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Resolution 722 RESOLUTION NO. 722 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL CONFIRMING REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION, GRANTING APPLICATION OF MASARU KUNIMURA FOR A VARIANCE AUTHORIZING USE OF PRE- MISES AT 143 SOUTH MONTEREY STREET FOR A BILLARD PARLOR. WHEREAS, Masaru Kunimura has applied to the Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy, for a variance authorizing him to convert the premises loca- ted at 143 South Monterey Street in Gilroy, heretofore used for operating thereon a grocery store to use as a billard parlor and that the strict require- ments of the "S" Zone Ordinance of the City of Gilroy be relaxed sufficiently to permit such use, and whereas, notice of the hearing of said appl ication was duly given by the said Planning Commission in accordance with law and upon said hearing the said commission did find that no one would be injured by the granting of said application and that said application and that said permit should be approved and granted, and WHEREAS, the report of said Planning Commission upon said appl ication has now been duly presented to the Council, which after due consideration of the report, desires to confirm and approve said report; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, and it is hereby ordered that said report of said Planning Commission be and the same is hereby confirmooand approved and that said permit petitioned for be issued in accordance with said petition. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of January, 1963, by the following votes: AYES: NO ES : COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin, Goodrich, Jordan, Quartiroli, Went- worth, and Petersen. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABS ENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None APPROVED: / / -,/'--: /~ 7)'" .....- ~ ) /- ~ --_/. 1" J/ .~ /' Mayor ATTEST: ~. ~) / (. ) {Z t. ,,;. l" ~ V ' City Clerk / " /, ' c;:,.... t -' -', ( v I r . ) ''-... I I L.' I, SUSANNE E. PAYNE , City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 722 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7th day of January , 19~, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af- fixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy, this 8th day of January /C i ty Clerk of