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Resolution 940 RESOLUTION NO. 940 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY WITH- ,DRAWING FROM THE GILROY RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT TERRITORY THEREIN RECENTLY ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF GILROY UNDER THE DESIGNATION "MILLER AVENUE ANNEXATION NO. 1 TO THE CITY OF GILROY" WHEREAS, there has heretofore and on the ~ day of June, 1965, been annexed to the city of Gilroy, under the designation of "Mil1.eTr Avenue Annexation No. 1 to the City of Gilroy" the following described property located in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, to wit: BEING a portion of LaS Animas Ranch Lots 11 and 16 as shown on Map NO. 7 accompanying the report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536 had in the Superior court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, and being more particularly described as follows: "BEGINNING at the intersection of the westerly line of Miller Avenue with the southerly line of the "Ninth western Addition to the City of Gilroy" as described in Resolution NO. 859 of the City of Gilroy adopted Septem- ber 8, 1964, and running thence along the westerly line of Miller Avenue and the westerly line of the "Fifth Western Addition to the City of Gilroy" as described in Ordinance No. 675 adopted May 7, 1962 by said City S.Oo 52' w. 492.17 feet to the southwesterly corner of said "Fifth ~\lestern Addition"; thence along the southeasterly line thereof N. 700 06' E. 42.78 feet to the intersection thereof with the centerline of Miller Avenue; thence along the centerline of Miller Avenue S. 00 52' w. 159.66 feet, S. 87 52' W. 444.51 feet, S. 670 37' W. 118.01 feet, s. 520 52' W. 156.82 feet, S. 320 32' W. 239.25 feet and s. 240 57' w. 437.12 feet to the intersection thereof with the line common to Ranch Lots 11 and l6 and the most northerly corner of the lands of the City of Gilroy as shown on Record of survey Map of a 28.086 acre parcel of land filed for record in Book 147 of Maps at page 2l, Santa Clara County Records; thence along the line common to Ranch Lots II and 16 and the northe8sterly line of said lands of the C ty of Gilroy S. 48 48' E. 437.96 feet, S. 740 31' 40" E. 416.24 feet, S. 40 49' E. 572.84 feet, s. 570 15' 40" E. 868.00 feet and s. 570 02' 50" E. 330.58 feet to the northeasterly corner of the lands of the City of Gilroy in the line common to Ranch LGts 11 and 15; thence along the line common to said Lots South 214.12 feet to the southeasterly corner of said lands of the City of Gilroy; thence along the soubhwesterly line of the lands of the City of Gilroy N. 52 35' 20" w. 252.78 feet, N. 660 04' 50" W. 372.81 feet, N. 580 25' 40" W. 154.86 feet, N. 790 39' 50" W. 318.69 feet, N. 430 39' 50" W. 375.00 feet, N. 820 47' 30" w. 174.86 feet, N. 720 20' 50" W. 199.48 feet, ~. 790 43 I W. 525.00 feet, and N. 880 02' W. 248.91 feet to the southwesterly corner of said lands in the centerline of Miller Avenue ( l) Cj~(7 !"if "';'~",",__~_~"'",,,,~ ",,~.....:,~-,- ,I'..-",,;,~,~~,,,~~~.;,",,,,,,,'~~.""<"- (also known as Mesa Road); thence along the centerline of Miller Avenue N. 50 02' E. 98.22 feet, N. 350 02" E. 532.96 feet; thence leaving said centerline N. 540 58" w. 230.00 feet; thence parallel with the centerline of Miller Avenue N. 350 02' E. 334.97 feet, N. 290 17' E. 133.23 feet, N. 240 57' E. 443.66 feet (at 57.90 feet on this course intersect the line common to Ranch Lots II and 16), N. 320 32' E. 295.74 feet, N. 520 52' E. 227.84 feet, N. 670 37" E. 188.85 feet and N. 870 52' E. 257.31 feet; thence N. 00 52" E. 418.92 feet to the southerly line of said "Ninth Western Addition"; thence along said southerly line s. 890 08' E. 200.00 feet to the point of beginning, and CONTAINING THEREIN 40.522 acres. II and WHEREAS, said premises so annexed to the Clty of Gilroy were, at the time of such annexation, included in and formed a part of the Gilroy Rural Fire protection District, and the Council of the City of Gilroy desires that said territory so annexed be withdrawn from said fire protection district. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That said territory hereinbefore described and so annexed to the City of Gilroy as "MILLER AVENUE ANNEXATION NO. 1 TO THE CITY OF GILROY", be and the same is hereby withdrawn from said Gilroy Rural Flre Protection District. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of June, 1965, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIIMEMBERS Allemand, Duffin, Eckard, Goodrich, Quartiroli, Wentworth and Petersen NOES: COUNCIIMEMBERS NONE ABSENT: COUNCIIMEMBERS NONE APPROVED: '- ".f:::?:. "':/? J //,----- ::/'~.L ~.. ,.. _9,L-L-L--"~~_,,- Mayor (2) . ; '" '" I ~ ., .. ~ "" - . ~ ~... ... .... r' "li' ... , I , SUSANNE E. PAYNE , City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 940 is an original resolution, duty adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 21st June , l~, at which meeting day of a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seat of the City of Gilroy, this 6th day /