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Resolution 389 HESOUJTlON NO. 3..8.9 -j APPOINTING TIME AND PU\CE 1'011 HEARING OF PROTESTS, AND DIRFCTING NOTICE OF HEARING TO BE GI\~N IN THE ~.;AT-rr:R CF' FURNISHING AND INSTALLING STEEL LIGHTING STANDARDS AND STREET LIGHTS IN S'ffiEET LIGHTING DISTRICT PROPOSED TO BE ESTABLISHED, COVERING TRACT NO. 239 RENZ J-\UDITION TO THE CITY or GHROY, .:'J\fD FAHTS OF mACTS 1046, WAYLAND LANE TRACT AND LOUPE NORTI!Ef:N ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GIUWY, AND DESIGNATED AS "LIGHTING LISTRICT NO. I" IN THESE FHOCEFDINGS, AS DESCRIBED IN RJ::SOLUTION or INTF:NTION NO. 388 WHEREAS, the COll1P1on Council of the City of Gilroy dicl, on the 20th day of August, 1956, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 388, declaring the intention of the Council to order the replacing of the obsolete liqhting system now existing in the area comprising Tract No. 239 Henz Addition to the City of Gilroy ann parts of Tracts No. 1046, \~ayland Lane Tract, and Loupe Northern Addi tion to the City of Gilroy, by the furnishing and installation of steel lighting poles and street lights, for a period " commencing on the 1st day of lCt.,~~../;t; 1956, and ending on the 30th day , of June, 1959; and WHEREAS, the said Council did, on the said 20th day of August, 1956, review and consider that certain report entitled "Report of the City Building Inspector of the City of Gilroy in the ratter of Furnishing and Installation of Steel Lighting Poles and Street Lights for a Street Lighting System for an Improvement District Comprising Tract No. 239 Renz Addition to the City of Gilroy, and portions of Tracts No. 1046, Wayland Lane Tract and Loupe Northern Addition to the City of Gilroy, in Accordance With'Street Lighting Act of 1919' of the State of California", and found the same sufficient and in due an~ proper form, as presented, and has made no morlifications thereof. NOV1, 'T'HEREFC,RE, BE IT R'E'30LVED P,Y THE Cml~'ON COUNCIL or '''11'7 CITY or GILROY, that r"onday, the 1st. day of October~ 1956, at 8 o'clock p.m. in the ComElon l,ouncil Chambers in the City Hall, Gilroy, California, is hereby designated as the time and place for hearing protests in relation to the aforementioned improvement, and BE IT FURTHER W;:SOLVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, directed to give notice of said hearing by posting and publication, as prescribed by the said "Street Lighting Act of 1919"~ said publication T I to be made in the Gilroy Evening Dispatch. a daily newspaper published and circulated in the City of Gilroy. and the newspaper hereby designated for that purpose. . . 00 000. . I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting thereof held August 2@. 1956. by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Sanchez,Gallo,Rush, Wentworth NOES: Councilmen Ncime ABSENT: Councilmen Pate, Petersen Qr ( ~.. _____~ ':W\/J Clerk of the City,~f Gilroy cZ. ~_