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Resolution 1980- 35 e e RESOLUTION NO. 80 - 35 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY HONORING AND COMMENDING SERVICES OF C. J. "JIM" LAIZURE, CHIEF OF POLICE UPON HIS RETIREMENT. WHEREAS, Chief Laizure established the first full time municipal police force within the City of Gilroy following the adop- tion of a new City Charter in 1960, which eliminated the prior e1ec- ted position and such position of City Marshall within the State of California; and WHEREAS, Chief Laizure has established many innovations and improvements to the Gilroy Police Department which included the following among others: (1) Established a complete police records system. (2) Completed a Police Procedural Manual encompassing two hundred pages. (3) Instituted an ongoing firearms training course for Gilroy Police Officers. (4) Established a Police Cadet Program. (5) Participated in establishing the 911 Emergency tele- phone service for the citizenry of Gilroy, the fourth such system within the State of California; and WHEREAS, Chief Laizure has been commended over the years for his service including the following partial list: (1) Gilroy City Council, Citizens and local service clubs. (2) Federal Bureau of Investigation. (3) State Pistol Association. (4) United States Air Corp. (5) California Police Officers' Association. (6) State of California. (7) Santa Clara County Emergency Medical Care. (8) Police Athletic League RESOLUTION NO. 80 - 35 -1- e e NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL\~D, the Gilroy City Council hereby takes the opportunity upon Chief C. J. "Jim" Laizure's retirement to honor his past service to our community and to wish him and his family every future success. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of April, 1980, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: CUNNINGHAM, HUGl~~, LINK, PATE, TAYLOR and GOODRICH. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER: ALBERT APPROVED: 7!Iz~~..-4" Mayor ATTEST: t4/~ City RESOLUTION NO. 80 - 35 -2- ~ e e . . I, StlSANNE E. STE INH1::TZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 80-35 1. .4Ul Gilroy at d reeular meeting of said Council held on the oricinal resolution, duly ~dopted by the Council of the City of 21st day of AQri1 19~, at \ihich meeting a quo~ w.. present. HJ WITNESS UllEREOF. I have hercWlto set my hand and affixed the Official ~eal of the City of Gilroy, this 5th day of May It) 80 . y