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Resolution 928 ...U"""'''''''--.:.......,'~__,'''__~,"_''''''__,...,'"'~.,,'',.,''','~j-'', '''G r Jl ';i~___,~."..,..""~.,;-'c.",,''-,; RESOLUTION NO. 928 RESOI,urION GIVING NOTL::E OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO CITY OF GILROY OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY DE;:iCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED II SOUTHE1\ST ADDITION 65-l TO THE CITY OF GILROY" AND GIVING NOTICE OF TIME AND PLA:;-;; FOR HEARING OF PROTBSTS THERE'rO BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AND IT DOES HEREBY FIND: 1. That pursuant to the provis:Lons of the Annexation of Unin- habited 'rerritory Act of 1939, a petition signed by the owners of all of the land in the hereinafter described terrltory, by area and by assessed value as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the county of santa Clara, was filed with the Council of the c~ty of Gilroy on May 17 , 1965, requesting annexation of the hereinafter described territory to said City. 2. That the territory which the petitioners request be annexed to the City of Gilroy and which said ~ity and its Council propose to annex is =ontiguous to the southeasterly city limits of said City, contained less than 12 registered voters at the time said petition was flIed, and still contains less than l2 registered voters, and is un~nhabited territory as defined in the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939, is hereby designated "SOUTHEAST ADDITION 65-1 TO 'rI-IB ,CI'I'Y OF GILROY", is located in the county of Santa Clara, state of California, and is described as follows: BEING a portion of Ranchlots 44 and 48 and Bane Lane as shown on Map No. 7 accompanying the Final Report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition suit, Action No. 5536 had in the superior court of the state of California, in and for the county of Santa Clara, and being more particularly described as follows: "BEGINNING at the most westerly corner of Ranchlot 44 in the northeasterly line of Ranchlot 68 (southern pacific Railroad) as snown on said Map and running thence along the northwesterly l~ne of Ranchlot 44 and the southeasterly line of the original City of Gilroy N. 700 E. 458.93 feet to a pOlnt in the easterly line of Alexander street as deeded to the City of Gilroy; thence alo 'g the easterly line of Alexander street s. 210 31 I !5" E. 802.37 feet to a point in the northerly line of Bane Lane; thence along the northerly line of Bane Lane s. 890 45' E. 683.64 feet, more or less, to -the northeasterly corner thereof as shown on said map; ( 1) {j;z8 thence along the easterly line thereof S. 00 l5' w. 29.70 feet to the southeasterly corner thereof in the norelerly line of Ranchlot 47; thence along the south- erly line of Bane Lane and the northerly line of Ranchlot 47 N. 890 45' W. 52.80 feet to the corner common to Ranch- lots 47 and 48; thence along the line common to Ranchlots 47 and 48 s. 00 15' W. 1014.13 feet to the southwesterly corner of Ranchlot 47; thence along the northerly boundary of the Fourtli southern Addltion to the City of Gilroy as des~ribed in Resolution No. 896 of said City dated March 3, 1965, s. 830 08' W. 683.70 feet to the most westerly corner thereof in the northeasterly line of Ranchlot 68; thence northerly along the northeasterly line of Ranchlot 68 to the point of beginning, and CONTAINING THEREIN 30.8 acres, more or less." 3. That said petition contains the written consent of all of the petitioners to the annexation. 4. That a nctlce of lntention to annex the said premises has been flIed with the Local A~ency Annexation Commission, pursuant to Section 54761 of the Government Code, and the proposal for the annexation of sald territory was thereafter submitted to the Boundary Commission of the County of Santa Clara; and said Boundary Commission has reported upon the definiteness and certainty of the proposed boundaries and has approved the same; that a copy of the report of said County Boundary Commission has been filed wlth the Local Aqency Annexation Commission of santa Clara County and said Local Agency Annexation Commission of Santa Clara county has fixed the date, time and place for a public hearing upon the proposed annexation, given the notice that is required by Section 64763 of the Government Code, has held the said hearing in accordance there- with, made its determination upon the proposed annexatlon, and has approved said annexatlon as proposed. 5. That Monday, the 7th day of June, 1965, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock, p.m., in the Councll chambers in the City Hall in the city of Gilroy, county of Santa Clara, california, is hereby fixed as the time and place when and where any person owning real property within the City of Gilroy who does not also own real property in the territory proposed to be annexed, and having objections to the proposed annexation, may appear before the Council of the City ( 2) of Gilroy and show cause why such uninhabited territory sLould not be so annexed to the city of Gilroy. The protest must be in writing, may be filed at any time before the hour set for hearing objections to the proposed annexation, and shall state the name or names of the owner or owners of property affected and the description and area of such property, in general terms. 6. The City Clerk of the City of Gilroy is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of this resolution to be published at least once in the Gilroy Evening Dispatch, a newspaper of general circulation published in said city of Gilroy, the city to which it is proposed to annex the aforesaid territory, in the county of santa Clara, California, the county in which is located the territory proposed to be annexed to the city of Gilroy, said publication to be complete at least four (4) days prior to the date set for hearing. 7. The City Clerk is directed to cause written notice to be given to such other persons as may be legally entitled thereto, in the manner required by law. ADOPTED this 17th day of May, 1965, by the following vote: ---r--- Ayes: COm:rCIlMEMBERS:A II emand, Duffi n ,Goodr i ch, Quartiroli, and Petersen. Noes: COUNCIlMEMBERS:None Absent: CONNCIlMF.MBERS: Eckard and Wentworth APPROVED: "--""-/ --: / --/5 -::'j ::"~~----zJ--T"" ---. - ~-----~ Signed and approved this ~ day of May, ,.j.965. ... ") ArTEf: ~~ ~2~(Jc2/)mi!/ - "~/ City Clerk (3) .. ~ I, SUSANNE E. PAYNE , City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 928 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 17th day of May , 19~, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy, this 19th day