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Resolution 1172
WHEREAS, there has heretofore and on the 15th day of September, 1965,
been annexed to the City of Gilroy, un der the designation of "NORTtfWEST ANNEXA-
nON 65-1 TO THE CITY OF GilROY" the following described property located in the
County of Santa Clara, State of California, to wit:
BEGINNING at the southeast corner of lot 37 as said lot is
shown on that certain map entitled IIMap of Jas. A. Clayton &
Co.'s Subdivision" filed In Book IIVII of Maps at pages 1 and
2, Santa Clara County Records, said point of beginning lying
in the westerly line of the Corporate Limits of the City of
Gilroy, as established by Resolution approving the 10th Western
Addition on December 21, 1964; thence from said point of be-
ginning, along the southerly line of said Lot 37, South 880
35. 3011 West, 471,20 feet to the westerly line of Kern Avenu~,
40 feet wide, as shown on said map; thence along said westerly
1 ine, North 10 24. 3011 West, 1,000.00 feet to the southerly
line of lot 35 as shown on said map; thence along said
southerly line, West 481.30 feet to the Southwest corner of
said Lot 35; thence along the westerly line of said Lot 35,
North 00 10' East, 319 feet, more or less, to the southeast
corner of that certain 27.06 acre parcel of land conveyed
by Henry B. Davis, et ux, to louis Paganini. et ux. by deed
dated March 29. 1956 and recorded May 8, 1956 in Book 3488
of Official Records at Page 518. Santa Clara County Records;
thence along said southerly line. North 890 50. West, 1512
feet, more or less, to the centerline of Morey Avenue, 40
feet wide, and the southwest corner of said 27.06 acre parcel;
thence along the westerly line of said parcel and the center-
line of said Morey Avenue, North 40 50. East, 793 feet"more
or less, to a point 5.00 feet measured along said centerline.
South of the southeast corner of Lot A, as said Lot A is shown
on that certain map entitled IIMap of the Survey of the Estate
of Perry Dowdy, deceasedll filed in Book "III of Maps at Page
143. Santa Clara County Records; thence parallel with the
southerly line of said Lot A. North 890 50' West, 20.00 feet
to the westerly line of Morey Avenue; thence along said line.
North 40 50. East, 5.00 feet to said southerly line; thence
along said southerly line of Lot A. North 89050' West, 1,488.10
feet to the northeast corner of that certain parcel of land
conveyed in the deed filed January 15. 1959 in Book 4449 of
Official Records at Page 603, Santa Clara County Records; thence
along the easterly line of said parcel South 20 25' East
998.58 feet to the northeast corner of that certain parcel of
land conveyed In the deed recorded July 1. 1959, in Book 4467
of Official Records at Page 611 Santa Clara County Records;
thence along the easterly lIne of said parcel, South 10 28'
East, 11.88 feet, South 10 55! 4511 East, 401.12 feet and South
10 39' East, 391.38 feet to the southeast corner of saId
parcel; thence along the southerly line of said parcel, South
840 19' West, 1,457.79 feet to the southwest corner; thence
along the westerly line of said parcel, North 10 10. West,
959.06 feet to the northwest corner cf said parcel; said
northwest corner lying in the southerly line of the parcel
conveyed In Book 4449 of Official Records at Page 603,
Santa Clara County Records; thence along said southerly line,
South 890 30' West, 142.56 feet to the southwest corner of
said parcel; thence along the westerly line, North 20 25' West,
462.00 feet, South 890 30. West, 825.00 feet, North 330 171
- 1 -
West 544.50 feet and North 520 30. East, 132.00 feet to the
southerly line of said map of the Estate of Perry Dowdy;
thence along said southerly line North 890 50' West,1,238.16
feet to the Southwest corner of Lot D, as shown on said map;
thence along said westerly line of Lot 0. North 00 271 West,
1,437.77 feet and North 0043' West, 1,220.34 feet to the
Northwest corner of said lot d; thence along the northerly
line of said lot, North 890 23' 0011 East 4,475.46 feet,
South 40 00' East, 36.63 feet and North 890 53' East,
1,110.45 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot and the
centerline of said Morey Avenue; thence along the easterly
line of said lot and said centerline, South 40 50' East
750.49 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 0; thence
along the line dividing said Lot 0 and Lot C, North 890
50' West, 2,366.10 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot
c; thence along the westerly line of said lot C, South 40 50'
West, 959.77 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot C and the
Northwest corner of lot B; thence along the line dividing
said Lot Band C, South 890 50' East, 2,366. 10 feet to the
Northeast corner of said Lot B and the centerline of Morey
Avenue; thence along the easterly line of Lot B and Lot A
and said centerline, South 40 50' West, 959.77 feet to the
Southeast corner of said Lot A and the Northwest corner of
the 27.06 acre parcel prevIously described; thence along the
northerly line of said 27.06 acre parcel, South 890 50' East
1,448.04 feet to the Northeast corner of said parcel; thence
along the easterly line of said 27.06 acre parcel ,South 00
10' West, 90.66 feet to the Northwest corner of that certain
parcel of land conveyed in the deed from Robert C. Hayes,
et aI, to A. Andreucetti and Edith Hess, recorded in Book 3274
of Official Records at Page 536, Santa Clara County Records;
thence along the northerly line of said Parcel, South 890
48' East, 480.70 feet to the Northeast corner of said parcel
lying in the centerline of Kern Avenue, 40 feet wide; thence
along the easterly line of said parcel and the centerline of
Kern Avenue, South 00 07' 3011 West, 1,021.84 feet to the
Southeast corner of said parcel and the point of intersection
of said centerline with the northerly line of that certain
parcel of land conveyed by Trevis Berry, et ux, to Thomas B.
Guthrie, et ux, recorded in Book 5522 of Official Records at
Page 598, Santa Clara County Records; and the northerly line
of Lot 38 of the previously described IIJas. A. Clayton Co.'s
Subdivision"; thence along said northerly line, North 890
54' 301:1 East, 20.00 feet to the easterly line of said Kern
Avenue; thence along said easterly line, South 10 24' 3011
East, 204.08 feet to the northerly line of that certain parcel
of land conveyed in the deed from Lorene B. Moe to Jose Munoz,
et ux, recorded in Bool, 5720 of Official Records at Page 552,
Santa Clara County Records; thence along said northerly line,
North 880 35' 3011 East. 389.20 feet to the Northeast corner of
said parcel, the Corporate Limits of the City of Gilroy as
established by said 10th Western Addition, and the easterly
line of Lot 38 of the "Jas. A. Clayton Subdivisionll; thence
along said I ine, South 40 26' 00" East, 796.10 feet to the
Southeast corner of lot 37 of said Subdivision and the Point
of Beginning,CONTAINING 410.75 acres more or less.
WHEREAS, said premises so annexed to the City of Gilroy were, at
the time of such annexation, included in and formed a part of the Gilroy Rural
Fire Protection District, and the Council of the City of Gilroy desires that
said territory so annexed by withdrawn from said fire protection district.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that said territory hereinbefore de-
scribed and so annexed to the City of Gilroy as IINORTHWEST ANNEXATION 65-1
TO THE CITY OF G IlROYII be and the same is hereby wi thdrawn from sai d G i 1 roy
Rural Fire Protection District.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of December, 1967, by the following
AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Kennedy Jr., Quartiroli,
Silva, Wentworth and Goodrich
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City Clerk
I, SUSANNE E. PAYNE, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy,
do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 1172 is an
original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy
at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 4th day of December,
1967, at which meeting a quorum was present.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy, this 5th day of
December, 1967.
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City Clerk of the City of
(Sea 1)