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Resolution 1390 -....-.. ... RESOLUTION NO. 1390 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY CONFIRMING THE REPORT OF THE CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT SETTING FORTH THE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY, THE OWNERS THEREOF, AND THE COST OF ABATING THE NUISANCE CAUSED BY THE GROWING OF WEEDS AND ACCUMULATION OF REFUSE IN THE CITY OF GILROY, AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH COSTS SHALL CONSTITUTE ASSESSMENTS AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE OWNERS OF LAND. WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority given by article III of Chapter 12 of the Gilroy City Code, the Council of the City of Gilroy did on the 2nd day of Uecember 1968, regularly adopt Resolution No. 1297 designating certain weeds growing or existing in the City of Gilroy and refuse accumulating in said City to be a public nuisance and ordering the Chief of the Fire Department to give notice of the passage of said resolution by posting and publication in the same manner and for the same time as set forth in Section 12.53 of said Code, and the Chief of the Fire Department did cause said notice to be so given; and WHEREAS, the said resolution fixed December 16, 1968, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Hall at 7390 Rosanna Street, in the City of Gilroy, as the time and place for the hearing provided for in Section 12.48 of said Code, and the notice given by the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment included a statement of the said time and place of hearing; and WHEREAS, the said hearing was held in accordance with the said reso- lution and notice and no objections were made to said proposed removal and des- truction of the weeds and refuse, and said Council did thereupon at said session held on the said 16th day of December, 1968, regularly adopt Resolution No. 1298 requiring the Chief of the Fire Department to abate said nuisance by having the weeds referred to destroyed or removed as provided for in Section 12.51 of the said Gilroy City Code and such refuse to be removed; and WHEREAS, the said Chief of the Fire Department has filed his report with the Council, setting forth the actions taken in abating the said nuisance which report includes an account of the cost of the abatement and an assessment list and identification of each separate lot or parcel of land by description, together with the expense proposed to be assessed against each separate lot or parcel and the name of the owner or reputed owner thereof as follows: .~, J .~ C;fi -' /., - I - Rosie Minotti East Street ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 841- 11-001 COST OF ABATEMENT OWNER LOCATION Margaret Pol i Forest & Old Gilroy Sts. 841-11-028 Tenth Street 841-16-029 South Alexander St. 841-16-048 $308.00 15.40 107.80 7.70 Manabe & Sumi Hirasaki Henry & Sarah Brem Rober t Dunham Railroad Street 841-05-049 Ra i 1 road Street 841-06-003 23.10 15.40 3.86 7.70 Jim Barrow Southern Pacific Railroad Lou is Johnson Old Gilroy & Railroad 841-08-001 Martin & Railroad Sts. 841-05-053 Mike Conrotto & Catherine Berry Maple Street 841-09-027 15.40 30.80 3.86 3.86 15.40 26.96 J. H. Rush Monterey Street 841-02-014 Wren Avenue 786-31-038 Wren Avenue 786-31-039 Kei th Ha 11 Co. First Baptist Church Ba r j en Corpora t i on Carla Way 786-41-022 South Church Street 803-09-074 Cornel io & Beatri ce Soza Taki & Annette Anagnoston David & Lilias Barton Sixth Street 803-28-020 Frank & Esther Marrazzo South Church Street 803-11-016 19.26 92.40 Louis & Theresa DeLorenzo Victor & Gloria Rizzi Garrett Johnson South Eigleberry St. 803-11-008 Fifth Street 803-06-058 7.70 7.70 7.70 15.40 35.20 S i g Sanchez Rosanna Street 803-17-010 Joseph & lael McCormack First Street 786-32-034 South Chestnut Street 841-09-038 John Rocca Estate and, WHEREAS, it appears that the Chief of the Fire Department has taken all actions required of him in abating said nuisance and removing said weeds and refuse and that the cost thereof as shown in said report is correct and should be confirmed; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution and of said report of the Chief of the Fire Oepartment be turned over to the County Director of Finance who constitutes the Assessor and Tax Collector, respectively, of the City of Gilroy, together with a list of assessments certified as unpaid by the Clerk of the City of Gilroy, and the amounts shown on said report as the cost of the removal of the weeds and refuse from each of the respective properties and certified as unpaid shall be from each of the respective properties and certified as unpaid shall be and constitute a special assessment against the respective - 2 - parcels and constitute a lien on the property for the amount of such assessment respectively, and the said Tax Collector shall add the amount thereof to the next regular bill for taxes levied against respective lots and parcels of land for municipal purposes. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of September, 1969, by the following vote: AVES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Kennedy, Pate, Silva, Wentworth, and Goodrich. COUNel L MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: None APPROVED: '~~A-c:t~ . . \ Mayor ATTEST: ,.. (' - 3 - I, SUSANNE E. STEI~~ETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. l390 i s an od 9 i na I resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 15th day of September , 19~. at wh i ch mee t i n9 a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy, this l7th day of September , 19~. i (,,"'" J") -;'1" ). /". ~.".;~' i;".1', Cit.y Clerk of the