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Resolution 1979- 22 ~ ..... . . ~ RESOLUTION NO. 79 - 22 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AUTHORIZING FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR FUNDS llliDER THE TDA PROGRAM FOR BICYCLE PATHWAYS. WHEREAS, the City of Gilroy desires to construct a path along Uvas Park Drive; and WHEREAS, it appears that TDA Funds are available for the funding of this project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council :of the City of Gilroy does hereby approve of the filing of an appli- cation with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for alloca- tion of TDA Funds for the construction of a bicycle pathway along Uvas Park Drive. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of March, 1979, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: CUNNINGHAM, HUGHAN, PATE, STOUT and GOODRICH. COUNCIL ME}ffiER: LINK NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER: CHILDERS APPROVED: ~c:?ff~ ~ Mayor ATTEST: RESOLUTION NO. 79 - 22 ~ ~ . . .. I, SUSANNE E. STEINNETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 79-22 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the19th day of March , 192.:... at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS mIE RE OF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy, this 23rd day of March , 1979 .