line of Monterey Street to the point of beginning. That the following descr-ibec1 premL)es be taken fronl tlB" Zone and placed in and included in "C-l" Zone,. to-wi t: Commnncing at a point OR the northeasterly line of Chestrnit Street 150. OJ f'2et measured by the nl:'!ar(~st dist:::U1ce from the southerly line of Old Gilroy street ,andrllnning t'hence in an easterly direction parallel with the southerly line of Old Gilroy Street to the sout1lwesterly line of Maple Street;thence along the southwesterly line of Maple Street in a northwesterly direction to the southerly I inE,; of Old Gilroy Street, and thence in a westerly direction along the southerly line of Old Gilroy 5tr8et ot its intersection with the northeasterly line of Che stnut StreE)t, and thence along the said line of Chestnut ~3treet to the point of beginning.. Reference is hereby had and made to the maps and general Zoning Ordinance of the said City of Gilroy now on file in the office of the City Clerk. NOV,',THEHEF'OHE,BE IT HE SOLVED tIlat a public hearing will be had on Monday,the 23rd day of November,1953, at the hour of 8:00 0 'clock P.M. of said day in the Council Chambers of the Common Council of said City of Gilroy,in the City Hall of said Ci ty of Gilroy, when and vvhere any person interested may prate st and/or object to such zoning and zoning changes. ADOPTED and PASSED this 2nd d ay of November, 1953, by the following votes: AYEs: ~TOESJ: ABSENT: Coubcilmen Pate, Rush ,.Kenned.f, 'vhi te, Ronald Councilmen None CO;lncilman Gallo Dated U'lis 2nd day of lJovember,1953. h ~R tC2. ~~<-)